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Indian secularism

Oh I forgot.....:D I shall change the structure of the book, she shall not drink tear coz that is only for peacock

O Gaumata Ulike Peacock
You know tears don't replace a male Cock

(above means rooster kind of cock for all perverts...that is also called a cock)
Don't worry No one will make a TJ Joshep out of you.
Pheku, please don't write text walls. Time nahin hai tumhare aansoo peene ke liye.

Sankshipt mein batao kya kehna chahte ho.

Cheers, Doc
Don't worry No one will make a TJ Joshep out of you.

Let them get their frustration out buddy.
They are now extremely triggered since they have been completely exposed.

We all have seen how their kind behaves when they have to stare at the truth.

A nice read on Fake secularism in India ;)


I am confused as a hindu who wants to stay secular and each day this confusion increases……Yes I am born as a hindu in India, went to a Christian school ….celebrated diwali at home but Christmas in school with equal fervor.Visit to a cathedral or hearing bible verses never instilled any fear that my religion is at stake …because as a hindu I am supposed to be secular and accept all religions.
In india its fashionable to be a secular hindu….
But I really wonder aloud today, what would have been the reaction in media and our so called intellectuals if a school run by a hindu trust or organization had opened a school amongst Christianity dominated area and had sung verses from Gita or Mahabharata!!! All hell would have broken loose for sure.
14 years of education in a Christian run school did not make me a Christian..i am still a hindu but I have one more reason in my life to be happy when its Christmas …
As a hindu if I can handle 33 crores of gods and deity, I can definitely handle few more gods and still be a hindu…I don’t fear..I am a hindu …I imbibe..i don’t run away ….but what am I supposed to do when I see my muslim and Christian friends refusing Prasad /or rejecting getting a tilak done on their forehead…how many of muslims and Christians have visited..vaishno devi or tirupati…
Now …just ask how many hindus have visited Ajmer Sharif or Deva shareef or Swarna mandir or cathedral.Is so called secularism has to be only a Hindu’s responsibility !
If India has to be secular then state should not interfere with religion …but then why should my tax money has to go for Haj subsidy..Is that not a special favour to one religion.This is my question …but as a hindu am still confused….if just one haj subsidy allows my muslim brothers and sister to be happy then am happy to still let them do it.I would love to hear stories of their trip ….am happy to say “Eid Mubarak”…I don’t fear because I am Hindu.
Why my so called intellectuals never blamed successive governments for allowing such communalism …why they never returned their awards ….
Why St.Stefens in Delhi is allowed to give preference only to Christian candidates while hiring ……They exist on a piece of land which belongs to INDIA and not to Hindus, Christians or Muslims …then preference to anybody on the basis of religion is communalism and not secularism.
Why authors and scientists and people like Dibakar bannerjee never protested against St Stefens ?
Currently am residing in a country which claims with pride that we are a Christian nation and the world media doesn’t target it at all.Britain easily refuses permission to create a mosque higher than St.Pauls cathedral…A mosque which will be built by their own citizens living and working in this country,,, but BBC doesn’t run a documentary on the plight of muslims being tortured and not given equal rights in Britain !! They don’t get a lecture from Obama to embrace secularism as yet !!
However, in India I still don’t support demolishing a mosque which was built by an Invader !!A nation with 80% of its populations as Hindus has taken more than 60 years to built a temple for their deity.As a Hindu I would still support a temple and a mosque together there …..rather than just a temple …I don’t boast my religion …..and I Don’t believe that I am the best…I believe that all are equal for I am a Hindu.
If my son has to marry a Christian girl tomorrow..I will not ask the girl to convert…I have no such concept..but my son will have to convert to christianity just to marry the girl of her dreams ….is that not communalism which is openly being practiced by minorities in India ….!! If inter-cast marriages are supported then why not inter-religion ……let there be true secularism in India …..and not this blurred version of secularism, created by pseudo –intellectuals !!
I have no award to be given back …no talent to make a documentary or debate the issue on a TV channel.But my belief that God is one and all religions should be respected gets shaken everyday in my Mind….As a Hindu …am I being taught to stay oppressed in India ? Is that secularism??
I am a woman, a hindu woman, who wants to teach her son to respect all religions …and want to tell him that if you light a candle in a church, bow your head in a Mosque, do seva in a Gurudwara…. You will not cease to be hindu …….for you are a Hindu and always will be a hindu.You will never learn to fear.
Yes I am…… confused …..but I still don’t fear for I am a Hindu.I will not eat Beef but will not support a ban on it !! but please don’t mock my religious feeling by doing a Beef –Party just to mock me !! atleast that much I can expect.
If you want to return your award then return it and say that you ‘ll accept it back only when beef –ban is removed, haj subsidy is stopped, polygamy among muslims to be declared illegal, no special reservations for any minority in their institutions...., triple Talaq to be stopped and not compulsion of change of religion in inter –religion marriages !!

