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Setback for Indian missile programme: Two failures in a week, submarine version stuck


Nov 1, 2010
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Surface-to-air missile test fails on 22 December, submarine test failure five days before raises major concerns over India’s nuclear triad expansion.

New Delhi: The Indian missile development programme has encountered a setback with two successive failures within a week, including a worrying development in which a submarine-launched nuclear-capable missile got stuck in its testing canister following an unsuccessful test.

Sources told ThePrint that a recent test of the Quick Reaction Surface to Air Missile (QRSAM) failed during its test on 22 December at Chandipur-on-Sea in Odisha. It hit turbulence within 1.5 seconds of the missile taking off, as an actuator did not respond to a software command, according to sources.

QRSAM is being developed by the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) to meet urgent requirements of the Indian Air Force for protection of vital assets. It is meant to complement the Akash short-range surface-to-air missile. It is supposed to take down fast-moving incoming air targets like missiles and fighter jets at extremely short notice. This was the third test of the missile.

More worryingly, there has been major concern with the failure of the K-4 submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM), which is being developed for the nuclear triad to give India the capability to take down long-range targets from under water.

A test carried out on 17 December ended in failure after the missile did not launch from an underwater pontoon, it is learnt. The missile, believed to have a range of over 3,500 km, is to be equipped on the INS Arihant and Arighat nuclear submarines as a second strike option.

Sources said that the K-4 missile did not activate during the test, with its battery getting drained after the launch command was given. It is believed that DRDO scientists were even unable to retrieve the missile from the test pontoon following the failure, raising safety concerns for the programme.

India’s lone nuclear missile-carrying submarine, the INS Arihant, is currently equipped with the 750 km range B-05 SLBM. However, the limited range of the missile and a struggle to keep the Arihant functional raises concerns on the effectiveness of the nuclear triad.

The 3,500-km range K-4 missile was to be the real game changer, giving India a second strike option over all potential target positions. While it has been tested three times before, the unsuccessful test last week raised concerns as the missile was to be launched from the INS Arihant shortly. Careful assessments are now being made to pinpoint the reason for the failure, and assess whether it would lead to safety considerations for a submarine launch.

DRDO has also started work on the K-5, a 5,000 km range SLBM that would be fitted onboard nuclear-powered submarines, as well as a futuristic K-6 project to develop an underwater launched missile with a range of up to 6,000 km.
A test carried out on 17 December ended in failure after the missile did not launch from an underwater pontoon, it is learnt.

Told ya so!

Arihant is still in a hospital, attended by Russian doctors/specialists.

"A test carried out on 17 December ended in failure after the missile did not launch from an underwater pontoon, it is learnt. The missile, believed to have a range of over 3,500 km, is to be equipped on the INS Arihant and Arighat nuclear submarines as a second strike option."

Lol. They still trying their luck on pontoon! And we were told that they already got subs which are nuclear capable. Lol.

When India is actually going to test from sub? Phat te hai kia?

Pakistan did not use pooton when it tested it's Babur 3.
"A test carried out on 17 December ended in failure after the missile did not launch from an underwater pontoon, it is learnt. The missile, believed to have a range of over 3,500 km, is to be equipped on the INS Arihant and Arighat nuclear submarines as a second strike option."

Lol. They still trying their luck on pontoon! And we were told that they already got subs which are nuclear capable. Lol.

When India is actually going to test from sub? Phat te hai kia?

Pakistan did not use pooton when it tested it's Babur 3.

pakistan doesnt even require to test actually :D ...its the most scientifically advance nation in milky way even Nova prime empire pales in technological capabilities... India on other hand is just taking the baby steps...
"A test carried out on 17 December ended in failure after the missile did not launch from an underwater pontoon, it is learnt. The missile, believed to have a range of over 3,500 km, is to be equipped on the INS Arihant and Arighat nuclear submarines as a second strike option."

Lol. They still trying their luck on pontoon! And we were told that they already got subs which are nuclear capable. Lol.

When India is actually going to test from sub? Phat te hai kia?

Pakistan did not use pooton when it tested it's Babur 3.
Are you sure you even tested? Or it was a video given to you by the Chinese to show off... Lol...... Two videos stitched as one.

