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Cops shut down dance party in Lahore after cleric's threat

THIS IS what happens when State fails to do its job of stopping these crap parties than people do it on there own. So Mullah did what State should have done
Damn! You should never come to Islamabad, or you would lose your marbles completely! We party a lot too. Stop us if you can.
THIS IS what happens when State fails to do its job of stopping these crap parties than people do it on there own. So Mullah did what State should have done
for your info janab party was authorized by the state itself. but for what that mullah did he should be charged for threatening public and a police officer. and the police officer should be charged for not fulfilling his duty and giving under the pressure.
Damn! You should never come to Islamabad, or you would lose your marbles completely! We party a lot too. Stop us if you can.
Islamabadis will also be stopped soon and I have been to Islamabad and I can see people getting pissed and soon taking action on there own and that no body in Islamabad would like it but will happen really soon.

for your info janab it was authorized by the state itself. what that mullah do he should be charged for threatening a police officer and the police officer should be charged for not fulfilling his duty and giving under the pressure.
Than as an Islamic state the state just broke it's constitution and did illegal thing. They are bound to stop these craps not promote it. It's there duty according to constitution so better they implement it or people will
Islamabadis will also be stopped soon and I have been to Islamabad and I can see people getting pissed and soon taking action on there own and that no body in Islamabad would like it but will happen really soon.
Sorry to disappoint you, sir, but half of a quarter of Islamabad drinks beer. Many more than that smoke something heavier than cigarette and sheesha. A quarter of the whole city is addicted to EDM. And while I don't indulge in drugs or alcohol, I love some EDM myself. So good luck with all the stopping.
Sorry to disappoint you, sir, but half of a quarter of Islamabad drinks beer. Many more than that smoke something heavier than cigarette and sheesha. A quarter of the whole city is addicted to EDM. And while I don't indulge in drugs or alcohol, I love some EDM myself. So good luck with all the stopping.
I know Islamabad I have been there several times and I can tell you you soon are going to see lot of guys like Lal Masjid Mullah stopping crap but I hope before that happens state wakes up and does it on its own

are you or these people threatening to challenge the writ of state through physical violence.
Well our interpretation differs but I can see things getting ugly really soon in fact I know few cases where agencies have arrested young people for trying to doing something horrifying to liberal parties and places and those children were from liberal families themselves and also state agencies are not too happy defending this kind of crap anymore
I know Islamabad I have been there several times and I can tell you you soon are going to see lot of guys like Lal Masjid Mullah stopping crap but I hope before that happens state wakes up and does it on its own

Lal Masjid agenda shouldn't be promoted
Lal Masjid agenda shouldn't be promoted
Failure of state will only lead to that. The militant groups are rising because states are not resolving Muslim issues like Palestine and Kashmir and not implementing Islamic laws. And these two are biggest selling points for militant groups and they use these two to get new recruits. I don't promote militancy because it only create chaos but I also don't support state failure to implement Islamic laws and resolve Muslim issues. State leaves space and Militants jump in this will keep happening until states wakes up
I know Islamabad I have been there several times and I can tell you you soon are going to see lot of guys like Lal Masjid Mullah stopping crap but I hope before that happens state wakes up and does it on its own
why is it that whenever any kind of extremism is on the rise in Pakistan we always find you on the wrong side.first taliban then lal masjid and now against every liberal :disagree:
Failure of state will only lead to that. The militant groups are rising because states are not resolving Muslim issues like Palestine and Kashmir and not implementing Islamic laws. And these two are biggest selling points for militant groups and they use these two to get new recruits

But people shouldn't take law in their own hands and let people party if they want. It's their problem and private affair. The general public is fed up with Mullah dictatorship. They just want moderation. Those who are liberal let them be so long as they're not anti-state and don't commit in offences. Those who are conservatives let them be too. Keep a balance. This Soti danda attitude isn't on
why is it that whenever any kind of extremism is on the rise in Pakistan we always find you on the wrong side.first taliban then lal masjid and now against every liberal :disagree:
I support Islam and sorry but this crap parties are not allowed in Islam and according to Pakistani constitution stopping Haram and un Islamic stuff is duty of state so I need them to do there duty there failure to do there job only helps militancy to rise
Look at all liberals flocking to this thread and attacking a religious cleric for stopping fahashi - really sad. These so-called liberals are a bigger threat to Pakistani culture than religious fanatics.
in this global world mixing of culture is bound to happen people have to live with that fact now.
But people shouldn't take law in their own hands and let people party if they want. It's their problem and private affair. The general public is fed up with Mullah dictatorship. They just want moderation. Those who are liberal let them be so long as they're not anti-state and don't commit in offences. Those who are conservatives let them be too. Keep a balance. This Soti danda attitude isn't on
Sorry the kind of privacy west is used to doesn't exist in Islam and sorry but it's duty of every Muslim to stop Haram and even if we by use of hand according to Hadith
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