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  1. F

    Iranian Navy | News and Discussions

    I read today this article where US Navy retired officer complaints about iranian resolution to answer any challenge coming or promoted by the US. I think it is more necessary than ever to build a truly blue water frigate for protecting the same freedom that the author of this article are...
  2. F

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    In the case of the Alligators, the reason is clear. Many of them operates DIRCM systems, and moreover, they doesn´t do direct CAS missions. The videos shows how they fly and try to maintain a very high AOA just for trying to grab some hundreds meters more of range to their rockets. So...
  3. F

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    I think attack helicopters are extremely vulnerable to MANPADS. Ukraine conflict has shown that thousands of MANPADs given by western countries can stop or make nearly impossible using attack helicopters in combat. UCAVs like that Mohajer 6 with 6 glide guided bombs are much more safe and less...
  4. F

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    Hi guys; Making a bit of OSINT in Google maps, and watching closely the Isfahan AB I found something interesting; 1.- See at least 4 F14s are out of the armored shelters. May be indicative about a certain (good in my oppinion) level of readiness...
  5. F

    Iranian Navy | News and Discussions

    Dual purpose; as a floating base for IRGC operations near Yemen or other friendly waters or for trading with third countries. The problems generated by evil forces tasked to interrupt commerce in Mediterranean sea (see Adrian Darya I and Grace I), can be solved using this kind of ships. Under...
  6. F

    Iranian Air Defense Systems

    As far I remember 9th Dey probably has no seeker and it is RF directed by FCR of the system. Taer has SARH guidance and it has his own seeker. 9th Dey is better for anti-missile tasks, because it is lighter, cheaper and you can launch more to the incoming threat. Taer having is own active radar...
  7. F

    Iranian Navy | News and Discussions

    But for building in... how many time?. That section has been there for months (according do Google Earth images), the pace of construction of Talaiyeh may be indicative about time needed to build so big warship. Two weeks ago Google Earth actualized the map and again no signals of finishing...
  8. F

    Iranian Chill Thread

    See Google maps, at least in US Army base there is Iron Dome SAM system.
  9. F

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    I agree. I like discussing about facts; the first fact it is that in front of the Gripen C/D, J10C won. The second fact it is that Japan ran to build their own Meteor missile (ramjet propulsion with maneovurable nozzle, in fact they signed a contract to buy the engine of european missile, and...
  10. F

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    Are you sure?. It is said that J10C has been superior to some versions of the Gripen (C/D) in maneouvers with Thailand. AESA radar + IRST and PL15 makes it even better that F16 (actually no IRST on them and range of AIM120 shorter than PL15). Even China has been reluctant to sell those to...
  11. F

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    I think it is a problem of funds. Iran has not much funds for embarking in a new IRIAF combat aircraft. If they have funds, they will invest it in the most formidable weapons they are credited, BM. And after it, they invest in robust SAM to make not perfect but much better A2/AD zones in all...
  12. F

    Iranian Navy | News and Discussions

    Hi, I think it is ECM equipment very similar to those installed on Pakistany Navy.
  13. F

    Iranian Navy | News and Discussions

    The IRGCN capturing of that tanker it is simply amazing. Well coordination, speed and unnecessary show of force made it very professional. Can´t wait to see those Soleimani class in action. Speed, armament and flexibility (helipad) makes them a truly boost inside the Persian Gulf. Bravo Zulú IRGCN!
  14. F

    Iranian Air Defense Systems

    Just a question, which missile uses Majid ADS?. It seems to be nearly twice times thicker than Misgah-2 and even a bit longer. Being Misgah-2 missile 6km max. range, this missile could reach even 12 km. It is so interesting for intercepting UAVs like those from Azerbaiyán. If it has a range like...
  15. F

    Iranian Navy | News and Discussions

    Yes, I agree. That part it is in the middle part of the hull of a small frigate of a Moudge class sized vessel. Or CIWs or SATCOMs at much. The most interesting it is this the shape of the radar mast it is gray because probably it is done with aluminium. Around the world the modern shipyard...
  16. F

    Iranian Navy | News and Discussions

    I think helipad is necessary for VERTREP operations and for special ops load and unloads. Moreover with that helipad you can operate UAVs VTOL or like americans Scan Eagle, not only launching them but even recovering on deck like Scan Eagle. You don´t need to deploy a helicopter for most...
  17. F

    Iranian Navy | News and Discussions

    IMHO. This is a good FAC for operating under the Bavar 373 or SAM-200 long range protection. It fits so good in IRGCN doctrine of "hit and run". But I think nowadays IRIN need more blue water capable ships. Moudge class are necessary to protect SLOCs and develop a bigger class of warships to...
  18. F

    Iranian Navy | News and Discussions

    This long travel is pure gold for training officals and crews, and give unvaluable data for designers and builders to improve further designs on warships and tactics. The same occured with China. They used the long deployments in Gulf of Aden to improve their blue water navy tactics and...
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