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It flies, and it snoops: Norway’s pricey F-35s caught sending ‘sensitive data’ to US


Nov 1, 2010
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It flies, and it snoops: Norway’s pricey F-35s caught sending ‘sensitive data’ to US


Norway’s new F-35 fighter jets boast an impressive array of high-tech gadgetry, but Norwegian defense officials were surprised to learn of one unadvertised feature: the pricey plane relays sensitive data back to its US manufacturer, Lockheed Martin.

The Royal Norwegian Air Force recently received the first three of the 40 F-35 fighter jets it ordered from Lockheed Martin. Major General Morten Klevar, the director of Norway’s F-35 program, has described the fabled fighter jet as “crucial to the continued modernization of our armed forces and our ability to preserve Norwegian and allied security and interests.”

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Norway is the first foreign country to acquire the F-35 mission data file from the US Air Force’s (USAF) 53rd Electronic Warfare Group’s Partner Support Complex – software which allows the aircraft to perform its primary missions and provides the pilot with “an extraordinary situational awareness”. But Norwegian defense officials soon discovered that their fancy fleet of F-35s also automatically transmit sensitive data to Lockheed Martin’s servers in Fort Worth, Texas, after each flight.

“Due to national considerations, there is a need for a filter where the user nations can exclude sensitive data from the data stream that is shared by the system with the manufacturer Lockheed Martin,” said Defense Ministry senior consultant Lars Gjemble, as cited by Norway’s ABC Nyheter.

Although Gjemble hailed the F-35 as a major upgrade for Norway’s air capabilities, he also stressed that the data being beamed to Fort Worth could potentially compromise the security of the pilot, likening Lockheed’s data leeching to “information your iPhone shares with the manufacturers.”

Norway has committed to buying 40 F-35 fighter jets, and is expected to purchase an additional 12, altogether totaling NOK 67.9 billion ($8.36 billion). Some of the details surrounding the deal have already raised eyebrows. In what has been described as a “blunder of epic proportions,” it was revealed earlier in November that the pricey aircraft will be housed in tents until proper hangars can be constructed – a project expected to be completed in 2020.
Welcome to the future of slavery..F-35 is sending sensitive data to LM so LM can also press the kill switch and the bug falls from the sky like a stone. That's why UAE didn't buy F-35.
What is the issue here? The data is going to the secured servers in the US not to some data center in Russia.

Welcome to the future of slavery..F-35 is sending sensitive data to LM so LM can also press the kill switch and the bug falls from the sky like a stone. That's why UAE didn't buy F-35.

Why would US go against its fellow NATO member Norway?
Microsoft, google and apple own your more sensitive data. Don't see a kill switch in there.
Because unlike F35s, my laptop don't fly and deliver bombs. Who says google and gang are not working in cohort with the NSA, some of these companies were funded by the US Military. The purpose of spyware is not about a kill switch for PCs, it's to gather information from them, F35s on the other may be used for purposes against US interests, there is always a kill switch.
How would a F35 transmit data all the way to US, do they connect it to internet after flight? Or the Norwegians use US based satellite comms system?
How would a F35 transmit data all the way to US, do they connect it to internet after flight? Or the Norwegians use US based satellite comms system?
Every modern aircraft that flies today also relays information about the health of the aircract to maintenance centres on the ground on its own. Its most likely something similar except the operator doesn't know about it in this case and the information is going else where.

To answer your question, yes most likely through Sat Comm.

How would a F35 transmit data all the way to US, do they connect it to internet after flight? Or the Norwegians use US based satellite comms system?

It is done through tactical data called Link-16:


Link 16 is a military tactical data exchange network used by NATO and nations allowed by the MIDS International Program Office (IPO). Its specification is part of the family of Tactical Data Links. With Link 16, military aircraft as well as ships and ground forces may exchange their tactical picture in near-real time.

Done via VM Format:

Variable Message Format, abbreviated as "VMF" and documented in MIL-STD-6017, is a communications protocol used in communicating tactical military information. A message formatted using VMF can be sent via many communication methods.

Link 16 / MIDS Tactical Data Links | ViaSat
Now, think about Turkey!!!!!! No wonder they are looking forward to JF17s!!!! Turkey has a first hand experience in what proxy men and machine - no matter how much sophisticated/expensive etc. they are from the outset- can do!!! It includes losing a 6 century old Empire, surpassing over 3 continents with the world's 2/3rd petreum reserves - in 6 years!!!!! Better to go to war with indegenous crop dusters than proxy traitor F-35s!!!! Remember Moses (PBUH) faced the army of Pharaoh with a stick he made himself!!!!!
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