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Indian secularism

Of course it will be interesting to see how 2019 elections pan out, anyway who would be the alternative to Modi according to you?

Anyone not from the BJP or the Sangh.

Anyone who can cobble together the numbers.

The honest truth my friend is this.

We can fight and control Islamic radicalisation in India.

We cannot fight and control Hindu radicalisation.


Cheers, Doc
Why it's always the people sitting in western secular, liberal countries are the one's against secularism back home? it's same with us why this hypocrisy?

Sir, he is complaining against selective secular appeasement done by Congress and other parties.
Secularism in India is abused left right all sides to counter and hide their corruption.
Our countries have a habit of making rules with loopholes and then make people fight over it, so they can keep winning elections.
Ignore @padamchen he is obviously anti .

O gaumata, O gaumata
holy gau O holy cow,
where are thou? where are thou?

Thy tender eyes bring tears to mine eyes
Thy Silk is like Milk...

(more of the epic poem coming soon)


You panoti, invited the wrath of gaao mata, now she'll come in your dreams and will scare you so in each morning you see null shit on your bed .
images (8).jpg
Great, he can sell Saffron terror narrative to Hindus to defeat Modi.

He is just as caable as modi with none of the rabidness. Modi is like Nirma- cleans white but burns hand. Chidambaram is like SUrf Excel- cleans shirt, good on fabric, good on hands and does the job in 15 mins.
He is just as caable as modi with none of the rabidness. Modi is like Nirma- cleans white but burns hand. Chidambaram is like SUrf Excel- cleans shirt, good on fabric, good on hands and does the job in 15 mins.

Well lets see how Surf Excel saves his baby out of mess he is in right now with the ED.
Well lets see how Surf Excel saves his baby out of mess he is in right now with the ED.

and you think the ED is not being played by Modi? They're trying to link Chidambaram to.....sheena bora murder case :) . After claiming that Shashi Tharoor killed his wife by feeding her POLONIUM, now we have a case where Chidambaram was in the car strangling Sheena Bora.
And let me mention this is happening without BJP mentioning the cow slaughter stunt that congressmen pulled in Kerala, real backlash would be in the hindi heartland.

These seculars think they can blatantly insult Hinduism and then wonder why there is a backlash from Hindus.
The moment the cow's throat was cut in Kerala, fate of Congress was sealed in Hindi heart land.
There is nothing they can do except may be taking up Ram Mandir issue and fighting tooth & nail to build it to turn their fortunes there.

and you think the ED is not being played by Modi? They're trying to link Chidambaram to.....sheena bora murder case :) . After claiming that Shashi Tharoor killed his wife by feeding her POLONIUM, now we have a case where Chidambaram was in the car strangling Sheena Bora.

Err, Didn't Congress do this for past 70 years? Why are they wondering when BJP is returning in kind.

You know what Secular, Congress even destroyed patriots like Col Purohit for their fake narrative of Hindu terror. They didn't even blink to destroy our nation to get back at BJP.
If BJP does something remotely as disgusting, I will stop rooting for them as well.


See how clever the seculars are?
A Hindu was murdered by Seculars & they turn the Hindu into RSS person as if to say, he is from RSS so he deserved it.
These seculars are attacking homes & families of Hindus and the secular gang of India are whistling and running to their safe spaces.


Not a peep from Indian seculars.
@salimpheku - the response to Hindus being treated " unfairly" if that is indeed the case is not to treat minorities unfairly.

Keep religion out of state affairs.

Let ALL Indians - of all religions - all states( even Mallus) - be treated EQUALLY.
@salimpheku - the response to Hindus being treated " unfairly" if that is indeed the case is not to treat minorities unfairly.

Keep religion out of state affairs.

Let ALL Indians - of all religions - all states( even Mallus) - be treated EQUALLY.

I completely agree with you.
no one should be targeted based on their religion, least of all muslims.

I don't for a second support killing of anyone.

This thread is not about that. This is about exposing the narrative seculars promote, of Hindus being the perpetrators and muslims are the victims. While the truth is far from it.

