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Iranian Chill Thread

With a murder rate less than half that of the USA, Iran at 83 million inhabitants will still record more than one homicide per day. So on any day of the week, there'll be reports about killings. Doesn't mean Iran isn't safer than America by a large stretch, which it definitely is.
you see the lower murder rate can be attributed to less effective weapon , if there is statistic to compare violent attacks that's interesting, i didn't found that but when i look at the statistics when it come to fear of the crime its generally more in Iran
but overall , I consider them nearly equal
well mullah or not mullah , I live here and care about any incident to affect the security in the country
Tell that to hundreds of thousands of Iranians, if not millions, who do not give a #hit if mullahs get murdered or not. We would be sad of course if it was a high ranking general, or some brilliant scientist but someone that has not worked a single day in his life and is useless for the society his absence is not so important for the average Iranian. But of course there will be some ultra religious folks who will weep. Who cares.

Btw,you should ''care'' more for critical national infrastructure when it is being targeted by the enemy than some lowlife mullah getting killed.
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Oh here we go with this tired BS cliche line from Ex-Pats “oh If I could I would be in Iran, trust me bro. But it’s not that easy”.

Yeah it is. Grab a ticket and go live in Iran and work as an English teacher or translator for foreign ministry if you care about the cause. Don’t be a hypocrite talking **** about western countries as you live lavishly in them, that’s what the liberals in Iran do like Rouhani & Co.

Instead you shouldn’t be telling people in our homeland to “suck it up buttercup” with sanctions and financial hardship while you sit living well in “The Great Devil” USA screaming Margh ba Emrika on some random no name forum.

So no, I don’t believe you have any right to tell what Iran’s policy should be and what hardships Iranian people should entail against Western Imperalism....when you indirectly support Western Imperalism by living and working in those countries.

Come on Save this BS talk. Many Iranians are highly successfully across the world in Western countries. CEO of Uber a Fortune 500 company is Iranian just to give you an easy example. Plenty of Iranians in SpaceX & NASA. Most of our ex-Pats are pretty succesful when compared to their “white colonial peers”. Was able to meet quite a few successful Iranians. Always great to see. Some successful individuals are right on this board or were on this board at different periods of time. If you struggle in USA it’s because of you, not the “white man” keeping you down. And if you can’t make it in USA because of perceived unfair playing field...let me tell you.....than Iran would swallow you whole.

There is no Human Resources to wipe your *** and protect you over there. It is connections and who you know. Go to court over a lawsuit and you better pray your *** you paid off not only the judge, but two guys above him as well if you want a favorable ruling. This comes from someone familiar with how **** gets done over there. Just because some of us are over here doesn’t mean we have no connection to over there. In fact the ones that are most pro-IR of Iran on this board verbally probably have the least connection over there to their own homeland. Ironic.

You can support Iran and live in a Western country they are not mutually exclusive. That is not what I am saying. In fact you can even Support Iran and have significant criticism for Western foreign policy and how it relates to your homeland. That is perfectly natural.

But you cannot sit and write your Mein Kampf on how disgusting Western society (not just the government) is and how it is the bane of you and humanity’s existence......as you suck on its tit. That is being disingenuous to put it nicely.

No different than a priest rallying against modern life & sin and saying we must only follow word of God. Then at night gambling, having sex, and doing drugs. Then ironically claiming he would follow the word of God “if he could, but it’s not that easy”.

Anyway I won’t derail the chill thread on ideological differences. Just notice a pattern here

Remember when Russia beat Iran (and other countries) in the tank and APC section of military competition?

Just goes to show you what those “competitions” are worth in real war scenarios.

An entire Russian armoured column against a SINGLE Ukraine tank and half of the time they don’t even know where the tank is even after it fires.
Those competitions have nothing to do with war and have an altogether different purpose Ignatius. You’ve missed the point altogether. But I love the words in your post though. :yahoo:
you see the lower murder rate can be attributed to less effective weapon , if there is statistic to compare violent attacks that's interesting, i didn't found that but when i look at the statistics when it come to fear of the crime its generally more in Iran
but overall , I consider them nearly equal

It isn't solely due to gun ownership laws but also and primarily to the fact that the US is a much more violent society with a far more brutal culture (if we can even call it that) ever since its foundation based on genocide of the indigenous peoples of the land, and which nowadays finds expression in phenomena such as school shootings and serial killers, phenomena which happen to be either completely nonexistent or comparatively rare in Iran.

I still haven't seen evidence for similarity of intended homicide rates in the two countries, so this still amounts to speculation. In either case my initial point will stand: whether due to gun laws or not, reality is that Iran is a much safer place than the US when it comes to the probability of getting murdered, and also to getting subjected to assault, which is what ultimately matters to the people. If the American regime could lower murder rates to Iranian standards simply by revising the liberal gun laws, which I doubt, it's their fault not Iran's if they don't.

