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Only 13% Indians hold favourable opinion on Pakistan

Indians are the epitome of peace. You have to know them personally to understand it. A number of your ex apt Pakistani's who have interacted with Indians will vouch for that.

Would the Indians dealing with expat Pakistanis not say the same about Pakistanis? How many Pakistanis do the Indians know personally who were not peaceful?
Would the Indians dealing with expat Pakistanis not say the same about Pakistanis? How many Pakistanis do the Indians know personally who were not peaceful?

Haven't come across any statements on Pakistani's other than we have close friends who are Pakistani's, but the word peaceful, tranquil, laid back, non interfering does get mentioned when mentioning about Indians abroad.
no offense to indian friends but indian media puts words into the mouths of every indian. you turn on an indian news channel at any given moment and you'll know what i mean!!!
no offense to indian friends but indian media puts words into the mouths of every indian. you turn on an indian news channel at any given moment and you'll know what i mean!!!

Why do you have to be so apologetic before stating the facts.
India is a third world overpopulated nation... We dont care what such a nation thinks, and if its citizens can think at all
India is a third world overpopulated nation... We dont care what such a nation thinks, and if its citizens can think at all

So are you, with the addition of a few more negative tags to go with it.
Let me correct you a little. One, I am no Pakistani. Two, the information provided is fact based. There are many human rights reports within India that talk about ow barbarically Hindu fundamentals kill other minorities like Christians and Muslims. So if you guys can kill freely in your country ....what love do you have for the Pakistanis? Really man?
Forgot the hundreds of thousands of children and women in Kashmir....the ones you raped and then killed and the one you just killed? Let me know if you need proof. I'll even put some youtube videos here for you. Shame on you. You talk about democracy and rape it behind your smile!

Dear brother, I am in j&k from 4 years, the real situation is quite contrary to what you are being told, people start stone pelting there at police and army even if some person died in road accident. Army and police can not touch a Kashmiri even with index finger, leave aside killing or rape. Insurgency at J&k is quite a big and successful business. they get huge money from SA and Pakistan for spreading insurgency. they get money from Indian govt for giving information. everybody in J&K is super rich without any work. every person is a member of at least 10 NGOs including two or three human right watch type NGOs. they are very smart. they just cry and do some media management against police atrocities to get funding from gulf countries. and then get money from Indian govt to remain quite. they are smartly using India and Pakistan and milking both countries. Then they make fake videos, every other day and raise the question in parliament. then home ministry ask for report from my police officer friends about the indecent. then starts the long game of identifying the actors in movie and recording their confession. in one such incident they circulated a video of killing of a boy in a field. when inquire came and visited the place of indecent they found that in video the fields were clean but on ground there was a very high crop all around the area then after 15 days of hard work they found the boy who acted as a dead boy in movie just for 200 rupees. when they were interrogating the boy, I was present in there control room. But after much political pressure they have to let go the boy after recording the statement. I have many such stories which were the headlight of world media for some time but after some time came out as fake.
Dear brother, I am in j&k from 4 years, the real situation is quite contrary to what you are being told, people start stone pelting there at police and army even if some person died in road accident. Army and police can not touch a Kashmiri even with index finger, leave aside killing or rape. Insurgency at J&k is quite a big and successful business. they get huge money from SA and Pakistan for spreading insurgency. they get money from Indian govt for giving information. everybody in J&K is super rich without any work. every person is a member of at least 10 NGOs including two or three human right watch type NGOs. they are very smart. they just cry and do some media management against police atrocities to get funding from gulf countries. and then get money from Indian govt to remain quite. they are smartly using India and Pakistan and milking both countries. Then they make fake videos, every other day and raise the question in parliament. then home ministry ask for report from my police officer friends about the indecent. then starts the long game of identifying the actors in movie and recording their confession. in one such incident they circulated a video of killing of a boy in a field. when inquire came and visited the place of indecent they found that in video the fields were clean but on ground there was a very high crop all around the area then after 15 days of hard work they found the boy who acted as a dead boy in movie just for 200 rupees. when they were interrogating the boy, I was present in there control room. But after much political pressure they have to let go the boy after recording the statement. I have many such stories which were the headlight of world media for some time but after some time came out as fake.

are you writing a novel? very good story the world's going to award you a Nobel prize in this field.
Yup, i hate Indians, they hate me. That's just the way it is.
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