I want religion no where near governance. I want equality of law applied to all religions. I want govt to play no part in promoting any religion. Alas, the seculars come out of their burrows only when 'Jai shree Ram' is spoken but go into their holes for all the thousands of Iftar parties, with full skull caps etc being organized by all govts across India.


If seculars demand Muslims religious beliefs should be respected - perfectly fine with me.
They should also demand Hindu religious beliefs should also be respected - Which they never do.

Take this thread for example. Our resident seculars didn't think twice to bring in Cow. That's the level of tolerance these people have. Imagine if Hindus started exercising their "Freedom of expression" like the seculars. They wouldn't even bear it for a second.

Since the time we got independence from the British nearly seventy years back, the Congress has ruled the country for a major part. If one further scrutinizes the periods of Congress rule, it was one family that called the shots during most times. Except the brief rule of Lal Bahadur Shastri for one and a half years and the five year rule of PV Narasimha Rao, the Congress has been synonymous with the Nehru Gandhi family. So we had Jawaharlal Nehru as PM for nineteen long years, Indira Gandhi for fifteen years, Rajiv Gandhi for five years and also a ten year rule of Sonia Gandhi, although she was not the official Prime Minister.

Although Congressmen will disagree, the fact remains that this family and thereby the party has all through championed the cause of dividing people on the basis of caste and religion and has continuously taken an anti-Hindu stand.

Jawaharlal Nehru and his cabinet introduced the Hindu Code Bills, thereby introducing the concept of different laws for different religions. It was during the Congress regime that the flawed reservation policy was started. While nobody is against providing scholarships or concessions for people who are financially not sound, basing this on caste is a flaw that has created further divide among the people and pushed meritocracy to the backseat. After Indira Gandhi was murdered, anti-Sikh riots took place and some of the Congressmen like Jagdish Tytler were actively involved. The tenure of Rajiv Gandhi saw vote bank politics taken to the next level in the infamous Shah Bano case when the government passed a legislation overruling the court verdict that instructed Shah Bano’s husband to provide her alimony.

But it was during the ten year rule of Sonia Gandhi with Dr Manmohan Singh as a dummy Prime Minister, when the anti-Hindu stand got really nasty. Dr Manmohan Singh’s statement before the 2009 General Elections that minorities have the first right to the resources in India was hailed as a secular statement. Why should the minorities have the first right? Why should all Indians not have equal rights? It was also during this ten year rule that saw terrorists like Ishrat Jahan being projected as martyrs, dreaded terrorist Osama Bin Laden respectfully addressed as Osama ji and radical Islamists like Zakir Naik given patronage among others.

However, the most despicable act committed by the Congress during UPA-2 was to create the myth of saffron terror for their dirty vote bank politics. The Samjhauta Express blasts that took place in 2007 left 68 people killed and many more injured.
The initial investigations pointed at radical Islamist terror organizations like Laskar-e-Toiba (LeT) and Students Islamic Movement of India (SIMI) as being the masterminds behind the attacks. However, the NIA under the UPA government made people believe that it was the members of Hindu organization Abhinav Bharat, who were behind this. Swamy Aseemanand was taken into custody and was made to confess that he was indeed the mastermind of this attack. Later, Swamy Aseemanand mentioned that he was physically and mentally pressurized to make that statement.

Last month, Times Now reported that a Pakistani national Ajmat Ali, who was a suspect in this case, was discharged within 14 days. Times Now has now broken another chilling tape, wherein SIMI member Safdar Nagori confesses that it was SIMI that was behind these attacks. The chief target of their operation was BJP patriarch LK Advani.

Despite having this knowledge, why was the UPA government so keen on absolving Pakistan and their terror organizations? Why were they so desperate on planting the saffron terror theory?

One, this was a golden chance to defame the RSS (and thereby the BJP) of being a terrorist organization. The second objective was to win the heart of the Indian Muslims. While there is no question that there are many patriotic and liberal Muslims in India, it is a sad fact that most terrorists in the world are Muslims and this is leading to the entire community being typecast. Now, here was one government that was saying with conviction that while terror has no religion, there is certainly the existence of Hindu or saffron terror.