The figures in the first link do show considerably superior levels for various forms of crime in the USA. Those relative to murder do not seem to be accurate though, since America's' intentional murder rate is more than twice as elevated as Iran's. The numbers I posted earlier on were from 2017 for the US and 2014 for Iran, but since then homicides have actually recorded a sharp rise in America, jumping from around 16.000 to over 20.000. It's doubtful they increased to the same extent in Iran. So if anything, the USA's intentional murder rate should be more than two and a half times that of Iran by now, closer to thrice as high. Such an ample variation likely cannot be explained by the relative prevalence of firerarms alone.

The second link does not even disclose its sources, and its crime index appears to be based on surveys, so that can be skipped.

It can't be denied that security levels for ordinary citizens in America are objectively worse, and significantly so.

As for subjective perceptions and fear of crime, this is due in Iran's case to the mind-boggling amount of propaganda and psy-ops the Iranian people are being subjected to at the hands of the largest mainstream as well as specialized media apparatuses of the world, like user MyNamesNotJeff correctly highlighted. Had Americans been conditioned by adverse propaganda to remotely comparable degrees, they'd probably bunker themselves off inside their homes and never dare to step out.
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No, it's not solely due to gun ownership laws but also and primarily to the fact that the US is a much more violent society with a far more brutal culture (if we can even call it that) ever since its foundation based on genocide of the indigenous population of the land, which nowadays finds expression in phenomena such as school shootings and serial killers, phenomena which happen to be either completely nonexisting or comparatively extremely rare in Iran.

And you still haven't provided any evidence for the suggestion that intended homicide rates are more or less identical in the two countries, so this is just speculation on your part. The initial point will stand in either case: whether due to liberal gun laws or not, reality is that Iran is a much safer place than the US when it comes to the probability of getting murdered or to getting subjected to assault, and that's what ultimately matters. If the Americans could lower their murder rate to Iranian levels by revising gun laws, which I doubt, it's their fault not Iran's if they don't.

The figures in the first link show significantly superior levels for various forms of crime in the US. Those relative to murder do not seem to be accurate though, since America's' intentional murder rate is more than twice as high as Iran's. The numbers I showed were from 2017 for the US and 2014 for Iran, but in actually since then homicides have recorded a sharp increase in America from around 16.000 to over 20.000. It's doubtful that it rose as much in Iran. So if anything, the intentional murder rate in the US should be more than two and a half times that of Iran, and closer to thrice as high. Such an ample variation likely cannot be explained by the prevalence of firerarms alone.

The second link does not even show its sources, and its so-called crime index appears to be based on surveys, so that can be skipped.

The fact that security levels vis a vis crime for ordinary citizens in America are significantly worse cannot be denied.

As for subjective perceptions and fear of crime, this is due in Iran's case to the mind-boggling amount of propaganda and psy-ops the Iranian people are subjected to from the largest mainstream and specialized media apparatuses in the world, like user MyNamesNotJeff correctly evoked. Had Americans been conditioned by adverse propaganda to remotely comparable degrees, in all probability they would no longer dare to leave their homes.
Any comparison of crime between Iran and US is pointless given the rampant gun culture in the US. I won’t entertain Suzie Yesterday’s dementia with justifications that are unnecessary. Suzie Today, OTOH, just might post something coherent. Always fun though. Never know.

It's not a well known fact because the powers to be do not want us to know. Their orwellian type of propaganda about Russia's special military operation in Ukraine calls for the most cringing filtering of information, as well as for relentless manipulation and fabrication.

That American users who practically never ventured into this section of the forum would suddenly make their appearance in the Iranian Chill Thread in order to repeat the sole narrative authorized by NATO is all you need to know in this regard. NATO is not only taking a severe beating on the ground, they're also worried people might end up seeing through the fake perceptions they've been generating.

And above all, they're worried of alliances and even basic level cooperation between their rivals and emerging powers, such as between Iran and Russia, Russia and China etc. Attempts to sabotage these relationships are amongst their priorities. Hence why their fifth columnists i.e. reformists and moderates in Iran have gone into overdrive trying to push the NATO line on Ukraine.
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Feb 25th, 2022
Ukraine has no real army. This will be a cakewalk for Russia. No comparison to Iraq at all. Sanctions irrelevant as Russia also carries a big economic counterstick. The assault phase will be wrapped up in a week. Maybe two. The major activity will be economic-diplomacy in the aftermath.

General @jauk I salute your analysis. Keep the VPN on and the propaganda pumping
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Ukraine has no real army. This will be a cakewalk for Russia. No comparison to Iraq at all. Sanctions irrelevant as Russia also carries a big economic counterstick. The assault phase will be wrapped up in a week. Maybe two. The major activity will be economic-diplomacy in the aftermath.


If anything this is proving how brilliant Irans current strategy is. What does Iran need from Russia exactly?

