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Indian secularism

Which was why the Buddhist kingdoms in today's Pakistan and Afghanistan were the first to be wiped out. Even in India buddhists escaped to Tibet and far south to escape evil Hindus.

A new word also was born...butshikan. Meaning iconoclast. Want to know its etymology?

Don't blame the Muslims buddy.

They came a LOT later.

LONG after Buddhism was MADE to flee the land of its birth.

Cheers, Doc
Which was why the Buddhist kingdoms in today's Pakistan and Afghanistan were the first to be wiped out. Even in India buddhists escaped to Tibet and far south to escape evil Hindus.

A new word also was born...butshikan. Meaning iconoclast. Want to know its etymology?

That's a typical Jihadi apologist.
I thought this guy was a secular but the true colours are emerging.

Is this guy actually trying to cover up history and pretend that Buddhists were wiped out by Invaders?!!
I have no idea which books he is reading to get this alt-history!
All of us together.

Not just the Pandits alone this time.

Cheers, Doc

Yeah, we are "seeing" that happening on the ground.
Right now, the seculars are taking out huge protests in Delhi on atrocities done on Pandits - then I slapped my self to wake up from my day dream.

World and Hindu historians say otherwise too.

Cheers, Doc
Care to quote? :D
Poor Muslim teachers are being victimized for spreading secularism in saffron Haryana. :(

if this video was present, I am absolutely convinced your kind would blame us Hindus for this as well.
Post one article or one video where Hindus destroyed Buddhist temples or exterminated Buddhists. An open challenge man.

If anyone want's to know the truth about what "nearly" wiped out Buddhists in South Asia and who protected them, read this excellent piece. This is one of the most neutral studies on this. A brilliant analysis.


Look at the tolerance of Indian seculars.
They are getting seriously exposed :D

if this video was present, I am absolutely convinced your kind would blame us Hindus for this as well.
Post one article or one video where Hindus destroyed Buddhist temples or exterminated Buddhists. An open challenge man.

If anyone want's to know the truth about what "nearly" wiped out Buddhists in South Asia and who protected them, read this excellent piece. This is one of the most neutral studies on this. A brilliant analysis.


Look at the tolerance of Indian seculars.
They are getting seriously exposed :D
He is trolling, I guess. No sane person will claim what he does.
Another bout of Adil Minhasisms from vsdoc. :tup:

Poor Muslim teachers are being victimized for spreading secularism in saffron Haryana. :(
@The_Showstopper Now Muslims are even prevented from doing Dawa'ah! :disagree:

Your opinion is invited whereby a minoirty called secular Muslim is victimised and marginalised by the Majority Muslims in our own state.

Of course they are.

No different to how slowly Hindus are becoming the murmuring faceless mass of silent assent steeped in a communal "they had it coming, it's our time now, it's our way or the highway" mindset as radical sanghis run amok lynching Muslims and Christians and Dalits.

Soon maybe Sikhs and Buddhists.

Topped off by a Parsi appertif.

Cheers, Doc

He is trolling, I guess. No sane person will claim what he does.
Another bout of Adil Minhasisms from vsdoc. :tup:

@The_Showstopper Now Muslims are even prevented from doing Dawa'ah! :disagree:

So I guess the Guptas did not wipe out Buddhism from the peak it reached as the state religion under Ashoka.

And Adi Shankaracharya did not then come along and deal it the death blow as he sought to reform and "revitalise" Vedic Hinduism.

Rahne de bhai ....

Cheers, Doc
This Indian secularism that you call fake runs true for the millions of Indian Sikhs like me. It runs true for the Muslims and Christians. And for all those that are not Hindu. We love the Hindus as most of our friends are you guys and coz we believe all of us Sikhs, Hindus, Muslims are Indians first. If this isn't secularism, then what is? The pride of living in diversity.

A government comes along that is based on the ideology of Hinduism. Lynching of Muslims becomes a thing suddenly. Fake Gau-raksha encounters on Muslims becomes rampant. How do they minorities feel? There are 2 reasons I sympathise with Muslims right now. They are Indians being targetted coz of their religion. They are a minority like us. What do we make of it? Are we next?

I have never felt there is anything wrong about Hinduism. We've all grown up looking at how clean, evolved and accepting is religion is. But suddenly in these past few years, many Hindus seem to have become selfish as fk. Suddenly, they want the country to have only Hindus.
This is definitely fake secularism. But the real one is which causes the greatest institutions like the Armed Forces to run.

I'm sorry if this is a biased view. Surely the Hindus have also been at the receiving end many times. But the statistics, daily news, articles and shit, all point to a rise in crime against Muslims and not otherwise.
Are we next? Well this could give you some hints...


Of course it will be interesting to see how 2019 elections pan out, anyway who would be the alternative to Modi according to you?
If BJP is to form the government, then I guess this time around they won't get absolute majority like 2014 and will have to depend on their allies. If Congress is to form the government(which looks unlikely with Pappu at helm), it will be unstable with every regional party in UPA holding Congress to ransom.
@salimpheku - the response to Hindus being treated " unfairly" if that is indeed the case is not to treat minorities unfairly.

Keep religion out of state affairs.

Let ALL Indians - of all religions - all states( even Mallus) - be treated EQUALLY.

That is a classic straw-man defense.

No one is advocating treating anyone unfairly. The demand is for fair and just treatment to Hindus.

Show me one post where anyone has advocated unfair treatment for anyone ? :tdown: .......... this is classic propaganda.

I completely agree with you.
no one should be targeted based on their religion, least of all muslims.

I don't for a second support killing of anyone.

This thread is not about that. This is about exposing the narrative seculars promote, of Hindus being the perpetrators and muslims are the victims. While the truth is far from it.

I want religion no where near governance. I want equality of law applied to all religions. I want govt to play no part in promoting any religion. Alas, the seculars come out of their burrows only when 'Jai shree Ram' is spoken but go into their holes for all the thousands of Iftar parties, with full skull caps etc being organized by all govts across India.


If seculars demand Muslims religious beliefs should be respected - perfectly fine with me.
They should also demand Hindu religious beliefs should also be respected - Which they never do.

Take this thread for example. Our resident seculars didn't think twice to bring in Cow. That's the level of tolerance these people have. Imagine if Hindus started exercising their "Freedom of expression" like the seculars. They wouldn't even bear it for a second.

Its FUNNY how they have put on on the Backfoot and now you are expected to Reiterate that you do not support killing anyone :lol:

As if such a thing even need to be said and clarified :sick:

This is how Classic Psy-Ops work. You have already been found guilty and now have the onus of having to "Clear" your name to the "seculars" who sit on judgment on you.

You Just lost this battle friend.

And every time you find the need to Justify yourself and provide explanations and prove your "innocence", its a win for the "seculars" and a loss for you.

I hope the next time you resist the urge to sound apologist for criminals. Its an old Indian weakness. strike that, an old HINDU weakness. No need to tell you the historical background for it, do I ?
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