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Pakistan in talks with Saudi Arabia to send combat troops to protect the kingdom

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We provide paid services that is all. We are working for own interests so there is no emotional reason here.

Which self Interest Please elaborate ?? and have you not see what happen after Afghan war ?

As I had stated awhile ago--Yemen was the moment of similar history making moment for Pakistan as that of east india company when they signed up some Maharajas in a military alliance to provide them protection in form of military force in case of an invasion.

Understanding the significance and importance of the issue---that is where Gen Raheel missed the boat 2 years ago---.

His simplicity of thought and mind got the better of him as a true visionary general who could visualize what would be happening in the future---pounce at the opportunity provided to him in the present to get the dividends in the coming years.

What had been done in our tribal belt---is the job of a corps commander level officer---and not that of a commander in chief---.

We will end up doing the same job for saudia---but with 40-50000 lost jobs---no special benefits for pakistani expats---and for far lesser funds than originally envisaged---you ask why---because the General Sahib says---' he could not comprehend the true picture two years ago '---.

Can you imagine---150 K pakistani troops in the GGC---including an air battle and a naval battle group---with a multiple Brigade strength + force available at a moments notice for any hot spots in the sub sahara and central africa---that would have been the moment of truth for the existence of pakistan when it would have discovered its true calling---Enforcer of peace and military leader of the region---.

Destinies of civilizations are built upon expanding their area of military influence and dominance in the region and beyond---and here we have pakistanis moaning and bit-ching about ' our ' soldiers dying in foreign countries---.

Fools cannot comprehend that is what soldiers do---that soldiers die far and out from the mainland for the glory of the nation.

This is a valid viewpoint.
But at the expense of a yearly quota of Pakistani soldier casualty and a proper proxy war inside Pakistan.
But I suppose you'll solve the second part by using the Army internally and killing them all off.
For the glory of course.

One thing is certain. A lot of pockets will be filled. But not enough pockets.

This isn't the old days. There's no glory unless you make the far away land a colony or your territory. Pakistan isn't in a position to do either, nor does the current geopolitics allow it.

What you're talking about is pure kill-count, not glory.
Cricket scores.
Personally, I think India should mediate a ceasefire and call for political solution. India was already involved in evacuation. We will get at least a couple of years of peace.
Trying to make oneself relevant ? How is India even related ? LOL so much inferiority complex

As I had stated awhile ago--Yemen was the moment of similar history making moment for Pakistan as that of east india company when they signed up some Maharajas in a military alliance to provide them protection in form of military force in case of an invasion.

Understanding the significance and importance of the issue---that is where Gen Raheel missed the boat 2 years ago---.

His simplicity of thought and mind got the better of him as a true visionary general who could visualize what would be happening in the future---pounce at the opportunity provided to him in the present to get the dividends in the coming years.

What had been done in our tribal belt---is the job of a corps commander level officer---and not that of a commander in chief---.

We will end up doing the same job for saudia---but with 40-50000 lost jobs---no special benefits for pakistani expats---and for far lesser funds than originally envisaged---you ask why---because the General Sahib says---' he could not comprehend the true picture two years ago '---.

Can you imagine---150 K pakistani troops in the GGC---including an air battle and a naval battle group---with a multiple Brigade strength + force available at a moments notice for any hot spots in the sub sahara and central africa---that would have been the moment of truth for the existence of pakistan when it would have discovered its true calling---Enforcer of peace and military leader of the region---.

Destinies of civilizations are built upon expanding their area of military influence and dominance in the region and beyond---and here we have pakistanis moaning and bit-ching about ' our ' soldiers dying in foreign countries---.

Fools cannot comprehend that is what soldiers do---that soldiers die far and out from the mainland for the glory of the nation.

Dear MK,

Valid point you make, kind sir.

However, what is, is ---and what is not, is not in this case.

What matters now is expanding the Pak State's Sphere of Influence.

Meta-models that govern the daily thought processes need re-programming, one fears.

The way, yours truly, sees it...Pak needs to get out of its meta-models and accept the Truth about itself i.e. Pak is South West Asian Regional Power.

A power that does not excercise its strength with wisdom and foresight is NO Power, really.

The emerging geo-political dynamics in ME require Pak to be there and leading some at that....

Others might have more money than god but you got something more powerful than money...no not talking about the infernal nukes.

One can only wish well.

Regarding the time equation and boats leaving the jetties...well, I am sure you know the Bell's Theorum.

Pak needs to become an Actor on the ME Stage not just a servant or spectator.

Time for you good people to Rise!

BTW it is just not the car sales, I gathered that retail also got hit rather bad. Early days..difficult to see which way it will go...but if the NY luxury property slump is an indicator then....

You keep happy, dear friend.


@Mastan Khan, yeah I think that such day-dreams can safely be discounted. And you need to multiply anynumber of troops in region by three to get actual number of troops committed. For every 1 unit in action you have 1 unit in training to go into action and another which is resting and refitting after returning from action.
So your 20,000 troops mean and actual commitment of 60,000.

Nor can you just raise troops willy-nilly it takes 2-3 years to fully stand up a new brigade or a division from scratch. . The only way to raise quickly would have been a large call up of reserves to either go to Yemen or to replace soldiers who were being sent there, and by large call up I mean for many months to years.
Trying to make oneself relevant ? How is India even related ? LOL so much inferiority complex

Suggest another country that has as much relations to all the teams involved.
Another country with all these sects involved and neutral people inside.
Another country that can resolve it without putting boots on the ground.
Another country that evacuated as much nationalities from there without an issue.
Another country that has no reason to take sides.

