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Recent content by pakfoj

  1. pakfoj

    Can Nukes save pakistan?

    To answer your question, Nukes are the only thing saving Pakistan right now. If Pakistan didn't have them, it would be a very different place right now.
  2. pakfoj

    iPhone lovers: got a question for you!

    In US iphone 4 is free with 2-year contract, 4s is 100 dollars and 5 is 200 dollars with contract.
  3. pakfoj

    How much of Pakistani culture is Indian?

    i think most of the culture comes from the Mughals, who were muslims. so technically there is no indian culture (apart from religion off course) the true "indian" culture comes from Mughal muslims(customs, religious, clothing, food, architecture, and even language, etc) which can now be seen...
  4. pakfoj

    is pakistani and indian accent the same?

    I personally think there is a significant difference. Generally Indian accent can be recognized immediately!!! however there isn't a particular "pakistani accent"!! and it is not even similar to indian accent.
  5. pakfoj

    China's first aircraft carrier delivered to the Navy TODAY!

    Congratulations to all Chinese brothers!!!:china: Hope it brings significant Power boost to the Chinese Navy!!
  6. pakfoj

    Only 13% Indians hold favourable opinion on Pakistan

    haahahah i dont want them to be all pissed off and fill this forum with typical indian bullish*t!!!!
  7. pakfoj

    Only 13% Indians hold favourable opinion on Pakistan

    no offense to indian friends but indian media puts words into the mouths of every indian. you turn on an indian news channel at any given moment and you'll know what i mean!!!
  8. pakfoj

    PIA has done it!!!

    Im becoming a pilot here in the US. Let me tell you its is VERY EXPENSIVE to become a pilot. here in the US its around 50,000 dollars. which converts to about 45 Lack in Pakistan!!! but its probably a little cheaper in pakistan but more difficult. the procedure is simple: you get a private...
  9. pakfoj

    Pakistanian dancing Boxer

    We are called pakistani... Not Pakistanian.
  10. pakfoj

    Pakistan police must watch

    Thanks a lot for your time Sir!! a few more questions.. how long does it take to promote from ASI to SHO? and from SHO to the next post (which i think is DPO) and Does "Rishwat" play a big part into getting hired or promoted? thanks again!!
  11. pakfoj


    can anybody please help me about joining Punjab Police. Im here in the US getting associate and want to serve my country by Joining the Police. I need help about the education requirements and some info about ranks in the department. Any help would be appreciated!!!
  12. pakfoj

    Pakistan police must watch

    does anybody know the procedure of joining punjab police?? i mean the qualifications and to what rank u get accepted? any information will be appreciated!!
  13. pakfoj

    We need a new All Terrain Mobility Platform instead of LR Defender

    G wagon is my absolute favorite! Its an amazing vehicle for the army but its too expensive. don't u think?!!!
  14. pakfoj

    Does India need 8,000 Km Range missile?

    I believe india is trying to be a regional power. For that it probably needs a maximum of 5000km of range. trying to make missiles with more range will be a waste of money. Plus the only problem for india is Pakistan and China, which can be easily reached with 5000, so trying to make missiles to...
  15. pakfoj

    Samsung Beats Apple

    Galaxy s3 is awesome but its success mostly relies on the time period it was released. Iphone 4s was outdated and had the same shape as 4. samsung galaxy offered a new design and new features. however i think apple will take the 1st position again this fall. Not only is there IOS 6, Iphone 5...
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