Super smart Pakistani scientists, they succeed where all the P5, Iran, India,NoKo etc fail i.e. success in first attempt and induction right after the first and only trial. Man... The Noble committee is surly biased against the pakistani scientists.

By the way, do you even have a under-water pontoon to test from? Let aside testing a sub launched missile from an actual submarine.
Are you sure you even tested? Or it was a video given to you by the Chinese to show off... Lol...... Two videos stitched as one.

Super smart Pakistani scientists, they succeed where all the P5, Iran, India,NoKo etc fail i.e. success in first attempt and induction right after the first and only trial. Man... The Noble committee is surly biased against the pakistani scientists.

By the way, do you even have a under-water pontoon to test from? Let aside testing a sub launched missile from an actual submarine.

Are you sure it's you but not someone else writing on your behalf? Lol . Keep your head buried in sand, after all your a billion plus ostriches.

You can compare Pakistan with P5 but why bring India, a third world joke of a nation in this? FYI P5 already got this capability, so where they are struggling, according to you? Another foot in mouth Indian reaction?

Pakistan does not suffer from pre mature ejaculation like India. We only reveal when we think time is right. We don't have to announce all the tests.

Pontoons tests are for rookies, the beginners who are not confident about testing on subs for the fear of blowing them up. By now, after so many tests India should have muster up the courage and test it with actual sub, where it is supposed to be launched from. But it is quite clear that India is not even in a phase where it is confident about its missile, let alone matting it with the sub. Pathetic.

As for Pakistan:

Did you spot any tug?


pakistan doesnt even require to test actually :D ...its the most scientifically advance nation in milky way even Nova prime empire pales in technological capabilities... India on other hand is just taking the baby steps...

As I said before, we don't suffer from premature ejaculation like India :lol:. We only announce when we think that time is write.
Are you sure it's you but not someone else writing on your behalf? Lol . Keep your head buried in sand, after all your a billion plus ostriches.

You can compare Pakistan with P5 but why bring India, a third world joke of a nation in this? FYI P5 already got this capability, so where they are struggling, according to you? Another foot in mouth Indian reaction?

Pakistan does not suffer from pre mature ejaculation like India. We only reveal when we think time is right. We don't have to announce all the tests.

Pontoons tests are for rookies, the beginners who are not confident about testing on subs for the fear of blowing them up. By now, after so many tests India should have muster up the courage and test it with actual sub, where it is supposed to be launched from. But it is quite clear that India is not even in a phase where it is confident about its missile, let alone matting it with the sub. Pathetic.

As for Pakistan:

Did you spot any tug?

Again ... Where do you see Pakistani Agostas. Don't show me that Chinese video of so called Babur launch.

The lesser said about the super smart Pakistani scientists the better.

Let's me show you an example of the smartness of you and your scientist.
Your scientists designed the JF17 Thunder( many Pakistanis vehemently claim that) of course with the help of the Chinese. Then there is another product designed wholly by super smart Pakistani scientists called ALCM Ra'ad. Now till date those same super smart Pakistani scientist haven't been able to change the height of JF17 to mate with Ra'ad. Why? When both of them are products designed by super smart Pakistani scientists. That says a lot about so called Pakistani 'designed' products. Other than that Pakistanis are liars as always. All the test they ever do, end up Successful, where as in reality after every test common Pakistani people suffer due to 'claimed successful' like the villagers of Dadu in Sindh.

You neither have the technical capability nor industrial capability to design or produce something so complicated. You may paint all your missiles but you can't even change a screw on it by yourself.

And rest of your rant about you comparing yourself with P5 and India to third world is merely laughable.
Are you sure it's you but not someone else writing on your behalf? Lol . Keep your head buried in sand, after all your a billion plus ostriches.

You can compare Pakistan with P5 but why bring India, a third world joke of a nation in this? FYI P5 already got this capability, so where they are struggling, according to you? Another foot in mouth Indian reaction?

Pakistan does not suffer from pre mature ejaculation like India. We only reveal when we think time is right. We don't have to announce all the tests.

Pontoons tests are for rookies, the beginners who are not confident about testing on subs for the fear of blowing them up. By now, after so many tests India should have muster up the courage and test it with actual sub, where it is supposed to be launched from. But it is quite clear that India is not even in a phase where it is confident about its missile, let alone matting it with the sub. Pathetic.

