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  1. Ali.Asad

    PTI's Azadi March 14th August 2014 l Updates and debate.

    PAT and PTI moving forward to Parliament House IK and TuQ start leading way to RZ. Police Vans in RZ to arrest PPL and take them to Prison. hehe
  2. Ali.Asad

    PTI's Azadi March 14th August 2014 l Updates and debate.

    its not first time that 111 brigade protecting PM last time 111 also protect Asif Zardari during PAT Protest. approx 200 jawans of 111 brigade X corps deployed in ISB.
  3. Ali.Asad

    PTI and PAT march towards Redzone...

    Bro in Current Scenario Article 245 implemented means Mini Martial Law already imposed in Pakistan. and 5 companies of X corps (111 Brigade) already deployed in ISB
  4. Ali.Asad

    PTI's Azadi March 14th August 2014 l Updates and debate.

    at deadlock army may ask noora to resign from his post and recounting of votes in 4 or 20 Constituencies there PAT Demands would defuse automatically.
  5. Ali.Asad

    PTI's Azadi March 14th August 2014 l Updates and debate.

    again govt hiding behind PA its not good scenario what if PTI + PAT face to face PA. what PA would do in this situation BALL in COURT of PA and then blame PA for political gains.
  6. Ali.Asad

    PTI's Azadi March 14th August 2014 l Updates and debate.

    RED zone security handed over to PA, Said Ch. Nisar keep in mind its still layered Security PA on third Security layer. first Police 2nd FC and Third PA
  7. Ali.Asad

    PTI's Azadi March 14th August 2014 l Updates and debate.

    now KPK govt gone 46 members have signed NO confidence Resolution against Khatak.
  8. Ali.Asad

    India unilaterally calls off talks with Pakistan

    needs guts for 1.2 billion indians to meet BLA on pakistan soil, no need pakistan soil u can meet them in afghanistan as usual practice
  9. Ali.Asad

    India unilaterally calls off talks with Pakistan

    banya every time begs vote in love to pakistan???
  10. Ali.Asad

    PTI resigns from assemblies.

    i raised 2 points man Mid term Election if PPP and MQM not go with Govt and Bi-Election (1 month ago EC said if PTI resign from Assemblies) they will go for Bye - Election. BTW within 2 days KPK govt will in hands of noora, 14 seats PMLN, 6 Seats JI, 12 seats of Mullah Diesel against 30 odd...
  11. Ali.Asad

    PTI resigns from assemblies.

    Bro PPP has also hinted to go for Mid Term Election - Qamar zaman Qaira said so and before this Election commission of pakistan said they will go for Poll on the seats which PTI will abandon.
  12. Ali.Asad

    Supreme court clears way for PTI,PAT to advance to red zone

    PTI + PAT should oust Nawaz from his Office lets make example to others and also for IMRAN in near future if he dont deliver in year or so same fate for IK.
  13. Ali.Asad

    CRPF to Use 'Shaheed' For Troopers Killed in Line of Duty

  14. Ali.Asad

    PM Nawaz Sharif decides to get Vote of Confidence from Parliament

    he surely gets 200 votes no problem for him but problem remain this establishment system will go on as is going not a single character in pakistan who dare PA......
  15. Ali.Asad

    CRPF to Use 'Shaheed' For Troopers Killed in Line of Duty

    yes it is Copy right of All Mighty ALLAH(Subhana waataalah) to be SHAHEED one MUST be MUSLIM.
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