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Netherlands cancel landing permit for turkish foreign minister

I already answered enough, read my post if you didn't get it the first time.
I don't need an answer from you, considering you are just playing along with Mr. Erdogan's little playbook.
The whole nazi calling and bosnia murder calling in the current context is completely and utterly BOGUS.
You know this very well (assuming you do have half a brain). You SHOULD know this very well.
Mr Erdogan is just attempting to stir nationalistic feelings at home, because he is weak there. And what better way than diverting attention by a self-created incident with the Netherlands.
Mr Erdogan is just attempting to stir nationalistic feelings at home, because he is weak there. And what better way than diverting attention by a self-created incident with the Netherlands.
Noooooooooo,he would never do that,you liar.:sarcastic:
I don't need an answer from you, considering you are just playing along with Mr. Erdogan's little playbook.
The whole nazi calling and bosnia murder calling in the current context is completely and utterly BOGUS.
You know this very well (assuming you do have half a brain). You SHOULD know this very well.
Mr Erdogan is just attempting to stir nationalistic feelings at home, because he is weak there. And what better way than diverting attention by a self-created incident with the Netherlands.
Erdogan already is strong in Turkey, in fact he never was as strong as he is today. He has weakened both kemalist structure and gülenist FETÖ structure in Turkey. And now much more able to rule Turkey, and in addition to this, he managed to make MHP ally with AKP some months ago. MHP is the third biggest party in Turkey.
So basically, Erdogan is very strong in Turkey, and I'd say much stronger than he ever was. And that's exactly why he is showing his strength towards all European countries who makes double standards, who let PKK terrorists utter their minds freely but rejects Turkish ministers in informing their countrymen about the referendum.

Of course Erdogan is smart, of course he chose the date prior to your election. Because he knew you'd be trapped and deny the ministers entry, and by this he can easily portray the "colors" of European countries and their understanding of democracy and freedom. He used this card to make the world see your hypocrisy.
Erdogan already is strong in Turkey, in fact he never was as strong as he is today.
The polls show a 50-50 result, he needs every single vote, dont fool yourself, the AKP that said ''they crushed nationalism'' a couple years ago would never work with nationalists if they didnt need their votes, thats also the reason why they do everything to secure Bahcelis chair in exchange for support.
Turkey can sanction ?? New info to me.

LOL You must be living in a cave.

Turkey holds considerable bargaining power over the Europeans. Ask the Europeans why they are investing in refugee camps on Turkish soil.

Are you expecting a support from slave muslim world ... lolz... Your country among few muslim countries who has highest literacy rate. But it seems your democratic bus driver is not heading in right direction. ... atleast you guys have democracy...
Yes , Turkey is alone after consumed in Syrian crisis. That was Turkish present govt mistake.

The Europeans have played the refugee crisis very smartly by offering breadcrumbs. The Turks should have said no from the word go. The European countries cannot share the refugee burden among themselves and are okay with burdening a single country. The whole refugee deal between Turkey and the EU is a farce.
The polls show a 50-50 result, he needs every single vote, dont fool yourself, the AKP that said ''they crushed nationalism'' a couple years ago would never work with nationalists if they didnt need their votes, thats also the reason why they do everything to secure Bahcelis chair in exchange for support.


I hope that more people in Turkey will understand the dirty games Erdo and AKP are playing. I am sure that they will try absolutely everything to stay in power but more people should finaly open their eyes and understand that those idiots are destroying the country and it's reputation with their greed for money and power.
It is not important whether this is an election or referendum or both. People is going to get the chance to vote a "Yes" or "No". The important thing is, people are going to vote, not donkeys or monkeys, and people has their right to get enlightened by their ministers PM or president about this referendum.

A humble question, are you from the Netherlands?

Bosnian people are like Turkish people to Turks. And we care a lot about them, and we know exactly what happened in the Bosnian genocide. Dutch soldiers were idling nearby when 8000 Bosnian boys and men were getting massacred systematically. So yes, pretty much you have the same burden on your shoulders as those degenerate serbs (at that time). And Erdogan pointed this out, because Holland wanted to teach Turkey some ethic and moral values. Then Erdogan naturally pointed this out that NL is in no place to teach us moral and ethics.

