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Pakistan in talks with Saudi Arabia to send combat troops to protect the kingdom

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Pakistan should avoid taking sides in the wider Saudi Iran conflict. It is just infighting between muslims and should be avoided.
A dangerous move to risk ones own soldiers for others war.

Define others?. They are our brothers

We are on border to protect the Kingdom and we will remain on border and hope that other side will not drag us on this conflict.
A dangerous move to risk ones own soldiers for others war.

Fighting to defend holy places is dream come true for Muslims, and if true Pakistan can get required big ticket items financed by KSA.
Can you imagine---150 K pakistani troops in the GGC---including an air battle and a naval battle group---with a multiple Brigade strength + force available at a moments notice for any hot spots in the sub sahara and central africa---that would have been the moment of truth for the existence of pakistan when it would have discovered its true calling---Enforcer of peace and military leader of the region---.

As if other powers would not have anything to say or do in this regard and accept this without any issues.
Dont worry or bitch. We have enough capacity to lead and manage foreign operations. If anything this shows that our clout is as strong as it ever. The freak isolation policy has failed terribly

What if this decision is taken because of the isolation policy? Meaning pakistan, feeling that it has to counter the isolation policy, has decided to do something that it normally wouldn't, like picking a side in a sectarian war.

Not saying that that is so, but just think about that for a moment. Í mean that would be a real chanakya move right?

Anyway, no matter why pakistan did this, I think the india camp is quit happy about this decision
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@Mastan Khan, yeah I think that such day-dreams can safely be discounted. And you need to multiply anynumber of troops in region by three to get actual number of troops committed. For every 1 unit in action you have 1 unit in training to go into action and another which is resting and refitting after returning from action.
So your 20,000 troops mean and actual commitment of 60,000.

Nor can you just raise troops willy-nilly it takes 2-3 years to fully stand up a new brigade or a division from scratch. . The only way to raise quickly would have been a large call up of reserves to either go to Yemen or to replace soldiers who were being sent there, and by large call up I mean for many months to years.


You are absolutely correct about the time frame---.

See---the thing here is---with the commitment to Yemen 2 years ago---the threat level from India would diminish in multiple ways---.

As you would have say in the palace and your word would be the king---the indians would be careful in making any move.

Secondly---get the saudi, qatari--- emirati airforces involved in strike operations in Fata---you help them---they help you---by deploying a sqdrn of F16 BLK60 and SQDRN OF F15's---Mirage 2009's---.

With 3 sqdrn's of frontline aircraft on your tarmac---you can easily dispatch 50000 + troops to the area of conflict---and you can deploy the JF17's and F7PG's and Mirage 3 / 5's to do the strike runs in Yemen and in the meantime build build build the strike force---.

You have troops and officers and generals retiring in their 50's---they have years of service left in them.

Remember---" Fortune favors the brave ".

As if other powers would not have anything to say or do in this regard and accept this without any issues.


Okay---so big deal---let other powers say what they want to---.

Do you in your personal life start whimpering at the first sign what the Boss would say!


This is a valid viewpoint.
But at the expense of a yearly quota of Pakistani soldier casualty and a proper proxy war inside Pakistan.
But I suppose you'll solve the second part by using the Army internally and killing them all off.
For the glory of course.

One thing is certain. A lot of pockets will be filled. But not enough pockets.

This isn't the old days. There's no glory unless you make the far away land a colony or your territory. Pakistan isn't in a position to do either, nor does the current geopolitics allow it.

What you're talking about is pure kill-count, not glory.
Cricket scores.


American troops are dying for their country in far out lands without a whimper---.
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