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  1. Baghial

    Blast outside Kabul’s military airport, multiple casualties:

    9 Taliban Security personnel and 5 civilians died when a suicide bomber reportedly struck a convoy of an important figure of Afghan defence ministry earlier today close to the airport
  2. Baghial

    Who is bananarepublicuk? I awfully apologise for this thread but it must be said.

    financial bankruptcie can be avoided and repaired in some time time. while we are moral bankrupt nation, the whole generation has to be sacrificed to amend the result
  3. Baghial

    When TTP terrorist were attacking on border fencing , Bajwa was busy in political engineering : Imran khan

    Govt to save ex-ruler in court on appeal: AG Syed Irfan Raza Published December 18, 2019 56 Pakistan's Attorney-General Anwar Mansoor Khan gives a press conference following a special court verdict against former military ruler Pervez Musharraf, in Islamabad on December 17. — AFP...
  4. Baghial

    Soldiers martyred...a new normal on Pak Afghan border….

    The trio Bajwa- Faiz- Imran has ruined our country's economy. Ruined the sanctity of every institution. In pursuit of their selfish agenda, they break every law & now when we officially are going to dogs two of them left the station & will never be held accountable for their mess
  5. Baghial

    Soldiers martyred...a new normal on Pak Afghan border….

    People are ready @OfficialDGISI Now go for it....get them “Without distinction” A terrorist is a terrorist no matter who trained him, armed him. His gun was always pointed to Waiting Hafiz Sahib. #his mother is also waiting #choorian hum paen laytay hein
  6. Baghial

    When TTP terrorist were attacking on border fencing , Bajwa was busy in political engineering : Imran khan

    a journalist with futur vision, knew , what is awaiting for the fauji jernals, 4 yrs ago. raja jee, hows the polish women u married to get permenant residence of uk?
  7. Baghial

    When TTP terrorist were attacking on border fencing , Bajwa was busy in political engineering : Imran khan

    WELL , we wont be having this -----if mushraf was hanged from the lamp post,-- but PTI- ggons saved him, now public is being hanged from every lamp post - get the hanging list right atleast..............
  8. Baghial

    Soldiers martyred...a new normal on Pak Afghan border….

    Right now, we are galloping on the same path in which we have repeatedly fallen into ditches. Right now, there does not appear to be any possibility of even starting to think about changing his ways. It will take us at least another two or three hundred years. By then we will have eaten...
  9. Baghial

    Soldiers martyred...a new normal on Pak Afghan border….

    the gist of our operations>>>>>>> once bernard shaw was dining in a faboulas resturant in ZURICH. a gorgeous blonde comes to his table,, and proposes him to a marriage, shocked > bernard inquires why would she want to marry him? she replies-----...
  10. Baghial

    Talk of the town: Caretaker setup and Financial Emergency in progress

    haaaaaaaaaaahahh since 1947- every civil govt has been care -taker of jernal,s wishes, whats NEW NOW?
  11. Baghial

    Soldiers martyred...a new normal on Pak Afghan border….

    the Taliban’s evolving interests suggest that the group is likely to stay on the sidelines when it comes to the Pakistan-TTP problem. First, the Taliban no longer has a need for safe havens across the border, and has been eager to diversify their international partners. This makes it less likely...
  12. Baghial

    Soldiers martyred...a new normal on Pak Afghan border….

    guess 1 hand washes the other, a code among thiefs> loot from others, not from eachother yes lumber 1 has been caught( major arslan) adc to fiaz hameed, - recording audio/video .of pm sharif,
  13. Baghial

    Soldiers martyred...a new normal on Pak Afghan border….

    When you wasted your handful of resources of Intelligence Community in Politics and Personal Benefits, Re-emergence of Terrorism was inevitable. You failed to do you job properly AS ALWAYS. Innocent civilians and soldiers are paying the price unfortunately
  14. Baghial

    Soldiers martyred...a new normal on Pak Afghan border….

    A new wave of terrorism just tell us all the money we invested on the forces of Pakistan are equal to Zero.. guess the petri dish peace project by fiaz ,is complete failur for the pakistani awaam. and a success for the generals, now they can ask for more...
  15. Baghial

    Soldiers martyred...a new normal on Pak Afghan border….

    A major operation by Pakistani forces against TTP terrorists on the Afghan border in Kurram District..
  16. Baghial

    VBIED Attack in Mir Ali KPK 28/12/2022

    round up of the usual suspects, while the real culprits are bharia, and DHA
  17. Baghial

    Fake propaganda by PMLN media cell. President Alvi has taken notice of notice of the statement wrongly attributed to him about the alleged help extend

    Mazhar Abbas @MazharAbbasGEO President Arif Alvi did said former army chief Gen (r) Bajwa helped 'us' in 2018 elections. Since it was not my story i did not want to add more but may the President's spokesman clarified what was out of context in the story. MAZHAR ABBAS WAS ALSO ...
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