Pheku, please don't write text walls. Time nahin hai tumhare aansoo peene ke liye.

Sankshipt mein batao kya kehna chahte ho.

Cheers, Doc

It's ok Doc. Take deep breaths, the triggering will subside. Say 'All is well' a few times, you know the famous secular quote from our favourite secular actor ;)
Let them get their frustration out buddy.
They are now extremely triggered since they have been completely exposed.

We all have seen how their kind behaves when they have to stare at the truth.

A nice read on Fake secularism in India ;)


I am confused as a hindu who wants to stay secular and each day this confusion increases……Yes I am born as a hindu in India, went to a Christian school ….celebrated diwali at home but Christmas in school with equal fervor.Visit to a cathedral or hearing bible verses never instilled any fear that my religion is at stake …because as a hindu I am supposed to be secular and accept all religions.
In india its fashionable to be a secular hindu….
But I really wonder aloud today, what would have been the reaction in media and our so called intellectuals if a school run by a hindu trust or organization had opened a school amongst Christianity dominated area and had sung verses from Gita or Mahabharata!!! All hell would have broken loose for sure.
14 years of education in a Christian run school did not make me a Christian..i am still a hindu but I have one more reason in my life to be happy when its Christmas …
As a hindu if I can handle 33 crores of gods and deity, I can definitely handle few more gods and still be a hindu…I don’t fear..I am a hindu …I imbibe..i don’t run away ….but what am I supposed to do when I see my muslim and Christian friends refusing Prasad /or rejecting getting a tilak done on their forehead…how many of muslims and Christians have visited..vaishno devi or tirupati…
Now …just ask how many hindus have visited Ajmer Sharif or Deva shareef or Swarna mandir or cathedral.Is so called secularism has to be only a Hindu’s responsibility !
If India has to be secular then state should not interfere with religion …but then why should my tax money has to go for Haj subsidy..Is that not a special favour to one religion.This is my question …but as a hindu am still confused….if just one haj subsidy allows my muslim brothers and sister to be happy then am happy to still let them do it.I would love to hear stories of their trip ….am happy to say “Eid Mubarak”…I don’t fear because I am Hindu.
Why my so called intellectuals never blamed successive governments for allowing such communalism …why they never returned their awards ….
Why St.Stefens in Delhi is allowed to give preference only to Christian candidates while hiring ……They exist on a piece of land which belongs to INDIA and not to Hindus, Christians or Muslims …then preference to anybody on the basis of religion is communalism and not secularism.
Why authors and scientists and people like Dibakar bannerjee never protested against St Stefens ?
Currently am residing in a country which claims with pride that we are a Christian nation and the world media doesn’t target it at all.Britain easily refuses permission to create a mosque higher than St.Pauls cathedral…A mosque which will be built by their own citizens living and working in this country,,, but BBC doesn’t run a documentary on the plight of muslims being tortured and not given equal rights in Britain !! They don’t get a lecture from Obama to embrace secularism as yet !!
However, in India I still don’t support demolishing a mosque which was built by an Invader !!A nation with 80% of its populations as Hindus has taken more than 60 years to built a temple for their deity.As a Hindu I would still support a temple and a mosque together there …..rather than just a temple …I don’t boast my religion …..and I Don’t believe that I am the best…I believe that all are equal for I am a Hindu.
If my son has to marry a Christian girl tomorrow..I will not ask the girl to convert…I have no such concept..but my son will have to convert to christianity just to marry the girl of her dreams ….is that not communalism which is openly being practiced by minorities in India ….!! If inter-cast marriages are supported then why not inter-religion ……let there be true secularism in India …..and not this blurred version of secularism, created by pseudo –intellectuals !!
I have no award to be given back …no talent to make a documentary or debate the issue on a TV channel.But my belief that God is one and all religions should be respected gets shaken everyday in my Mind….As a Hindu …am I being taught to stay oppressed in India ? Is that secularism??
I am a woman, a hindu woman, who wants to teach her son to respect all religions …and want to tell him that if you light a candle in a church, bow your head in a Mosque, do seva in a Gurudwara…. You will not cease to be hindu …….for you are a Hindu and always will be a hindu.You will never learn to fear.
Yes I am…… confused …..but I still don’t fear for I am a Hindu.I will not eat Beef but will not support a ban on it !! but please don’t mock my religious feeling by doing a Beef –Party just to mock me !! atleast that much I can expect.
If you want to return your award then return it and say that you ‘ll accept it back only when beef –ban is removed, haj subsidy is stopped, polygamy among muslims to be declared illegal, no special reservations for any minority in their institutions...., triple Talaq to be stopped and not compulsion of change of religion in inter –religion marriages !!