When a force of 25,000 decides to commit genocide, an understrength battalion
of less than 400 should really be able to stop them :crazy:.
Luckily, I have a PhD in a relevant from a good US university. Done now with the personal attacking (and lack of substantive points)?
Sure. Like I said, I'm weak weak weak. Ask around here just how weak.

Your words give clue about your intelligence; no need a paper or a few ''buddy'' for you to convince me unless you have a weak personality that seeks others' approval for her/his intellectual existance.

With your own posts, Your intelligence has so far earned the title of cheap talker and weak debater, it seems your intelligence run away from the challenge based on law and international treaty. Here is what you said:

Individual politicians and official representatives of the State are two entirely different entities. Therein lies the problem.

Will you yet again run away with side topics or give a straigth answer via the window of law and int. treaty?

Anyway, this is all totally unrelated to the issue over which Turkey and Netherlands have a spat, which further illustrates how Erdogan (and, judging from your post, with some succes) is seeking and playing a self-ignited external conflict to mask his own weakness at home. All that was necessary was coming around a week later. But nooooooo, ....he is just seeking to add fuel to make a small fire into a blaze. This man is jeopardizing 400+ years of good relations with NL, just so he can remain in his chair. I wish him and you and Turkey good luck.

The Srebrenica genocide was brougt onto the table by you in our debate.

the stance of Dutch soldiers in Srebrenica gives us some clue about the Dutch society with respect to the Islam, Muslims and Turks.

Dutch people today support a leader named Wilder, who openly has many times repeated the same Dutch stance in Srebrenica with words in his rhetoric, also confirmed that it has actually a deep root in the Dutch society, which keeps growing in minds, but also started to turn into attacks as seen in the current situation. Apperantly, Dutch people look for another Hitler like ''leader'', that explains the popularity of Wilder in the Dutch society. the difference between Hitler Germany and Wilder Nerherlands is:



I wouldn't know because it didn't go down the way you portray, as is evident from a ton of Dutch and international reports on the whole period. Your remark about the court ruling is actually incorrect: the court ruled that 8000-60 cases were NOT the responsibility of the Dutch soldiers and hence NOT eligible for compensation. And that sums up the state of your knowledge and debating skill.

Blablabla. Get a life.

Let's see Srebrenica through the eyes of the Dutch.

Dossier Srebrenica: “The Netherlands could use this to show its worth and Dutch prestige would be enhanced in the world”.
On July 11, Mladic entered the town declaring he was giving Srebrenica “as a gift to the Serbian people for all the many humiliations they had suffered down the centuries at the hands of the Turks”. (people were)“slaughtered like beasts”.
Dutch troops had offered no resistance and instead supervised the exodus of refugees, which is “tantamount to collaborating with ethnic cleansing”.
Pictures were published in the press of drunken Dutchbat soldiers and of Karremans himself raising a toast to Mladic.

As it is seen, Your own country admits that They took part in the genocide, and ''celebrated'' the collaboration with champagne.

Humiliation is your destiny as in that case and this debate.
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Noooooooooo,he would never do that,

My point exactly.

Erdogan already is strong in Turkey, in fact he never was as strong as he is today. He has weakened both kemalist structure and gülenist FETÖ structure in Turkey. And now much more able to rule Turkey, and in addition to this, he managed to make MHP ally with AKP some months ago. MHP is the third biggest party in Turkey.
So basically, Erdogan is very strong in Turkey, and I'd say much stronger than he ever was. And that's exactly why he is showing his strength towards all European countries who makes double standards, who let PKK terrorists utter their minds freely but rejects Turkish ministers in informing their countrymen about the referendum.

