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    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    Where will the spare parts for Su-30s or other Russian fighters come from?
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    Gun Control & Gun Violence in U.S | Mega Thread

    Violence is inherent in settler society, it's a cultural problem. If you can no longer direct that violence against the indigenous people like in the US and Canada then this becomes the result.
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    Biden says US would respond 'militarily' if China attacked Taiwan, but White House quickly downplays the comments and insists there's no policy change

    The US regime is testing the waters and grooming it's population to accept a war with China slowly. The Chinese leadership needs to be preparing accordingly.
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    Iranian Chill Thread

    Precisely, we already have seen the US media apparatus publish articles trying to groom the population into accepting the use of "tactical" nuclear weapons in future conflicts. What incentive does "Israel" have not to use them? The US will cover for them politically and block any sanctions. The...
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    Iranian Chill Thread

    Half of the "Gulf states" have made peace with "Israel" and might as well be called allies. Who do you think would join? Syria? Iraq? What exactly can they be expected to do? I doubt countries like Malaysia or Indonesia can be bothered to care about taking part in a conflict halfway across the...
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    Iran has the highest nominal GDP in the Middle East: post JCPOA potential

    The JCPOA will not be signed again, the US has been dragging it's feet this entire time and is clearly not interested in genuinely negotiating. Even if it were to be signed again, no European companies would want to invest in the country as they are guaranteed to lose their investment when the...
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    Iranian Chill Thread

    I would argue that what you describe is not failure of the "free market" but capitalism functioning as it is intended. The purpose of capitalism is capital accumulation. Naturally those with the most capital (capital previously acquired through methods of primitive accumulation such as...
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    Iranian Chill Thread

    Iran used the 170 mm M-1978 against Iraq in the 80s which had similar range to the Pion but it seems like they are no longer in service. It doesn't seem like the Army cares too much for SPGs in general, I don't think Read 1/2 were produced in significant numbers either.
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    Iranian Chill Thread

    Respectfully, i disagree with this. We should not ignore the context of war and violence. At the end of the day this technology is there to end human life and scars the planet with destruction and pollution. In a perfect world these weapons would not exist. It's kind of like talking about the...
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    Iranian Chill Thread

    https://****/mangopress/4917 https://****/mangopress/4916 Saw some videos of tank and helicopter build up on border with Afghanistan on telegram. Couldn't get the links to work unfortunately as it looks like the site auto-censors it? anyone know how to properly link videos from telegram on here?
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    Iranian Chill Thread

    How can military and politics be separated? Modern war is organized political violence.
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    Iranian Chill Thread

    There won't be a clear picture till the war ends. There is extensive coverage of Russian losses and minimization of Ukrainian losses but certainly they are high on both sides. Russia has performed much worse than expected but it's hard to say Ukraine is winning at this point IMO. Lmao are you...
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    Iranian Air Defense Systems

    Wow a decade for Russians to deliver them just for us to give it right back!
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    Iranian Chill Thread

    IMO a bigger concern for Iranians should be whether they continue to honor the 1973 water treaty regarding the Helmand River. Water will become a bigger issue in the next few decades and this will be a major source of pressure on the nation. It's not out of the question that a military...
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    Iranian Chill Thread

    There are reports of violence in Peshawar and protestors are clashing with police in Islamabad. I haven't seen confirmed videos but I would be shocked if this goes through peacefully. But regardless wishing the best for the people of Pakistan.
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    Putin's attack dogs. Manchus from former Outer Manchuria which China ceded to Russia in the 1800s

    Actual fascist non-sense. One day you will learn to stop hating yourself.
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    Iranian Chill Thread

    I wonder if this is a continuation of the recent attacks leading up to the Arab-Israeli summit or in response to recent settler violence since Ramadan started. The former is more impressive and indicates that the Palestinian resistance is finally carrying out sustained operations rather than...
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    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    There were attempts to integrate R-60s and R-27s but as far as I know never in active service.
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    Iranian Chill Thread

    US gun policy is unfairly criticized. Private gun ownership can be done responsibly and if you train your population can be another tool for national defence. Scandinavian countries also have high rates of gun ownership but don't have the same rate if gun violence. Owning a gun doesn't make...
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