It's ok Doc. Take deep breaths, the triggering will subside. Say 'All is well' a few times, you know the famous secular quote from our favourite secular actor ;)

That's the Hindu I know and have always loved and respected.

Ancient Aryan cousins. It's in our DNA.

The current sanghi virus is alien. Not Indian. Period.

Bhasm karo usko.

Cheers, Doc
That's the Hindu I know and have always loved and respected.

Ancient Aryan cousins. It's in our DNA.

The current sanghi virus is alien. Not Indian. Period.

Bhasm karo usko.

You do know that a lot of Sanghis are Atheists, right?
Oh wait, you have no idea that RSS has a lot of members who are Atheists?!!

That Hindu you know, who you loved and respected is being hunted to extermination & all you seculars are doing it watch from sidelines and cheering on.
Perhaps you have not read her anguish or you are pretending not to understand her pain.

Case 5:

In this very thread, me or other Hindus have not insulted others religious beliefs.
But the seculars have repeatedly targeted Hindus beliefs by bringing in cow, which they are well aware is something that is important to our beliefs.

Seculars demand that Hindus respect other religious beliefs.
Yet, they don't even give a second's thought before they insult Hindus religious beliefs, case in point in this thread.
How come Muslims are minority in Kashmir? How come Sikhs are minority in Punjab? Shouldn’t Hindu be minority in these places? The problem with Indian Secularism is the vote bank politics. Till Indians vote on religious lines there is no scope for real secularism. Pseudo secularists are actually the biggest weapon BJP has in its armoury. Also only Hindu religion teaches secularism where as others state ours is the only true religion. The champions of secularism are always silent about this fact.
You do know that a lot of Sanghis are Atheists, right?
Oh wait, you have no idea that RSS has a lot of members who are Atheists?!!

That Hindu you know, who you loved and respected is being hunted to extermination & all you seculars are doing it watch from sidelines and cheering on.
Perhaps you have not read her anguish or you are pretending not to understand her pain.

Case 5:

In this very thread, me or other Hindus have not insulted others religious beliefs.
But the seculars have repeatedly targeted Hindus beliefs by bringing in cow, which they are well aware is something that is important to our beliefs.

Seculars demand that Hindus respect other religious beliefs.
Yet, they don't even give a second's thought before they insult Hindus religious beliefs, case in point in this thread.

Let me divert momentarily from my irreverent scathing self and talk about the cow.

Most of us are not mad. We have been born and brought up in Hindustan. Some of us are a lot older too than you puppies. And have seen another India which you puppies have only read about.

We would not even hit a cow if it was chomping on the carefully and lovingly nurtured plants in your garden. I know. I'm the crazy gwala of the neighborhood who goes around doing hurrrrraaaatttt Bihari style to get them out of his compound many times a week. Whose lawns and flower beds and shady bushes and gulmohar trees and favorite resting haunt of a brown and cream cow who is perpetually pregnant, and has actually birthed twice in my home (the gwala gifts us the first milk of all his cows regularly btw ...).

You sanghis are friggin rabid mad men hunting and killing Indians.

THAT is my beef with you. Splitting the social fabric our generation and those before us have fought for, bled for, and nurtured to pass on to future puppy generations.

Instead of trusting in the way our society works, of mutual respect and no go lines, you have decided to make issues out of things and throw your weight around.

You are acting as if only you own India.

Sorry buddy. I'll fight you on that as I would fight a Pakistani.

Cheers, Doc
Let me divert momentarily from my irreverent scathing self and talk about the cow.

Most of us are not mad. We have been born and brought up in Hindustan. Some of us are a lot older too than you puppies. And have seen another India which you puppies have only read about.

