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Pakistan in talks with Saudi Arabia to send combat troops to protect the kingdom

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Yeah those Statements are Diplomatic statements ... What happen when USA Attack KSA tomorrow ? you think your Army will intervene ? don't take those Statements seriously, now we are just as any other Muslim country is responsible to take care of Mecca and Madina , any threat to those sites must be considered threat to Pakistan, because you wont be having shortage of People dying to defend it anytime soon, but standing Guard to Saudi Borders , resist the Attacks with no Proper Air cover or Anti Missile Network i would say we are sending our Soldiers for a slaughter ...just keep this in mind if PA deploy its troops near the hot zone, it wont take long for Houthi's to attack PA posts , Dont forget Iran is supplying them with Weapons and it will be a Win win for both Iran and India to get Pakistan involved in Yemen by Attacking its post and leave few dead , so the PA can retaliate next time ..I see that we get the Bait and now stuck in this trap .. May Allah Bless Pakistan, this Bajwa has most probably sign a death Warrant for many PA soldiers in KSA and back in Pakistan ..

Dear friend Saudi troops are worse than punjab police. It is Pak army you are sending. The Army that has served in worse hot zones than this one. It is the worlds most well trained army in the world. The Job of Pak Army is to repel any in coming attack and they can do this but we are not going in there to attack Yemen and this decision was reached after discussions with Iran. About the Air cover they will have attack helicopters as it is part of most brigades and that equipment will be provided by KSA. Basic presence of Pakistan will help to bring Iran and Saudis in some peace deal.
Dear friend Saudi troops are worse than punjab police. It is Pak army you are sending. The Army that has served in worse hot zones than this one. It is the worlds most well trained army in the world. The Job of Pak Army is to repel any in coming attack and they can do this but we are not going in there to attack Yemen and this decision was reached after discussions with Iran. About the Air cover they will have attack helicopters as it is part of most brigades and that equipment will be provided by KSA. Basic presence of Pakistan will help to bring Iran and Saudis in some peace deal.

Self Praising wont help here ... Saudi Army is not bad if they were than they wont be fighting a Civil war in Yemen, their Air Force is one of the best AF in GCC, even better than PAF with F-15SE and Typhoon ..they have all the access to world latest technology and constantly they are training with East and Western Armies .. so lets just cut the Iranian crap that KSA army is bad or cant fight ..
KSA has Apache , which would be mostly busy in Attacking Houthi's position , and if it was just about Defending the Border than why not Ask Egypt ? or Turkey ...
Self Praising wont help here ... Saudi Army is not bad if they were than they wont be fighting a Civil war in Yemen, their Air Force is one of the best AF in GCC, even better than PAF with F-15SE and Typhoon ..they have all the access to world latest technology and constantly they are training with East and Western Armies .. so lets just cut the Iranian crap that KSA army is bad or cant fight ..
KSA has Apache , which would be mostly busy in Attacking Houthi's position , and if it was just about Defending the Border than why not Ask Egypt ? or Turkey ...
Look friend technology can make a noob better as well I am in argument with that but things also depend a lot on who is pressing the trigger and when he is going to press the trigger. Saudia has been in this conflict for years and the best strategy they can come up with is air strikes and blockade and is that working I don't think so only the Yemeni civilians are getting hurt with this due to the lack of food but as for the war Saudis cannot win it and Pakistan is going there to defend the southern border which has been shrinking day by day with houthis gaining territory. Now in these condition Pak Army has a strategy to defend border it will be like Pak army is currently defending the eastern border now a days. Saudi apachi and all xyz cannot operate because there are so many MANPADs and Buk systems in Yemen that those F-16 and F-15 and many other have been dropping from the sky time by time. I agree with you that it will not be walk in the park but it is not worst then the eastern border which faces much attacks from the Afghan side or LOC skirmishes from India. Now what will we gain the big question is this which has to answered so lets see where the things move.
Turkiye is building their military base in Qatar...So, why can't we join the party.?? Whole Middle East may become dependent on us regarding security if we play our cards smartly...

@Farah Sohail @MastanKhan
Without any dependence, The GCC appreciates the participation most..