As for Pakistan:

Did you spot any tug?


As I said before, we don't suffer from premature ejaculation like India :lol:. We only announce when we think that time is write.
Platoon launch is a very common way of testing missile systems there is nothing bad about it. Platoon launch merely recreates the original conditions required.
Every country no matter how advanced does it to test missile systems.
But there are some other countries who receive ready made systems who never does these tests and 100% of their tests are successful. :lol:
Have not even developed a moped engine on their own and trying to compare themselves P5 countries.
What a joke!!
Also stop comparing a 450 km missile to a 3500 km missile.
I still don't know what use it will serve, PN will have to come too close to Indian coastline to fire it. By that time IN would have made good work to your subs.
Platoon launch is a very common way of testing missile systems there is nothing bad about it. Platoon launch merely recreates the original conditions required.
Every country no matter how advanced does it to test missile systems.
But there are some other countries who receive ready made systems who never does these tests and 100% of their tests are successful. :lol:
Have not even developed a moped engine on their own and trying to compare themselves P5 countries.
What a joke!!
Also stop comparing a 450 km missile to a 3500 km missile.
I still don't know what use it will serve, PN will have to come too close to Indian coastline to fire it. By that time IN would have made good work to your subs.

Yes , read my comments again, pontoon is for rookie and beginner. That's what I am pointing out. After spending so much time you lot still hasn't gone past that stage. Lol.

450 km or more, the point is, our subs are now equipped while your missiles are fizzling out on poonton. :D

Again ... Where do you see Pakistani Agostas. Don't show me that Chinese video of so called Babur launch.

The lesser said about the super smart Pakistani scientists the better.

Let's me show you an example of the smartness of you and your scientist.
Your scientists designed the JF17 Thunder( many Pakistanis vehemently claim that) of course with the help of the Chinese. Then there is another product designed wholly by super smart Pakistani scientists called ALCM Ra'ad. Now till date those same super smart Pakistani scientist haven't been able to change the height of JF17 to mate with Ra'ad. Why? When both of them are products designed by super smart Pakistani scientists. That says a lot about so called Pakistani 'designed' products. Other than that Pakistanis are liars as always. All the test they ever do, end up Successful, where as in reality after every test common Pakistani people suffer due to 'claimed successful' like the villagers of Dadu in Sindh.

You neither have the technical capability nor industrial capability to design or produce something so complicated. You may paint all your missiles but you can't even change a screw on it by yourself.

And rest of your rant about you comparing yourself with P5 and India to third world is merely laughable.

LOL trust me you Indiots are the most stupid lot I have come across. You can't see the sub because it is SUBMERGED. Google what the word mean.

Don't go in tangent your indiot stay on topic. Rest assured all weapons systems have already been inducted and mated with JF17.

India is indeed a third world dump of the world. You made comparison of Pakistan with P5 in context with strategic weapon system. We all know, Pakistan currently has surpassed France and Britain in this domain.
Yes , read my comments again, pontoon is for rookie and beginner. That's what I am pointing out. After spending so much time you lot still hasn't gone past that stage. Lol.

450 km or more, the point is, our subs are now equipped while your missiles are fizzling out on poonton. :D

LOL trust me you Indiots are the most stupid lot I have come across. You can't see the sub because it is SUBMERGED. Google what the word mean.

Don't go in tangent your indiot stay on topic. Rest assured all weapons systems have already been inducted and mated with JF17.

India is indeed a third world dump of the world. You made comparison of Pakistan with P5 in context with strategic weapon system. We all know, Pakistan currently has surpassed France and Britain in this domain.
Then show me some pic of super Pakistani sub equipped with Babur. Whether Babur is launched vertically or angled. How does it prevent water getting into its air inlets. How is it ejected from the sub. Did you test Babur's ejection under water before putting it on a sub? How did you test Babur's ejection system prior to testing it on sub(since you already claim yours tech is matured). Hope you didn't test it in a swimming pool. Did you test SLCM Babur with remote with no personnel onboard your Agosta, else you had been putting their life in danger.
You did nothing other than just borrowing a video from the Chinese and claiming that you have capability.

I hope you can explain, after all, Pakistan achieved so much advancement in missile tech that it has confiDence in launching a SLCM from a live Sub.

