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Iranian Chill Thread

A collage of the recent missiles strikes by Iran. American news is not even mentioning it, only reporting on Ukraine still. Likely the secret Israeli base was destroyed. Of course because of the level of secrecy,the Israeli's and everyone else involved will keep quiet.

Iran launched these missiles to retaliate against Israel for the 2 Iranian operatives that died in Syria recently. We know how accurate Iranian missiles are. You can see secondary explosions in the footage. Whatever was hit had stockpiles of highly explosive material. Iran is claiming they struck a secret Israeli base.

Every single time Iran has launched missiles, they have never lied about their target. Americans are giving mixed messages, some sources saying they landed near the US consulate. Believe what you want but of course Israelis will never admit that there was a secret base there. That's the whole point of a "secret" base. Even if there were casualties, they will never admit it.

I will give you benefit of the doubt explain
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A collage of the recent missiles strikes by Iran. American news is not even mentioning it, only reporting on Ukraine still. Likely the secret Israeli base was destroyed. Of course because of the level of secrecy,the Israeli's and everyone else involved will keep quiet.

Iran launched these missiles to retaliate against Israel for the 2 Iranian operatives that died in Syria recently. We know how accurate Iranian missiles are. You can see secondary explosions in the footage. Whatever was hit had stockpiles of highly explosive material. Iran is claiming they struck a secret Israeli base.

Every single time Iran has launched missiles, they have never lied about their target. Americans are giving mixed messages, some sources saying they landed near the US consulate. Believe what you want but of course Israelis will never admit that there was a secret base there. That's the whole point of a "secret" base. Even if there were casualties, they will never admit it.

The two IRGC soldiers who were killed was definitely a tipping-point.
How did Zelensky get $1.6 BILLION in his offshore bank accounts ? How could he afford to purchase a $31 million dollar villa in Florida ? He has only been president of Ukraine for 2 years and before that he was a comedian in a poor eastern European country...

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There is an Israeli base in Eriteria not far from Iran's own base in Eriteria. Something could easily be looped

You don’t want to bring a new theater into the shadow war especially overtly (all over the news embarrassing the opposing country).

This Ebril target gives Israel a face save. They don’t have to publically respond. They can say nothing was there and Iran is crazy. Like Assad said when Israel bombed its plutonium reactor being built by NK. No one knew about it and thus Assad said it was just an empty factory.

Now if it was one or two Iranian drones that attack a site. I would say maybe you are correct and it’s a phantom attack against nothing for propaganda purposes. But usage of BM’s raises a political cost to Iran, it tells its neighbors to reinforce their own missile programs and it gives the West a new excuse to say Iranian missiles are a “terror” the region that have to be negotiated on. I know this because I had family in IRGC and know how they think. They are very calculating almost to a fault where it becomes negative (too cautious).

So for 6-12 BMs to be launched (the equivalent of Al-Assad attack), it would have to be approved by Supreme Leader himself and the target would have to be meticulously selected by General Hajizadeh (leader of missile force) because of the nature of BMs being used vs a suicide drone, or a MALE UAV, or a CM.

How do you see this unfolding

There will be a deal most likely. Everyone wins, Iran gets to sell 2M BPD for at least 3 more years at extremely elevated price ($100+) and get access to $150B in foreign currency reserves to rebuild its economy and add to its military. The US gets to kick the can down the road and focus on China great power game of 22nd century.

I think if Republican gets elected in 2024, this deal is getting ripped up. But Iran is preparing a underground centrifuge production and enrichment hall in a mountain near Natanz. Based on IAEA inspectors the hall and facility is “huge” and will be even bigger than Fordow and allow Iran to assemble and enrich all in one spot that is impervious to attack and Sabotage.

Iran didn’t have this before. You can thank Israel for this since its Mossad attacks gave Iran an excuse to build the site without much pushback from the world.

So in 2024 iran will have the facility and the advanced centrifuges (IR-6) ready to enrich quickly to weapons grade and restart this whole nuclear blackmail football again. Thus Iran won’t get caught empty handed like the first JCPOA exit where it naively believed the West was going to change its approach to Iran.

West will never change against Turkey, Iran, Russia, and China. They are marked for destruction either socially (color revolutions) or kinetically (WW3).

I think WW3 starts before 2030. I hope I am wrong, but the chips are falling into place across many different layers I follow. It’s almost prophetic how it’s building up.

I like Zooka but his post shows he’s not a military enthusiastic.

1) CRAM cannot intercept BMs coming in at Mach 6+. It’s literally a phalanx like device that attacks cheap rockets and mortars with massive bullet spray. It’s used for insurgency not nation state warfare.

2) There are no patriot batteries in Iraq that I am aware of. It is not a theater of war. USA only has a limited number of patriot batteries and even less THAAD. People seem to think USA has unlimited air defense systems, it’s actually not as many as people think.

Many batteries are in PG states, but some have been removed from Saudi Arabia and sent to Europe and other fronts especially in the current climate with Ukraine.

Thus basically what I am saying is Iraq is completely defenseless against Iranian BMs at the moment. Iran knows this.
No doubt about it now, the missile strikes were followed by secondary explosions. A tell a tale sign that the missiles hit a stockpile of weapons or explosives. This was merely a warning to make the Israeli's think twice. Who knows if anyone was killed. If Israeli agents were killed they will never admit it. I'll say one thing, if anyone was there, they've been turned into vapor.

I like Zooka but his post shows he’s not a military enthusiastic.

1) CRAM cannot intercept BMs coming in at Mach 6+. It’s literally a phalanx like device that attacks cheap rockets and mortars with massive bullet spray. It’s used for insurgency not nation state warfare.

2) There are no patriot batteries in Iraq that I am aware of. It is not a theater of war. USA only has a limited number of patriot batteries and even less THAAD. People seem to think USA has unlimited air defense systems, it’s actually not as many as people think.

Many batteries are in PG states, but some have been removed from Saudi Arabia and sent to Europe and other fronts especially in the current climate with Ukraine.

Thus basically what I am saying is Iraq is completely defenseless against Iranian BMs at the moment. Iran knows this.

I’ll be surprised if Iranian advisors aren’t being used for city battle strategies. They’ll would have the most successful experience than anyone on earth.
2) There are no patriot batteries in Iraq that I am aware of. It is not a theater of war. USA only has a limited number of patriot batteries and even less THAAD. People seem to think USA has unlimited air defense systems, it’s actually not as many as people think.

See Google maps, at least in US Army base there is Iron Dome SAM system.
I wouldn't be surprised if most have been destroyed, but this was from yesterday. Ukrainian air defenses seem to also be functioning to some extent.

Ukrainian drone destroys Russian command post in Kiev region

How did Zelensky get $1.6 BILLION in his offshore bank accounts ? How could he afford to purchase a $31 million dollar villa in Florida ? He has only been president of Ukraine for 2 years and before that he was a comedian in a poor eastern European country...

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The guy is a non military copy of Pinochet. He will sell Ukraine
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