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Iranian Chill Thread

No that doesn't make sense. The Israelis did not target Iranian soil. They targeted Iranian personnel in a secondary country near their border. Iran returned the favor. Some sources claim that Iran killed 9 Israeli operatives. Suppoedly Iran also busted an Israeli spy ring inside the country. If Israeli operatives we're killed we will never know for sure because of the secret nature of the alleged base. However this sends a message of the Israeli's. Rohani is gone and Iran will retaliate eye for an eye.

IRGC now publicly took responsibility for the attack on the targets in Iraqi Kurdistan.

But we have to wait it out for more details.

+1 IR for doing something at least even though the attack should have been directed towards Israel.

As far as I know Iron Dome cannot shoot down ballistic missiles. Only rockets, artillery and short range drones. Patriot is also pretty unreliable as we've seen in Saudi Arabia.

See Google maps, at least in US Army base there is Iron Dome SAM system.

No that doesn't make sense. The Israelis did not target Iranian soil. They targeted Iranian personnel in a secondary country near their border. Iran returned the favor. Some sources claim that Iran killed 9 Israeli operatives. Suppoedly Iran also busted an Israeli spy ring inside the country. If Israeli operatives we're killed we will never know for sure because of the secret nature of the alleged base. However this sends a message of the Israeli's. Rohani is gone and Iran will retaliate eye for an eye.

Indeed, to anyone with sound judgement and a modicum of intellectual honesty it's beyond obvious that Iranian policy is no longer the same after Raisi replaced Rohani. Provocations will be responded to swiftly and with force. No more restraints for the sake of pipe dreams of an entente with the west like the liberals used to have.

Allowing the liberal Rohani interlude to take place - while watching over red lines and ensuring that reformists and moderates would never get to overthrow the revolutionary political order, was necessary in order to educate the brainwashed, Manoto- and BBC-watching, "social media"-consuming, or gossip-addicted sections of the Iranian public (i.e. close to half the population) about the treacherous nature of the enemy. And it all worked out brilliantly according to plan: Trump ripped up the JCPOA, showing everyone that the US will not honor its word.

The alternative would have been to establish labor camps like our Korean friends, stuff some ten million Iranians in there and squash the tiniest manifestation of dissent, real or imagined with an iron fist. Have no doubt that the token few bizarros who attempt to depict Iran as weak while referencing the north Korean approach as the only valid option of anti-imperial Resistance, would have been the first ones to come whining if Iran actually implemented the Korean model, because in that case they themselves or many of their relatives would likely disappear in labor camps.

Of course this entire process was planned, overseen and managed by none other than Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, hazrate agha seyyed Khamenei, may we continue dwelling under his honorable, reassuring shadow for many decades to come. It is, simply put, genius level supervision, astonishing clarity of sight and incredibly delicate political management which ayatollah Khamenei has been displaying over the years. Seyyed Khamenei already entered history like his predecessor Imam Khomeini as one of the greatest leaders not just of Iran, but of the entire world, period.
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