A similar thing happened earlier in 2006 during the Malegaon blasts, where initial indications were towards Islamist organizations and then suddenly, the blame was placed on Abhinav Bharat and Sadhvi Pragya was arrested. While there has been no proof against her, she was arrested and tortured by the Maharashtra ATS because the bomb was placed in a bike that she once owned.

Rahul Gandhi, the eternal crown prince of the Congress Party, who can’t even write a condolence message without referring to his phone, was not to be left behind and took the saffron terror theory outside India.

As per Wikileaks cables, Rahul Gandhi told US ambassador Timothy Roamer that radicalized Hindu groups pose a bigger threat to India as compared to radical Islamist Pakistani groups.
Rahul Gandhi went on to say that although there are evidences of some radical youth joining LeT, the number of youth joining radical Hindu organizations are more and hence this is a bigger threat to the country.

Rahul Gandhi ji, the biggest threat to our country is the Congress and the co-called secular parties, who can even go to the extent of supporting Pakistan and its terror organizations to gain a few votes and tarnish the image of the RSS. It is your party member who provoked the Hindus by openly slaughtering a cow in Kerala. It is your party member who was present in the RSS ki saazish book launch despite there being no doubt that it was the LeT who had all along planned the 26/11 attack. We must thank our stars that Ajmal Kasab was caught alive, else the Congress would have made us believe that 26/11 was also an instance of saffron terror.

It was your party, Rahul Gandhi, that indulged in multi crore scams like 2G, Coalgate, Augusta Westland, Commonwealth and a bunch of others. It was your father, who was involved in the Bofors scam that continues to shake the nation. It was your mother, who cried bitterly when JeM terrorists were killed in the Batla House encounter. It was your grandmother who forced the emergency on the country, thereby threatening democracy. It was the policies of your party that is responsible for the perennial problem in Kashmir and it was your ally NC that was responsible for the ethnic cleansing of Kashmiri Pandits. One can go on and on about the various misdeeds committed by your family and by your party.

To conclude, although secularism is supposed to be the biggest asset of the Congress party, the reality is altogether different. The Congress is the most communal party in the country and its core principles are based on dividing the people of the country based of caste and religion. It is because of the policies of the Congress, along with the other secular parties, that the Hindus today are second class citizens in their own country. One only hopes that the dream of a Congress Mukth Bharat is realized soon and the one entity that has destroyed the nation is wiped out completely.

Nehruji, Indra Gandhi and Rajiv Gandhi made mistakes like every other leader has done. It is easy to criticise in hind sight. Ofcourse some mistakes are too big to forget : Nehru's mis-reading of Chinese, Indira's crazy emergency debacle being on top.

But fact is, these were GREAT leaders that held India together. After independence, international, communal and regional extremeists would have torn the union apart but for how Nehru governed. Look at what happened to Tamilnadu where communal politics was used by the dravida parties to hoodwink and take over the state (and ruin it); or pakistan where religious forces and international interests took root and turned it into a nightmare!

Ofcourse Valllabbhai Patel was also a great force and a great leader that built India.

I really think running down great leaders of the past, based on questionable narratives on why they did what they did is incorrect.

Manmohan Singh was an inexplicable disappointment - may be he should simply have remained a babu in the finance ministry as he seemed to give in completely to the Sonia Gandhi cabal.

Thank God someone like Modi showed up - he has potential to be as great as Gandhi, Nehru and Patel. But he is not well served by every tom dick and harry picking up stupid issues based on their less than half baked knowledge about Hinduism, Brahminism, Vedic etc.

Secular or not, India belongs to Hindus and every other persuasion that Indians have and chose to have. It is Indians that define India, NOT any other classification or group.

How are you guys with very little knowledge and expertise in the Vedas gonna establish its supremacy over anything else? Why are you nuts completely oblivious to the principles and methods, simply latch on to tokens and rituals and give it a bad name?

You don't have to prove anything to anyone. Knowledge is accomplished only by studying and being taught, NOT PREACHED or dictated. If you start preaching to unwanton ears or dictating rituals and practices, all you are doing is trying to equate Vedic Sanathanam to stupid religions.

Don't do it.
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