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Putin's attack dogs. Manchus from former Outer Manchuria which China ceded to Russia in the 1800s

Oct 15, 2017
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China was not conquered by Manchus. Ming was overthrown by Li Zicheng rebel army. Manchus entered China by grasping the timing when the old dynasty collapsed and new dynasty had not been established.
Anyone who isn't fighting for the imperialists suddenly becomes a dog or a terrorist lol @ the double standards of hypocrite west
Still a conquest. Today's Chinese are the result of Manchu men raping Chinese women.

All major Manchurian leaders in post-Jin rebel group are former Ming's military officers. When Qing military entered the central area of China, the majority of the army were already Han.

Further more, they got strong financial and logistic backings from the Shanxi business elites, or called oligarchs nowadays. Obviously those oligarchs are Han people. So it's impossible to say the post-Jin or Qing power is an external power to China.

Historically only Mongolia conquered China as an external power with no strong relation with Han. However after erecting the Yuan dynasty, at least the inner Mongolia portion was quickly integrated with Han in less than 100 years.

By the way, east Asians in Russia or Soviet are mostly of Korean or Mongolian ethnics. Some of such Korean descents are living in Today's Ukraine as their ancestors relocated to the region at Soviet era. Their primary language is Russian not Ukrainian.
All major Manchurian leaders in post-Jin rebel group are former Ming's military officers. When Qing military entered the central area of China, the majority of the army were already Han.

Further more, they got strong financial and logistic backings from the Shanxi business elites, or called oligarchs nowadays. Obviously those oligarchs are Han people. So it's impossible to say the post-Jin or Qing power is an external power to China.

Historically only Mongolia conquered China as an external power with no strong relation with Han. However after erecting the Yuan dynasty, at least the inner Mongolia portion was quickly integrated with Han in less than 100 years.

By the way, east Asians in Russia or Soviet are of Korean or Mongolian ethnics. Some of such Korean descents are living in Today's Ukraine as their ancestors relocated to the region at Soviet era.

All the Manchus converted to speaking Mandarin Chinese and they all identify as Han Chinese in modern times.
All the Manchus converted to speaking Mandarin Chinese and they all identify as Han Chinese in modern times.
Mandarin is a dialect of Han language, circulating in Ming's North East military establishment, shared by Han, Manchurian and all other ethnic groups.

Actually Manchurians have their own native language, which is not clearly any dialect of Han language, and this language still exists today. However at Ming era, they had to use Mandarin to communicate with others as they work for the Ming government.

Here is a modern language book about Manchu language. While Mandarin strictly matches Han scripts, Manchu language has its own scripting.


Mandarin was called Eastern Liao military language at that time, or Liao Dong Jun Hua in Chinese Pinyin, which reflects the fact that it was popular in military. So it is hard to say it was a conversion, rather, a natural integration across a couple of different dynasties in North East China.
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@Tai Hai Chen, your posts confuse me. You post Russian side news on the mega thread but this thread of yours quotes some NATO person trying to frame the East Asians in Russian military.
@Tai Hai Chen, your posts confuse me. You post Russian side news on the mega thread but this thread of yours quotes some NATO person trying to frame the East Asians in Russian military.

I post the truth. It is true Putin uses East Asian men as vanguard in Ukraine invasion because East Asian men are ferocious and cruel because of black straight hair and dark eyes. Physical features determine mental well being because of self consciousness in humans but not in non humans. This is well documented in the field of psychology. East Asian languages don't have short soft sounds such as d in and, f in of, t in at, k in look, st in first, s in sleep, p in sleep, ce in dance because East Asian men are ferocious and cruel.
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I post the truth. It is true Putin uses East Asian men as vanguard in Ukraine invasion because East Asian men are ferocious and cruel because of black straight hair and dark eyes. Physical features determine mental well being because of self consciousness in humans but not in non humans. This is well documented in the field of psychology. East Asian languages don't have short soft sounds such as d in and, f in of, t in at, k in look, st in first, s in sleep, p in sleep, ce in dance because East Asian men are ferocious and cruel.
but today I am civilized and no longer speak Manchu.
Actual fascist non-sense. One day you will learn to stop hating yourself.
I post the truth. It is true Putin uses East Asian men as vanguard in Ukraine invasion because East Asian men are ferocious and cruel because of black straight hair and dark eyes. Physical features determine mental well being because of self consciousness in humans but not in non humans. This is well documented in the field of psychology.

I have black hair though wavy and black eyes and I am not ferocious and cruel. I am a gentle person who adores cats and hates wars and the concept of national military formations and the very concept of nations.

East Asian languages don't have short soft sounds such as d in and, f in of, t in at, k in look, st in first, s in sleep, p in sleep, ce in dance because East Asian men are ferocious and cruel.

Come on, are many native English speakers not cruel ? The North Koreans who are East Asians provide free housing to their citizens but the Anglo leaders of English-speaking USA enable their citizens to be homeless and suffer daily deprivations so your reasoning is incorrect.
East asians try to help other lower IQ races to save face like India but they don't understand this and think its weakness. So we gotta crush them.

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