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Setback for Indian missile programme: Two failures in a week, submarine version stuck

Right, so we will post every tiny bit detail to our mortal enemy about our strategic weapon system? Lol

Watch the video, observe it's breakaway trajectory, you wont be asking me these stupid questions.

You Indian are buffoons, your stupidly in thinking yourself highly is laughable and your undoing. And you endup relaying heavily with Russian American and Israeli input.

Few days ago Pakistan warned about nuclearization of Indian ocean and within days Pakistani PM was onbaord Augusta 90B. There was a message and I hope there are still few sane elements in your establishment left to absorb it.

That trajectory tell us that it was indigenously made in Pakistan. Isn't it?

Since you began with mocking India's attempt at developing a SLBM and India testing it on a Pontoon. Now kindly show me the advancements made by Pakistanis in fields of Missile development. You don't even have test equipment let aside mastering one of the toughest part in missile development. Stop believing people like ShaheenMissile, who cant differentiate between reality and make-believes. Pakistan hasn't even been able to produce a good quality pic of Sub-launched Babur-III, and you want us to believe that you have capability to develop them indigenously.

And about the rest, what can I say, Its our foreign relations that gets us help from world over. Did India ever stop you from making those relations. Yes, India does a lot of JVs, which help to speed up the development processes. But we rarely call a 'off-shelf buy' as indigenous, like you claim about 'Burraq', 'JF17', 'Al-Khalids' and what not.

And how many joyrides your PM has on any vehicle, doesn't increase the threat perception about Pakistan. You been bluffing about your 'nukes' since early eighties and we know its nothing more than a bluff. And if thats not a bluff, then you are merely moving towards your own total annihilation by your own accord.
The thread is about the recent failure of Indian missiles.
WTF that Modi toadies are jumping on Pakistani missiles being good or bad?

Acknowledge the failure and move on.

BTW its a standard procedure of world navy to fire underwater missiles from the depth of 40 to 50 meters. Once the missile is fired, the submarine dashes forward to erase its foot prints. Missile can not be fired when the submarine is moving, it has to be stationary.

Recent Indian missile tests:


The thread is about the recent failure of Indian missiles.
WTF that Modi toadies are jumping on Pakistani missiles being good or bad?

Acknowledge the failure and move on.

BTW its a standard procedure of world navy to fire underwater missiles from the depth of 40 to 50 meters. Once the missile is fired, the submarine dashes forward to erase its foot prints. Missile can not be fired when the submarine is moving, it has to be stationary.

Recent Indian missile tests:


Moron... Stop putting tags on people you know shit about.... Ask the poster who brought about comparison about Pakistan firing from a sub whereas India still testing them from pontoons.
Pakistan does not suffer from pre mature ejaculation like India. We only reveal when we think time is right. We don't have to announce all the tests.
So you are saying that you do not report failures. India does. Okay.
Bhai jaan... the kinda language you are using shows more who's 'G' on fire. I can merely chuckle at your inability to produce answers to India or even to saner Pakistanis.

I speak different languages and my language depends on who I am talking to
So you are saying that you do not report failures. India does. Okay.

Its not our problem neither it's our policy to announce any project till we feel time is right, even if we have a working solution for years. India on the other hand brag and endup with egg on the face.
That trajectory tell us that it was indigenously made in Pakistan. Isn't it?

Since you began with mocking India's attempt at developing a SLBM and India testing it on a Pontoon. Now kindly show me the advancements made by Pakistanis in fields of Missile development. You don't even have test equipment let aside mastering one of the toughest part in missile development. Stop believing people like ShaheenMissile, who cant differentiate between reality and make-believes. Pakistan hasn't even been able to produce a good quality pic of Sub-launched Babur-III, and you want us to believe that you have capability to develop them indigenously.

And about the rest, what can I say, Its our foreign relations that gets us help from world over. Did India ever stop you from making those relations. Yes, India does a lot of JVs, which help to speed up the development processes. But we rarely call a 'off-shelf buy' as indigenous, like you claim about 'Burraq', 'JF17', 'Al-Khalids' and what not.

And how many joyrides your PM has on any vehicle, doesn't increase the threat perception about Pakistan. You been bluffing about your 'nukes' since early eighties and we know its nothing more than a bluff. And if thats not a bluff, then you are merely moving towards your own total annihilation by your own accord.

Yes observe the trajectory and you will understand what ejection machinism is used. I am not here educating you.

Haha advancement in Pakistani missile program? Just google yourself. From tactical to strategic, all the way to nicobar and andaman is within our grasp.

Your so called programmes are embarrassment from tejas to arjun. Joint ventures? There are reasons why India is biggest importer of weapons in the world, a embarrassing admission local production failure. Where her in Pakistan we are very much self sufficient in our needs but exporting as well.

Good luck if you think we are bluffing. That look on vajpaee face after hearing about our nuke tests back in 98 is still very fresh in my mind. Funny thing is, we think India is all talk, a lot of BS and no substance.

Now back to topic. Enjoy the failure, hope you have many more and you end up blowing your subs if and when your establishment muster up the courage to test from sub.

Lol.. do let me know if you or your strategic forces have an answer to the things I have asked. You won't be able to bluff Indians by that Chinese video. Merely stating and showing a Chinese video doesn't make you capable of designing and producing a SLCM.
You can't even improve the range of Babur since 2007, let aside putting it on a submarine. So much so for a Missile designed by Smart Pakistanis.

So what are your toys? Russian, Isreali and now American, painted in Indian flags!!

Piss off mate, I don't indulge in this stupid conversation.
Its not our problem neither it's our policy to announce any project till we feel time is right, even if we have a working solution for years. India on the other hand brag and endup with egg on the face.
India is more transparent about her progress of defence projects to her people. Thats right. Our successes and failures are always reported.
India is more transparent about her progress of defence projects to her people. Thats right. Our successes and failures are always reported.

We rather keep ours under wraps to keep the element of surprise against enemy nations, keep them guessing, confused, and besides we are not business of bragging, we believe in substance then BS.
We rather keep ours under wraps to keep the element of surprise against enemy nations, keep them guessing, confused, and besides we are not business of bragging, we believe in substance then BS.
Good for you.

I just remember a quote from 1960s movie 'Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb' which is ver pertinent to any weapons whose main value is deterrence.
"Strangelove : Of course, the whole point of a Doomsday Machine is lost, if you *keep* it a *secret*! Why didn't you tell the world, EH?"

The point of making your strategic nuclear capability public is not bragging but to create deterrence.
Good for you.

I just remember a quote from 1960s movie 'Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb' which is ver pertinent to any weapons whose main value is deterrence.
"Strangelove : Of course, the whole point of a Doomsday Machine is lost, if you *keep* it a *secret*! Why didn't you tell the world, EH?"

The point of making your strategic nuclear capability public is not bragging but to create deterrence.

Indeed. It work for us.

I don't watch many movies , they make you live in fantasy world.

Ever heard of plausible deniability? It's part of few powerful nations doctrine including Pakistan. Those who need know and how much, among enemy nations decision makers, know. Hence deterence is created. We dont need to create drama and non sense empty bravado surrounding our programes. We dont see any value making it public among enemy nation commener as they dont count towards creation of deterence.

Our policy is working like treat specially when we see many eggs on India face where so much bravado is created without substance.
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