Self Praising wont help here ... Saudi Army is not bad if they were than they wont be fighting a Civil war in Yemen, their Air Force is one of the best AF in GCC, even better than PAF with F-15SE and Typhoon ..they have all the access to world latest technology and constantly they are training with East and Western Armies .. so lets just cut the Iranian crap that KSA army is bad or cant fight ..
KSA has Apache , which would be mostly busy in Attacking Houthi's position , and if it was just about Defending the Border than why not Ask Egypt ? or Turkey ...
They are both busy with a supporting role, they already participate..Pakistan is the closest ally of KSA when it comes to its sovereignty..even with nukes if required.. for what in exchange, many will ask? it is Top secret and confined to both only..

Look friend technology can make a noob better as well I am in argument with that but things also depend a lot on who is pressing the trigger and when he is going to press the trigger. Saudia has been in this conflict for years and the best strategy they can come up with is air strikes and blockade and is that working I don't think so only the Yemeni civilians are getting hurt with this due to the lack of food but as for the war Saudis cannot win it and Pakistan is going there to defend the southern border which has been shrinking day by day with houthis gaining territory. Now in these condition Pak Army has a strategy to defend border it will be like Pak army is currently defending the eastern border now a days. Saudi apachi and all xyz cannot operate because there are so many MANPADs and Buk systems in Yemen that those F-16 and F-15 and many other have been dropping from the sky time by time. I agree with you that it will not be walk in the park but it is not worst then the eastern border which faces much attacks from the Afghan side or LOC skirmishes from India. Now what will we gain the big question is this which has to answered so lets see where the things move.
Pakistani army will bring its experience the Saudis lack in fightings like FATA and LOC, and not to forget that General Raheel Sharif is there to supervise it on the side of his current Job of leading the IMA..
They are both busy with a supporting role, they already participate..Pakistan is the closest ally of KSA when it comes to its sovereignty..even with nukes if required.. for what in exchange, many will ask? it is Top secret and confined to both only..

well as some Members might be Dreaming about 10 Nuclear Powered Super Carriers , 100 Nuclear Submarine , 1000 F-15SE and 10,000 Typhoon from KSA .. and in the end , only few Barrel of Oil with a " Thank you Al-Bakistan " note will come ..

The mere fact that you compare technological prowess with flying skills speaks volumes about your knowledge. Regarding comparison of KSA airforce with PAF, I can only say I am amused :D

You don't Act like a Expert here don't you, i may not be one but i do know that KSA Air force has far more Sophisticated Fighters than PAF has or will ... you wanna bet ?
Getting involved in others war is not a good idea, don't we have our hands full already unreal !!
Once a mercenary, always a mercenary.

What are we getting in return from Saudis? More deportations? Maybe they can finance a few more extremists madrassa in Pakistan as well.

So so stupid.
If there is deal it should tell the public what we will get in return ???But public who cares about them .
Didn't expect such a post from a Senior like you ... please tell me you are trolling in this specific part ..


So if you want to release 30000 troops into another arena---and you don't want to lose your conventional strength---then what is an easier way to fill the hole---air force---.

A modern sqdrn of fighter and strike aircraft are like a division of ground troops---.

Now---if 2 years ago---if Gen Raheel had some brains along with his team---and if they were not dumb and slow as molasses---they would have dropped around 50000 troops in Yemen at a lightening speed and secured all the ports and roadways and contained the Houthi's in a nice and a friendly manner---.

The General did not realize---again---tragedy of pakistani Generals---time is running against them-----Iran is arming the Houthis---. The later they would join the conflict---the more variety of weapons that they would have to face---.

Because of the time factor---Iran would be arming the Houthis as best that it could.

The inside news is---that General Raheel is not looked at very favorably by the pak military officers---. What you see on the surface is not the truth.
excellent decision
pakistan need to play better role in regional situation to bring in peace
otherwise anarchy in yemen-afghan-syria is goignt o hit home soon as we saw

So if you want to release 30000 troops into another arena---and you don't want to lose your conventional strength---then what is an easier way to fill the hole---air force---.

A modern sqdrn of fighter and strike aircraft are like a division of ground troops---.

Now---if 2 years ago---if Gen Raheel had some brains along with his team---and if they were not dumb and slow as molasses---they would have dropped around 50000 troops in Yemen at a lightening speed and secured all the ports and roadways and contained the Houthi's in a nice and a friendly manner---.

