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Tejas far behind competitors, not enough to protect Indian skies: IAF

We can compare the in-service jets. As I said, lets talk about the comparison when LCA come into service.

My post was to educate you. You were talking rubbish about the payload of JF17. I showed you the video. Savy?

Deep down you know IOC tejas has better specs than your inducted jet. 123 LCA already on order they will be inducted in due course
Deep down you know IOC tejas has better specs than your inducted jet. 123 LCA already on order they will be inducted in due course
Either this report is false or you are...
Both can exist in realm of reality...
Choose one ...
Either all those high ups in airforce are wrong or you are....
And i will call it Peace
Which made in pakistan parts r used in JF 17? Ask your senior members here, current purchase and subassembly FC1/JF 17 is happening via line of credit (loan)from china.
so where is your proof ?

i know what I'm talking about regarding the jf17 you dont. If not pls prove proof.

post reported of making false statements.
Either this report is false or you are...
Both can exist in realm of reality...
Choose one ...
Either all those high ups in airforce are wrong or you are....
And i will call it Peace

There is no secrets in LCA. All information is aavailable in open forum. Compare the specs. Just because IAF wants another jet doesn't make LCA inferior.

so where is your proof ?

i know what I'm talking about regarding the jf17 you dont. If not pls prove proof.

post reported of making false statements.
Ask senior moderator oscar
There is no secrets in LCA. All information is aavailable in open forum. Compare the specs. Just because IAF wants another jet doesn't make LCA inferior.

Ask senior moderator oscar
please provide proof or shut your mouth.
Deep down you know IOC tejas has better specs than your inducted jet. 123 LCA already on order they will be inducted in due course

Deep down I know Tejas is tin pot firing practice drone for JF17. Thunder has stared down your MKIs is recent stand off, tejas is no where in the pic. JFs are now deployed on ADA duties in north west and western front. Block 3 is now being developed to counter the future IAF procurement like Rafael.

Again, I ask you, do you have any confusion in your mind about the JF17 payload after watching the video? That is what my original post was about.
Deep down I know Tejas is tin pot firing practice drone for JF17. Thunder has stared down your MKIs is recent stand off, tejas is no where in the pic. JFs are now deployed on ADA duties in north west and western front. Block 3 is now being developed to counter the future IAF procurement like Rafael.

Again, I ask you, do you have any confusion in your mind about the JF17 payload after watching the video? That is what my original post was about.

When ? source - > @Windjammer ?
Your politicians ordered 123 tejas, IAF tried to reject on numerous occasions, IN out rightly refused.
They are different catagory planes for god sake, IN wants a twin engine aircraft as single engine aircrafts have less range, less flying hours and less payload, tejas on the other hand is completly mismatch for carrier operations, it can be used for coastal duty but is not fit for AC, on the other hand IAF wants Tejas to become a medium omnirole fighter from a light combat aircraft with specific role!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thats the GOD DAMN PROBLEM!!!!!!
Deep down I know Tejas is tin pot firing practice drone for JF17. Thunder has stared down your MKIs is recent stand off, tejas is no where in the pic. JFs are now deployed on ADA duties in north west and western front. Block 3 is now being developed to counter the future IAF procurement like Rafael.

Again, I ask you, do you have any confusion in your mind about the JF17 payload after watching the video? That is what my original post was about.
again tall claims. Few years back this forum is filled with alkhalid sales to saudi Arabia, Bangladesh, Jordan. but later revealed all of them r only fanboys claim.
When ? source - > @Windjammer ?

Windy is a good friend of mine, but not my source of information. Buddy, JF17 has put the F15s in their place over foreign airspace , where does your MKI stands? let alone your tin pot tejas!!


again tall claims. Few years back this forum is filled with alkhalid sales to saudi Arabia, Bangladesh, Jordan. but later revealed all of them r only fanboys claim.


And I am supposed to take you seriously when you dont know a jack about JF17 payload , making tall claims!
Windy is a good friend of mine, but not my source of information. Buddy, JF17 has put the F15s in their place over foreign airspace , where does your MKI stands? let alone your tin pot tejas!!

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F-15 or not.. Pls prove your statement of jf-17 nailing MKI.

Afaik, Windjammer was the first and second is you. I too have sources in IAF and i have my theories too ? Do you want to listen them ?
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