Russia has essentially neutralized the entire ukrainian air force in a day with pressing buttons safely from Russia. This shows how devastating Iranian missiles will be in war.

thats why the US and soviets had soo many strategic treaties regarding medium range missles. They are soo devastating that they would cause instability.

The US sells these arabs everything EXCEPT missiles. They went out of their way to make sure egypt shut their missile program down. What you see right now, is exactly what Iran will do to these persian gulf arabs, and american bases in the event of a war.

What's so funny about it? Ukraine has no real army, it is true. Without significant Western aid they will collapse like a wet tissue.

Russia is going very easy on Ukraine to be honest. Kiev is not even targeted properly by the Russian aerospace forces. Go figure.

Also as a whole, Ukraine was not even properly bombed in the opening stages of the war. It truly looks like what the name of the operation suggest ''special military operation''.


There really isn't anything funny about his post outside of the "Ukraine has no real military". Clearly there is a working Ukrainian command structure that is being actively fed Western provided intelligence from the utmost advanced ISR assets known to man. Sole reason why Ukrainian resistance has been so staunch and lethal. --

IRGC AEROSPACE MISSILE FORCE'S, missile centric doctrine has achieved the capability to obliterate critical strategic and tactical wartime objectives en-masse decisively early in a conflict. Leaving other Iranian (IRGC/Artesh) armed forces to conduct clean up operations on any enemy assets remaining. It's what comes after that initial wave of attacks that's up for scrutiny as many of Iran's forces are still at a subpar level compared to contemporaries in the region and globally but given the right command and combined arms initiative. They can still be quite-affective in the theatre.

PGM (total inventory across multiple weapon types) is well in the high-thousands with countless more being added year-on-end. We might see 10,000+ PGM count for Iran coming this decade or the next with the significant bulk being hard to counter Ballistic Missiles with ever increasing ANTI-BM capabilities.

Nothing against you F-22Raptor, but the current year is 2022 and Iran is only moving from success-to-success (yes there are set-backs but overall projection is positive). Another 8 years (2030) and Iran's offensive/defensive capabilities will be utterly overwhelming, even more than they are now.
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Raisis government is losing control and their economic policies is "ultra capitalism" despite all of their propaganda ... the prices are increasing and now 1 killo Tomato become 1 $ for average consumer in Iran ...

In small cities , the officials only bussy with rubbing people and social budget ...
Raisis government is losing control and their economic policies is "ultra capitalism" despite all of their propaganda ... the prices are increasing and now 1 killo Tomato become 1 $ for average consumer in Iran ...

In small cities , the officials only bussy with rubbing people and social budget ...

They removing subsidies which cost the government tens of billions a dollars a year.

They are also limited the amount the “government sponsored currency exchange rate” can be used to import items needed for the economy. Which was widely abused by the elite in society and the bazaaris to make profit by importing cellphones and other non essential goods.

Too early to judge his admin, but expecting one President to change the inefficiencies of the Republic is wishful thinking. I think we all need to lower our expectations.
Any comparison of crime between Iran and US is pointless given the rampant gun culture in the US.

Yes and I would remind that this gun "culture" was not simply generated from scratch by lax legislation on firearms. Rather, it is a reflection of America's essence as a colonial settler state, something it shares with the zionist entity. The reason gun "culture" is so strongly rooted in US society is because it has been present since the very inception of the US regime. This foundational trait has never ceased shaping America's social and political reality.

See the "gun and Bible" culture of early Anglo-Saxon settlers, the rejection of any notion of peaceful coexistence with the native population of the land, who were chased and exterminated, and this entire "frontier" mythology pervading collective representations in America to this day. In this state of mind, the world tends to be viewed as a realm of wilderness, in which survival can only be ensured through expansive, never ending conquest and safety through individual armament.

Access to guns and related laws are not the only factor to take into account. Canada also has a liberal policy on private firearms ownership, yet homicide rates there are considerably lower than in the USA. So, it is this cobwoyesque "culture" of violence and guns characteristic of the USA which is at the core of that country's abnormally high murder rates. Thence, no comparison is possible with Iran, whose society and civilization are wholly deprived of these features.
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Access to guns and related laws are not the only factor to take into account. Canada also has a liberal policy on private firearms ownership, yet homicide rates there are considerably lower than in the USA. So, it is this cobwoyesque "culture" of violence and guns characteristic of the USA which is at the core of that country's abnormally high murder rates. Thence, no comparison is possible with Iran, whose society and civilization are wholly deprived of these features.
US gun policy is unfairly criticized. Private gun ownership can be done responsibly and if you train your population can be another tool for national defence. Scandinavian countries also have high rates of gun ownership but don't have the same rate if gun violence. Owning a gun doesn't make someone want to commit violent crimes, but poverty, poor mental health infrastructure, and a general lack of societal responsibility and cohesion does. Iran has many of these same problems.
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