We would not even hit a cow if it was chomping on the carefully and lovingly nurtured plants in your garden. I know. I'm the crazy gwala of the neighborhood who goes around doing hurrrrraaaatttt Bihari style to get them out of his compound many times a week. Whose lawns and flower beds and shady bushes and gulmohar trees and favorite resting haunt of a brown and cream cow who is perpetually pregnant, and has actually birthed twice in my home (the gwala gifts us the first milk of all his cows regularly btw ...).

You sanghis are friggin rabid mad men hunting and killing Indians.

THAT is my beef with you. Splitting the social fabric our generation and those before us have fought for, bled for, and nurtured to pass on to future puppy generations.

Instead of trusting in the way our society works, of mutual respect and no go lines, you have decided to make issues out of things and throw your weight around.

You are acting as if only you own India.

Sorry buddy. I'll fight you on that as I would fight a Pakistani.

Cheers, Doc

Nice story.

Did you just make that up to reinvent your credibility and respect ? :lol: ........ 8 marks for trying.

Now if we can just put aside the BS, and address your strawman.

"You sanghis are friggin rabid mad men hunting and killing Indians."

UFF ....... your crocodile tears appear almost Real.

Is this the same as "ALL Muslims are Frigging rabid mad men doing jihad and terrorism" ? :coffee:

We ARE the society and maybe you can take your own advice and start TRUSTING IT / US.

As for fighting us, we expect nothing less from the "Minorities" of India. Especially the rabid ones.

Just don't cry when we whip your @ss back to iran.
Let me divert momentarily from my irreverent scathing self and talk about the cow.

Most of us are not mad. We have been born and brought up in Hindustan. Some of us are a lot older too than you puppies. And have seen another India which you puppies have only read about.

We would not even hit a cow if it was chomping on the carefully and lovingly nurtured plants in your garden. I know. I'm the crazy gwala of the neighborhood who goes around doing hurrrrraaaatttt Bihari style to get them out of his compound many times a week. Whose lawns and flower beds and shady bushes and gulmohar trees and favorite resting haunt of a brown and cream cow who is perpetually pregnant, and has actually birthed twice in my home (the gwala gifts us the first milk of all his cows regularly btw ...).

You sanghis are friggin rabid mad men hunting and killing Indians.

THAT is my beef with you. Splitting the social fabric our generation and those before us have fought for, bled for, and nurtured to pass on to future puppy generations.

Instead of trusting in the way our society works, of mutual respect and no go lines, you have decided to make issues out of things and throw your weight around.

You are acting as if only you own India.

Sorry buddy. I'll fight you on that as I would fight a Pakistani.

Cheers, Doc

Anyone who reads this thread can easily make out who is the rabid one doc :)
There is no balance in you seculars. May be you started with good intentions but like the left in west, you have morphed into a despicable cabal of Hindu hating douche bags.

sanghis killing Indians!? Where? Can you please provide some sources please?
As far as I can see it's the Sanghis that are being culled all over India by the seculars.
Just last month was another culling by seculars in West Bengal. May be you slept through it but we didn't. Refer to my Case 1, in my first post.

this is the selective finger pointing I am talking about. Not one darn word about the Gau Rakshaks being killed all over India. Not one word about the farmers being killed by Cow smugglers all over India. Not one word about Kashmiri Pandits. Not one word about Bengal Hindus. Not a single tear for Prashanth Poojari.

Doc, the whole world knows who the real killers are. If you seriously believe otherwise, may secular god have mercy on you.

Is this the same as "ALL Muslims are Frigging rabid mad men doing jihad and terrorism" ?

Yeah. try saying that and see how these same people are triggered.
Not one single act of terrorism anywhere in the world by RSS, yet, these people would delude themselves.
Add to it the fact that we all know who perpetrates ALL the terrorist acts in India, yet, these seculars are too douched to say the truth.
how quickly they moved on from recent Secular lynchings in West Bengal.
It's like it never happened for these people.
It's like the 16 year old Hindu boy is NOT in jail for these people.
Let me divert momentarily from my irreverent scathing self and talk about the cow.

Most of us are not mad. We have been born and brought up in Hindustan. Some of us are a lot older too than you puppies. And have seen another India which you puppies have only read about.