You can disagree with me, but my opinion was a thought out one.
I would've suggested say, Botswana if that was a good option.

"Be careful what you wish for."
Relevancy is a dangerous thing.
Suggest another country that has as much relations to all the teams involved.
Another country with all these sects involved and neutral people inside.
Another country that can resolve it without putting boots on the ground.
Another country that evacuated as much nationalities from there without an issue.
Another country that has no reason to take sides.

You can disagree with me, but my opinion was a thought out one.
I would've suggested say, Botswana if that was a good option.

"Be careful what you wish for."
Relevancy is a dangerous thing.
Again Totally irrelevant Country with deep inferiority complex. If anything please go ahead and mediate. But then again, you first need to take care of Kashmir and killing of muslims there.
Top government officials in Islamabad on Monday reaffirmed their support to Yemeni leadership amid reports that the Pakistan army is sending combat troops to reinforce Saudi Arabia's southern border from attacks by Yemen's Houthi rebels.

President Mamnoon Hussain in a meeting with Yemeni Deputy Prime Minister Abdulmalik Aduljalil Al-Mekhlafi today asserted that Muslim countries should work together for progress and stability by avoiding mutual differences, Radio Pakistan reported.

He told Al-Mekhlafi, who is also Yemen's foreign minister, that Pakistan wishes to contribute to progress and stability in Yemen, and desires the restoration of piece in the conflict-stricken country.

Manoon said Pakistan supports Yemeni President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi's efforts for peace in Yemen and regards him as the legitimate leader of the country. He added that Pakistan would continue to support Hadi and Yemen for peace and progress in the region.
Adviser to the Prime Minister on Foreign Affairs Sartaj Aziz in a separate meeting with Al-Mekhlafi assured the Yemeni foreign minister that Pakistan has always supported the unity, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Yemen, and would continue to offer all possible assistance for restoration of peace and stability in the country, Radio Pakistan reported.

Aziz appreciated the Yemeni government's efforts towards restoring peace, harmony and stability in the war-torn country.

Both President Mamnoon Hussain and Aziz expressed gratitude for Yemen's cooperation in the evacuation of thousands of Pakistani nationals from the country during the conflict.

Al-Mekhlafi reciprocated gratitude towards the Pakistani government for its continued political support and economic assistance to Yemen. He said the country accords great importance to its ties with Pakistan and would welcome Pakistanis returning to Yemen.

The meeting comes as Middle East Eye in an exclusive report alleged that the Pakistani Army has, according to senior security sources, agreed to send "a brigade of combat troops to shore up Saudi Arabia’s vulnerable southern border from reprisal attacks mounted by the Houthis in Yemen."

The troops will allegedly only be deployed inside the border, the sources claimed, with one saying, "It will not be used beyond Saudi borders."

The report has not been verified by the army. The Pakistan Army's public relations wing did not comment on the reports.

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) and its allies launched air strikes against Houthi rebels in Yemen in March 2015 after the fighters tightened their grip over Aden, where the country's president Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi had taken refuge.

Hadi replaced former president Ali Abdullah Saleh in 2012 when he stood as the sole candidate in the election to replace Saleh in a power transfer deal brokered by Gulf neighbours and backed by Western powers.

Pakistan had assured KSA of its support for a Saudi-led coalition conducting the strikes in Yemen in 2015, but lawmakers later on voted that Pakistan should remain neutral in the conflict.

It was only a matter of time before Pakistan was involved a bit more seriously in this area. However, unwarranted bravado at this deployment must be shunned. let's get one thing clear, we are not the enforcers of peace in middle east. Though that may be a cherished goal to some but we can hardly police our own areas much less be the guarantor of peace anywhere else. First clean your own sh!t and then even think of doing the same for other areas.

My guess is that these troops are their for shoring up defenses of southern part of SA. they will retaliate if the Houthis cross the border but forget about going against them in Yemen. And the Indian members need to get a chill and stop whining.
ave we not Learned our Lesson from Afghanistan ? 15 years of Guerrilla War because we went into Afghan war for the same Ummah shumma stuff .. 80K Pakistani were butchered with no End in sight , eventually Pakistan will be dragged in to Yemen and there comes Shia resistance in Pakistan

Dude, i just told you, the troops are just going to be sat on the border and not doing anything.

Its unlikely that the Yemeni rebels are going to cross over and attack Pakistani troops, so it wont be as bad as your making it out to be.

RS did not send its troops to Yemen for a Reason which of course this Loosy Gen Bajwa did not understand .. but yeah he has to secure a Job in GCC as Adviser and a Plot for retirement

Again, they are not going to be fighting. they are acting essentially as a rear guard which placates the Saudi alliance, and also signals to Iran that we don't plan on further entering the conflict.

Bajwa has done a good job here, its pretty much a win-win, since as a result we will continue maintaining good relations with both countries.

Imagine if we did nothing, the entire GCC would be pissed at us (and maybe work on funding extremists), and if we went all in then the Iranians would be pissed off. Diplomacy is all about compromise, and this is he best possible outcome we can get.
Ok. Will keep that in mind.
And dont dare to bring up India AGAIN in this thread or you will be reported for going off topic. This thread is exclusively for PAkistani affairs now bugger off

However, unwarranted bravado at this deployment must be shunned
Hardly anything on media. Or bog bold statements like the ones you see across border. So I Assure you this is not how we work
:lol: we have wasted 8 pages on a fake news. alright guys the Pakistani official sources both govt and military have denied any such development so far. now we need to check the loyalty of this middleeasteye website ;) also brigade is not some small group of flies which we had transported without being noticed.
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