The General did not realize---again---tragedy of pakistani Generals---time is running against them-----Iran is arming the Houthis---. The later they would join the conflict---the more variety of weapons that they would have to face---.

Because of the time factor---Iran would be arming the Houthis as best that it could.

The inside news is---that General Raheel is not looked at very favorably by the pak military officers---. What you see on the surface is not the truth.

You didn't get my point, you are talking about Place F-15 and Typhoon in FATA .. You do realize that US and Europe will not let KSA do that, even if we lick the boots of American or Saudi's ... there are NoC's and Codes , our F-16s are kept in a bases where Chinese has no Access to it , and you think American will let Saudi's put their Far more Advance Fighter in FATA Pakistan ???
rest of your Post is not my concern cause i am against sending Pakistani troops to Fight for Arabs ..who will never respect you , who will never consider you their equals .. for once i would sit with Israel and make relations but not with Arabs
You didn't get my point, you are talking about Place F-15 and Typhoon in FATA .. You do realize that US and Europe will not let KSA do that, even if we lick the boots of American or Saudi's ... there are NoC's and Codes , our F-16s are kept in a bases where Chinese has no Access to it , and you think American will let Saudi's put their Far more Advance Fighter in FATA Pakistan ???
rest of your Post is not my concern cause i am against sending Pakistani troops to Fight for Arabs ..who will never respect you , who will never consider you their equals .. for once i would sit with Israel and make relations but not with Arabs


First of all---I did not mention Typhoon---.

Secondly---the U S has no control over where the saudis or the emiratis deploy their aircraft and who they fight with---as long as they are not used against the israelis---.

Plz don't make the china issue with these aircraft more than it is---.

These aircraft can be used for strike missions against targets in Fata and can be stationed at Shamsi air base or at Jacobabad---which is not a big deal---.

What does our F16 being kept at a certain base has anything to do with strike missions or air to air missions---nothing-----nada---zilch---.

Our F16's fly out of J'abad and do all the necessary mission flying that they can---did someone tell you that they can't.

We don't give a sh-it of being respected or being equals---we will be leading---we will be superior---we will be in charge---we will have a job to do and that is what we will do---.

Why do you think the saudis and emiratis and qataris and omanese etc asked Pakistan for help 2 years ago---.

It was with the express permission and desires of the americans---they had enough at their hands---they asked the GCC to go ask Pakistan military for help---as they had too much on their platter.

You kids shock me of your lack of understanding the issues.

First of all---I did not mention Typhoon---.

Secondly---the U S has no control over where the saudis or the emiratis deploy their aircraft and who they fight with---as long as they are not used against the israelis---.

Plz don't make the china issue with these aircraft more than it is---.

These aircraft can be used for strike missions against targets in Fata and can be stationed at Shamsi air base or at Jacobabad---which is not a big deal---.

What does our F16 being kept at a certain base has anything to do with strike missions or air to air missions---nothing-----nada---zilch---.

Our F16's fly out of J'abad and do all the necessary mission flying that they can---did someone tell you that they can't.

We don't give a sh-it of being respected or being equals---we will be leading---we will be superior---we will be in charge---we will have a job to do and that is what we will do---.

Why do you think the saudis and emiratis and qataris and omanese etc asked Pakistan for help 2 years ago---.

It was with the express permission and desires of the americans---they had enough at their hands---they asked the GCC to go ask Pakistan military for help---as they had too much on their platter.

You kids shock me of your lack of understanding the issues.

Disagree to everything you write, but you are living in a Fantasy world Sir ... please do tag me when Any Saudi fighter of American Origin Land on Pakistani Air base to fight against TTP or India .. i can bet 1 Billion Dollar on that it wont happen only if i have 1 Billion Dollar :D
Brigade deploys to shore up border against Houthi reprisal attacks from Yemen, but sources tell MEE it will 'not be used beyond Saudi borders'


The Pakistan army is sending a brigade of combat troops to shore up Saudi Arabia’s vulnerable southern border from reprisal attacks mounted by the Houthis in Yemen, according to senior security sources.

The brigade will be based in the south of the Kingdom, but will only be deployed inside its border, the sources told Middle East Eye. "It will not be used beyond Saudi borders," one said.