We would not even hit a cow if it was chomping on the carefully and lovingly nurtured plants in your garden. I know. I'm the crazy gwala of the neighborhood who goes around doing hurrrrraaaatttt Bihari style to get them out of his compound many times a week. Whose lawns and flower beds and shady bushes and gulmohar trees and favorite resting haunt of a brown and cream cow who is perpetually pregnant, and has actually birthed twice in my home (the gwala gifts us the first milk of all his cows regularly btw ...).

You sanghis are friggin rabid mad men hunting and killing Indians.

THAT is my beef with you. Splitting the social fabric our generation and those before us have fought for, bled for, and nurtured to pass on to future puppy generations.

Instead of trusting in the way our society works, of mutual respect and no go lines, you have decided to make issues out of things and throw your weight around.

You are acting as if only you own India.

Sorry buddy. I'll fight you on that as I would fight a Pakistani.

Cheers, Doc

Oh so you will fight some people who bash some cattle smuggler somewhere but will love terrorists, their apologists and people who would harm India
There is nothing called Indian Secularism, it's a sham, it's bloody naked appeasement of minorities. Hindus by nature are inclusive and believe in principle of Vasudev Kutumbakam. What we see now is a narrative carefully being built to take Hindus on a guilt trip where crimes against a section of society is magnified and amplified and crimes against the majority is hushed or even in certain cases ignored completely as it goes against the narrative delicately crafted by pen pushers whose gravy train has been stopped by the current government.

What we are witnessing now in the name of "Indian" Secularism is beautifully explained in one of OpIndia article shared below. The whole article is worth reading I am just sharing few lines.

"Basically in 2014, Congress knew that it had a “pro-minority” problem and it needed to find a solution.

The solution couldn’t have been stepping away from minorities. That would be suicidal. In India, “minorities” form a big chunk of voters, and one can say it without a sense of irony. Not only that, the “intellectual” support system would have also deserted the Congress.

So becoming a little less pro-minority was not at all the solution.

In essence, the problem was – an average Hindu thinking that Congress preferred minorities, especially Muslims, at the cost of welfare of Hindus. That the party was unfairly and unreasonably obsessed with minority issues.

Keywords being “unfairly” and “unreasonably”.

Bingo! That’s where the solution lied!

The party didn’t need to shed its pro-minority stand, but all it needed to do was to convince the average Hindu that its obsession with minority issues was not “unfair” and “unreasonable”.

And there you know what to do – convince the average Hindu that the minorities in India were being unfairly and unreasonably targeted. From attacks on Churches to Muslims lynched by Hindu mobs – such narrative help the Congress find the solution.

This narrative started towards end of 2014, when we started hearing about gharwapsi and later about attacks on Churches in Delhi – events that suggested that the minorities in India were being unfairly and unreasonably targeted.

Remember, gharwapsi was not any new event, as I had pointed out last year here and here; and even the attacks on Churches were all found to be either hyped or fabricated. But they helped create a narrative.

Every stray incident needed to be magnified, every loose comment needed to be mainstreamed, and every misrepresentation needed to be reinforced.

The end message – minorities were not safe, and the majority had to do something.

Essentially, the average Hindu was sent on a guilt trip.
And obviously, the Congress is happy. The party is telling the narrative pushers – keep up the good work, but not in my name, dress it up under the garb of activism and neutrality."

This Indian secularism that you call fake runs true for the millions of Indian Sikhs like me. It runs true for the Muslims and Christians. And for all those that are not Hindu. We love the Hindus as most of our friends are you guys and coz we believe all of us Sikhs, Hindus, Muslims are Indians first. If this isn't secularism, then what is? The pride of living in diversity.

A government comes along that is based on the ideology of Hinduism. Lynching of Muslims becomes a thing suddenly. Fake Gau-raksha encounters on Muslims becomes rampant. How do they minorities feel? There are 2 reasons I sympathise with Muslims right now. They are Indians being targetted coz of their religion. They are a minority like us. What do we make of it? Are we next?

I have never felt there is anything wrong about Hinduism. We've all grown up looking at how clean, evolved and accepting is religion is. But suddenly in these past few years, many Hindus seem to have become selfish as fk. Suddenly, they want the country to have only Hindus.
This is definitely fake secularism. But the real one is which causes the greatest institutions like the Armed Forces to run.

I'm sorry if this is a biased view. Surely the Hindus have also been at the receiving end many times. But the statistics, daily news, articles and shit, all point to a rise in crime against Muslims and not otherwise.
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