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Iran's supreme leader throws weight behind Pakistan on Kashmir

One country hasn't decided. Two countries have signed an agreement that all issues will be solved bilaterally. In exchange for this Pakistani PoWs were released.

First correction. there is no binding on a bilateral engagement as you can see the text right after the OR keyword in the text from the agreement points to an already mutually agreed platform like UN.
That the two countries are resolved to settle their differences by peaceful means through bilateral negotiations OR by any other peaceful means mutually agreed upon between them.

The other point from the same agreement
That the principles and purposes of the Charter of the United Nations shall govern the relations between the two countries.

So Simla actually reinforces the role of UN here, bilateral thing is just an option.

Secondly this was not all about PoW but also about the land India lost to Pakistan in battlefield and got back as part of the whole deal.
Shimla agreement is Nul & Void.

It is illegitimate for it did not involve the most impartant party i.e. The Kashmiris!

Kashmir is not a cake to be divided between Pak and India. It is the Will of Kashmiris that matters most.

The ONLY solution is to listen to Kashmiris and honour their wishes.

Pak has a moral obligation towards this end. And Pak has been consistent in its support of Kashmiris' Legitmate Right of Self Determination.

India lost Kashmir the day First Kashmir was killed and a first innocent woman/girl raped by Indian Occupational Forces.

Long Live Free Kashmir!
Is gilgit baltistan part of Kashmir? Did Pakistan hold any referendum in the part controlled by them.
It is illegitimate for it did not involve the most impartant party i.e. The Kashmiris!

in this conflict Kashmiris have no say..

Kashmir is not a cake to be divided between Pak and India. It is the Will of Kashmiris that matters most.

then why was Kashmir invaded by Pakistanis in the first place??? Kashmiris should ask this questions to Pakistan first.

The ONLY solution is to listen to Kashmiris and honour their wishes.

well i want to marry taylor swift !! who is going to honor my Wish!!!

India lost Kashmir the day First Kashmir was killed and a first innocent woman/girl raped by Indian Occupational Forces.

read the history... first kashmiri in this conflict was killed by Pakistani tribal forces who went on a rampage with murder,rape and theft.
Paistanis on this forum do not even have a map of KASHMIR. They don't know status of GB or aksai chin or laddakh or Jammu yet they keep on yelling Kashmir Kashmir.
UNO is a useless sxit, we never solve this problem in that sxity hole, more armed the Mujahideen and it’s take a huge secrifiess, and blood bath for occupying forces till rivers turn into red:coffee:
Please do not forget the power of nature... The blood in the river will flow down towards the lower recipient. :smokin:

And how you conclude that? Shimla and any such agreements have no international law obligation to comply with, unlike the UN ones.
how one country can decide that UN Security Council resolutions are no more valid .
When both parties signed the dotted line.. It is confirmed. Why don't you ask China to raise the issue again in UNSC. She has a veto too..

There is something known as reality and something known as fodder to feed cattleheads.
UNO is a useless sxit, we never solve this problem in that sxity hole, more armed the Mujahideen and it’s take a huge secrifiess, and blood bath for occupying forces till rivers turn into red:coffee:

really... you want to achieve something that your professional army couldn't via poor kashmiris???
Please do not forget the power of nature... The blood in the river will flow down towards the lower recipient. :smokin:

When both parties signed the dotted line.. It is confirmed. Why don't you ask China to raise the issue again in UNSC. She has a veto too..

There is something known as reality and something known as fodder to feed cattleheads.
Read my post again Babbe

really... you want to achieve something that your professional army couldn't via poor kashmiris???
You too read post again.

UN resolutions
Fck UNO bro, it’s not for us
WTH IQ related what I post? My solution is simple COFFINS in both sides and I wish and pray 1x100 my side is 1:coffee: IQ again Babbe?
The sufferings will multiply as the river accumulate more water/Blood going downstream. Just keep on increasing the cost.. we are not in a hurry as we have less to lose and will make it harder for the adversary. Ask yourself, how many '1' after Mumbai on your side.. and what you paid in 71 for 65.
The sufferings will multiply as the river accumulate more water/Blood going downstream. Just keep on increasing the cost.. we are not in a hurry as we have less to lose and will make it harder for the adversary. Ask yourself, how many '1' after Mumbai on your side.. and what you paid in 71 for 65.
I never cry in past never tumb my chest what happened. I am taking about Kashmir solution and that’s what I suggest. 1x100 is my wish and if Jazba is there it’s possible,and that Jazba ( emotions ) need to back by us strongly no more in between.
That’s the solution otherwise we keep fkd by UNO and occupied forces keep kill innocents Kashmiris.
I never cry in past never tumb my chest what happened. I am taking about Kashmir solution and that’s what I suggest. 1x100 is my wish and if Jazba is there it’s possible,and that Jazba ( emotions ) need to back by us strongly no more in between.
That’s the solution otherwise we keep fkd by UNO and occupied forces keep kill innocents Kashmiris.

do you realize you're advocating for poor kashmiris blood!!! there'll be only one solutions fix th eLoC as IB and move on....
Pakistani stance is and has been to always resolve the issue as per the aspirations of Kashmiri people as per the UN resolutions
It's india whose always been defiant to this and chanting Kashmir being some unbreakable part whatever

So how is it not support for Pakistani stance on the issue?

Kindly go through many threads here on PDF only, to understand UNSC Resolution 47.
First correction. there is no binding on a bilateral engagement as you can see the text right after the OR keyword in the text from the agreement points to an already mutually agreed platform like UN.
That the two countries are resolved to settle their differences by peaceful means through bilateral negotiations OR by any other peaceful means mutually agreed upon between them.

The other point from the same agreement
That the principles and purposes of the Charter of the United Nations shall govern the relations between the two countries.

So Simla actually reinforces the role of UN here, bilateral thing is just an option.

Secondly this was not all about PoW but also about the land India lost to Pakistan in battlefield and got back as part of the whole deal.

Of course it was about Pakistan getting its PoWs back.
In addition to land which India had captured and land Pakistan had captured. India had even established a post office in the town of Chachro or Chachra (spelling?) - Indian letters stamped from this post office are quite treasured by stamp collectors.

Anyhow - principles and purposes of UN Charter are great - would be good if both countries abide by it.

It specifically states bilateral means or mutually agreed upon means which could involve a 3rd party - not just the UN. Remember in SL Civil War, it was Norway which was the 3rd party. So, yes - if both sides agree to the UN or indeed any other mediator, then it would be perfectly legal.

Point is the Shimla Agreement clearly states that both sides need to be in agreement. Anyways, I understand Pakistan's point - I am afraid India is never going to accept it.
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