It is the latest twist in a brutal and devastating two-year war, which has killed more than 10,000 people in Yemen, injured over 40,000 and brought the impoverished nation to the verge of famine.

Both sides have been accused of war crimes and starving civilians trapped in the carnage.

The war was launched by Saudi Arabia and its Arab coalition allies after the Houthis overran Sanaa, the Yemeni capital, and the southern port of Aden and ousted the Saudi-backed president, Abd Rabbuh Hadi.

Increasingly, the Houthis have been retaliating with cross-border missile strikes on targets deep inside the kingdom.

Last month the Houthis claimed to have hit a military camp near al-Mazahimiyah near Riyadh with what they called "a precision long-distance ballistic missile". The Saudis denied the claim.

On 31 January, a missile killed 80 soldiers on a base run jointly by the Saudis and Emiratis on Zugar island in the Red Sea, according to reports in Arabic media. The Saudis did not confirm nor deny the strike.

In October last a year a missile was shot down about 65km from Mecca, although the Houthis
The deployment of the Pakistani brigade follows a visit by General Qamar Javed Bajwa, the Pakistani Chief of Army Staff (COAS), to Saudi Arabia on a three-day official visit in December last year.

"COAS reiterated Pakistan's commitment to the security and protection of the Holy Mosques and also the territorial integrity of the kingdom," the Pakistani army said in a statement.

"Later, General Qamar Javed Bajwa met chief of general staff of Saudi Forces, General Abdul Rehman bin Saleh al-Bunyan, to discuss military to military relations, defence cooperation and regional security situation.

"Both leaders agreed to boost military cooperation and collaboration."

The area of deployment for the Pakistani brigade is politically sensitive in Islamabad, because two years ago the parliament rejected a request by Saudi Arabia's King Salman for Pakistan to join a "Sunni" coalition to fight the Houthis.

The Houthis, whose tribesmen mostly follow Zaidism, a variant of Shia Islam practised by a minority in northern Yemen, are backed by Iran, although the level of direct support provided by Tehran is disputed.

Parliament debated the deployment for four days, a debate dominated by the fears of further stoking sectarian violence in Pakistan where 20 percent of the population is Shia.

The parliamentary debate also became the target of intense lobbying.

Iran's foreign minister, Javad Zarif, met both Pakistani Prime Minister Prime Nawaz Sharif and the former chief of army staff, Raheel Sharif, as the debate took place.

The Iranians back the Houthis politically, and Saudi Arabia, the US and Australia all say they have supported them militarily as well.

The senior Houthi leaders have been trained by, and their paramilitary structures modelled on, Hezbollah, the Iran-backed Lebanese militia. Advisers from the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) have also been involved.
denied targeting the holy city.

Last year, state-affiliated media in Iran said the Houthis were using Iran-made Zelzal-3 surface-to-surface solid fuel missiles, although they insisted the weapon was produced "indigenously".

Sharif owes his life to the Saudis, who saved him from execution after a military coup which brought Pervez Musharraf to power in 1999.

However, the prime minister’s wish to repay a personal debt to the Saudis was not reciprocated by the Pakistan army.

Generals argued then that they were overstretched with campaigns against the Pakistani Taliban in the North West Tribal Areas.

Since then, however, senior military sources in Pakistan claim to have pushed the Taliban out of Swat valley and North Waziristan.

Parliament however is currently pursuing expanding trade links with Iran. Awaid Leghari, the chairman of the foreign affair’s committee of the National Assembly, recently met Ali Larijani, the speaker of the Iranian Majlis, and Alludin Boroujerdi, the chairman of Iran's foreign policy and security committee in the Islamic Consultative Assembly.

A parliamentary delegation from Islamabad is also due to visit Tehran in May. They will discuss re-opening three border markets, a projected gas pipeline and tourism.

Leghari told Pakistan's Dawn newspaper that both sides, he observed, were now feeling "internal pressures" to engage in a big way for mutual benefit.

"More pressure would have to be exerted from within the economies and people and media," he said.

The deployment would not be the first in relations between the two states. Mohammad Zia ul-Haq deployed an elite Pakistani armoured brigade to the kingdom at King Fahd's request after the Iranian revolution in 1980.

The brigade was deployed for a decade and some 40,000 soldiers served in it.

Good decision indeed.
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