Sadly we Indians have to slog it out from the ground up by building everything up block by block. We test missiles from a pontoon because it's a developmental test not a user trial. Development tests are always fraught with dangers hence its better to launch them remotely from a pontoon without risking the lives.
Then show me some pic of super Pakistani sub equipped with Babur. Whether Babur is launched vertically or angled. How does it prevent water getting into its air inlets. How is it ejected from the sub. Did you test Babur's ejection under water before putting it on a sub? How did you test Babur's ejection system prior to testing it on sub(since you already claim yours tech is matured). Hope you didn't test it in a swimming pool. Did you test SLCM Babur with remote with no personnel onboard your Agosta, else you had been putting their life in danger.
You did nothing other than just borrowing a video from the Chinese and claiming that you have capability.

I hope you can explain, after all, Pakistan achieved so much advancement in missile tech that it has confiDence in launching a SLCM from a live Sub.

Sadly we Indians have to slog it out from the ground up by building everything up block by block. We test missiles from a pontoon because it's a developmental test not a user trial. Development tests are always fraught with dangers hence its better to launch them remotely from a pontoon without risking the lives.

Right, so we will post every tiny bit detail to our mortal enemy about our strategic weapon system? Lol

Watch the video, observe it's breakaway trajectory, you wont be asking me these stupid questions.

You Indian are buffoons, your stupidly in thinking yourself highly is laughable and your undoing. And you endup relaying heavily with Russian American and Israeli input.

Few days ago Pakistan warned about nuclearization of Indian ocean and within days Pakistani PM was onbaord Augusta 90B. There was a message and I hope there are still few sane elements in your establishment left to absorb it.
Again ... Where do you see Pakistani Agostas. Don't show me that Chinese video of so called Babur launch.

The lesser said about the super smart Pakistani scientists the better.

Let's me show you an example of the smartness of you and your scientist.
Your scientists designed the JF17 Thunder( many Pakistanis vehemently claim that) of course with the help of the Chinese. Then there is another product designed wholly by super smart Pakistani scientists called ALCM Ra'ad. Now till date those same super smart Pakistani scientist haven't been able to change the height of JF17 to mate with Ra'ad. Why? When both of them are products designed by super smart Pakistani scientists. That says a lot about so called Pakistani 'designed' products. Other than that Pakistanis are liars as always. All the test they ever do, end up Successful, where as in reality after every test common Pakistani people suffer due to 'claimed successful' like the villagers of Dadu in Sindh.

You neither have the technical capability nor industrial capability to design or produce something so complicated. You may paint all your missiles but you can't even change a screw on it by yourself.

And rest of your rant about you comparing yourself with P5 and India to third world is merely laughable.

hahaha @Taimoor Khan yar tum ne is ki G me aag laga di

Your army, politicians, leaders cannot sleep at night because of inferior Pakistani scientists who cannot produce anything. Ask you 56" chest, 13" legs, 76" belly PM to Pakishtan ko shabaq shikha do
Right, so we will post every tiny bit detail to our mortal enemy about our strategic weapon system? Lol

Watch the video, observe it's breakaway trajectory, you wont be asking me these stupid questions.

You Indian are buffoons, your stupidly in thinking yourself highly is laughable and your undoing. And you endup relaying heavily with Russian American and Israeli input.

Few days ago Pakistan warned about nuclearization of Indian ocean and within days Pakistani PM was onbaord Augusta 90B. There was a message and I hope there are still few sane elements in your establishment left to absorb it.

Lol.. do let me know if you or your strategic forces have an answer to the things I have asked. You won't be able to bluff Indians by that Chinese video. Merely stating and showing a Chinese video doesn't make you capable of designing and producing a SLCM.
You can't even improve the range of Babur since 2007, let aside putting it on a submarine. So much so for a Missile designed by Smart Pakistanis.
hahaha @Taimoor Khan yar tum ne is ki G me aag laga di

Your army, politicians, leaders cannot sleep at night because of inferior Pakistani scientists who cannot produce anything. Ask you 56" chest, 13" legs, 76" belly PM to Pakishtan ko shabaq shikha do

Bhai jaan... the kinda language you are using shows more who's 'G' on fire. I can merely chuckle at your inability to produce answers to India or even to saner Pakistanis.
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