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CPEC long-term plan: Pakistan, China will say goodbye to US dollar

Okay. If ever there is accumulation, it'll be in yuan.
or in gold. oil exporting countries can do that. if Pakistan ever runs current account surplus against China, it is reasonable that it could trade Yuan for gold, too.

This is entirely different and you know it. The thread that you got quote from was on an absurd article which has no base in reality. It had no facts. Yet a Pakistani was trying to portray as its so and was sermoning an Indian. This thread is about economics and supposed move has certain consequences which should be discussed otherwise whats the point of being in this forum.
This is entirely different and you know it. The thread that you got quote from was on an absurd article which has no base in reality. It had no facts. Yet a Pakistani was trying to portray as its so and was sermoning an Indian. This thread is about economics and supposed move has certain consequences which should be discussed otherwise whats the point of being in this forum.

Your post was generic and didn't mention any of that. It was basically saying "don't worry about India's affairs, worry about your own".
or in gold. oil exporting countries can do that. if Pakistan ever runs current account surplus against China, it is reasonable that it could trade Yuan for gold, too.

Sure. But how likely is it? At the end of the day, Pakistan is at the mercy of China if tomorrow China decides not to allow gold exchanged for Yuan. Foreign relations change, Pakistan should look after its own national interests rather than becoming pawn for others.
Sure. But how likely is it? At the end of the day, Pakistan is at the mercy of China if tomorrow China decides not to allow gold exchanged for Yuan. Foreign relations change, Pakistan should look after its own national interests rather than becoming pawn for others.
The same applies to oil exporting countries. in the end, it is all about how two parties trust each other as any trading relationship is built on trust. I trust Pakistan will look after its own national interests. I suspect that you don't.
Your post was generic and didn't mention any of that. It was basically saying "don't worry about India's affairs, worry about your own".

Well, you have to look at the context. That article was based on observation and not based on facts. There was no way a Pakistani would know better about India than an Indian. I only pointed him of that fact. Hopefully, we'll have a productive discussion on something else on India and Pakistan rather than this from now on.

The same applies to oil exporting countries. in the end, it is all about how two parties trust each other as any trading relationship is built on trust. I trust Pakistan will look after its own national interests. I suspect that you don't.

How does it matter if i have their national interests at heart? I am not making their policy decisions for them. All I can do is point out flaws in the policy to Pdfians who would take interest to hear them. My approval doesn't change anything. But nice of you to call my indianness to make my point irrelevant. You are quite clever.
Transacting in rmb is going to benefit china, pakistan got nothing in it.
So pakistan is getting in to bad books of US for nothing but chinese gains.
No brother .... it is not the case it will ease down the trade between both the countries ... If Chinese can pay Pakistan in RMB it means they will feel comfortable in importing from Pakistan even if we are slightly expensive then others ... furthermore, transactions will be fast ...
ISIS is in Afghanistan but Nukes are in Pakistan. I think the grass we ate when Bhutto wanted to make nuke just paid off. It has already started to happen. Russia and China are also in a similar Deal. Invading Pakistan is not a walk in the park it will take toll on both sides and suffering will be equal.
Invading Pakistan means Israel off the map. Most of Europe will be nuclear waste as will some of our neighbours. We will die but we will not die alone. The Americans know this so invasion. Not a chance

Invading Pakistan? good luck
Had you read what I wrote you wouldn't have written the above
Pakistan depending largely on all kinds of imports from China, so switching to yuan will be a good option for short term, where by Pakistan can save precious USD for its gas/oil imports.
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