Of course Erdogan is smart, of course he chose the date prior to your election. Because he knew you'd be trapped and deny the ministers entry, and by this he can easily portray the "colors" of European countries and their understanding of democracy and freedom. He used this card to make the world see your hypocrisy.
If he were so strong he wouldn't be playin these kind of games.
Your own last paragraph reveals who truely is a hypocrite.
Have a nice dream.
meanwhile turks send back dutch cows and burn a french flag tehy mistook for a dutch flag...
Don't say Turks please....they are scum AKPeons....burning an other nations flag is a very shameful act in our culture.

Even the idiot that burns the flag says, "We don't recognize this as a flag." Since he knows it's a very shameful act.
Your words give clue about your intelligence; no need a paper or a few ''buddy'' for you to convince me unless you have a weak personality that seeks others' approval for her/his intellectual existance.
More bla bla.

With your own posts, Your intelligence has so far earned the title of cheap talker and weak debater, it seems your intelligence run away from the challenge based on law and international treaty. Here is what you said:

Will you yet again run away with side topics or give a straigth answer via the window of law and int. treaty?

As I indicated before you, the far greater majority (doesn't matter if it is 8000 minus 60 or 8000 minus 300) of all cases were not attributable to any Dutch. You fail to comprendend the meaning of that.

The Srebrenica genocide was brougt onto the table by you in our debate.
Uhm no, it was brought on the table by mr Erdogan, with baseless (and totally IRRELEVANT) accusations.

the stance of Dutch soldiers in Srebrenica gives us some clue about the Dutch society with respect to the Islam, Muslims and Turks.
More bla bla bla from someone in an armchair in a cosy place.

Dutch people today support a leader named Wilder, who openly has many times repeated the same Dutch stance in Srebrenica with words in his rhetoric, also confirmed that it has actually a deep root in the Dutch society, which keeps growing in minds, but also started to turn into attacks as seen in the current situation. Apperantly, Dutch people look for another Hitler like ''leader'', that explains the popularity of Wilder in the Dutch society.
You clearly have no clue about the situation here. Wilders will not take any governing responsibility, his only strength is to remain opposition. Besides, few if any parties will work with him on a coalition, and without a coalition you cannot govern.

Education level (low) still is the best predictor of whether or not someone would vote for him. Consider trends here:
"In 2012, 28 percent in the Dutch population were highly educated. The education level in the population has risen continually since 2003. The proportion of low educated people declined, the proportion of people educated at secondary level remained unchanged. The proportion of highly educated has grown more rapidly among young women than among young men."

The future does not belong to Wilders.

Let's see Srebrenica through the eyes of the Dutch.

Dossier Srebrenica: “The Netherlands could use this to show its worth and Dutch prestige would be enhanced in the world”.
On July 11, Mladic entered the town declaring he was giving Srebrenica “as a gift to the Serbian people for all the many humiliations they had suffered down the centuries at the hands of the Turks”. (people were)“slaughtered like beasts”.
Dutch troops had offered no resistance and instead supervised the exodus of refugees, which is “tantamount to collaborating with ethnic cleansing”.
pictures were published in the press of drunken Dutchbat soldiers and of Karremans himself raising a toast to Mladic.

As it is seen, Your own country admits that They took part in the genocide, and ''celebrated'' the collaboration with champagne.
Which is what I posted, earlier. so I don't see what your point would be. At least we are a country that investigates and judges our own fumbles. Unlike some countries that I know, that treated some of their own population groups rather poorly (i.e. to death) and deny it.

Humiliation is your destiny as in that case and this debate.
That is all you are interested in, obviously, not in actually having a open and reasonable discussion.

Have a nice evening.
Well Germany today stopped the economic proeject and payments to Turkey.

EU foreign minister Mogherini said Turkey should stop any stupid and unwise steps.

Austria, Germany and Netehrlands issues travel warnings for their citicens to Turkey.

Bllomberg put Turkey at the Nr. 5 in the world misery list.

meanwhile turks send back dutch cows and burn a french flag tehy mistook for a dutch flag...


Reminds me of some people in Pakistan burning Italian flags thinking it was France's.

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