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Pakistan in talks with Saudi Arabia to send combat troops to protect the kingdom

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My 2 cents worth.

I am totally against this step. I do not want my fellow Pakistani's dying for someone else's war. If the Saudis can't even defend their own land then they don't deserve to rule. If they hadn't interfered in Yemen's internal conflict in the first place they wouldn't be in this precarious situation.

Secondly, if Pakistan is going to send troops to defend Saudi, what will it get in return, except more Umrah/Hajj vacancies or is Pakistan repaying the debt to Saudi for harbouring the sharif family while they were in exile.
Disagree to everything you write, but you are living in a Fantasy world Sir ... please do tag me when Any Saudi fighter of American Origin Land on Pakistani Air base to fight against TTP or India .. i can bet 1 Billion Dollar on that it wont happen only if i have 1 Billion Dollar :D


I guess you and I are on a different time zone---. I wrote about what was possible 2 years ago---you are talking about when they land---.

You really have NO CONCEPT of the fear of an ultimate demise at the hands of radicals---.

If you had read up on wars in history and their effects---you would then be able to comprehend that the rulers have sold their souls to the devil to stay in power---. A deployment of a sqdrn each of F15---F16 and M2k's is hardly a ripple in the pond.

The Yemen alliance was with the permission of the united states at that time---.

My 2 cents worth.

I am totally against this step. I do not want my fellow Pakistani's dying for someone else's war. If the Saudis can't even defend their own land then they don't deserve to rule. If they hadn't interfered in Yemen's internal conflict in the first place they wouldn't be in this precarious situation.

Secondly, if Pakistan is going to send troops to defend Saudi, what will it get in return, except more Umrah/Hajj vacancies or is Pakistan repaying the debt to Saudi for harbouring the sharif family while they were in exile.


Your two cents are not worth it.
Disagree to everything you write, but you are living in a Fantasy world Sir ... please do tag me when Any Saudi fighter of American Origin Land on Pakistani Air base to fight against TTP or India .. i can bet 1 Billion Dollar on that it wont happen only if i have 1 Billion Dollar :D
Your are right , every US and EU plane has binding operational contract. Non of operative of those plane can breach the contract. Otherwise manufacturer stop providing parts and services.

Plus, fail to understand , if Saudi can't handle the war then why they attack Yemen.
Yeah those Statements are Diplomatic statements ... What happen when USA Attack KSA tomorrow ? you think your Army will intervene ? don't take those Statements seriously, now we are just as any other Muslim country is responsible to take care of Mecca and Madina , any threat to those sites must be considered threat to Pakistan, because you wont be having shortage of People dying to defend it anytime soon, but standing Guard to Saudi Borders , resist the Attacks with no Proper Air cover or Anti Missile Network i would say we are sending our Soldiers for a slaughter ...just keep this in mind if PA deploy its troops near the hot zone, it wont take long for Houthi's to attack PA posts , Dont forget Iran is supplying them with Weapons and it will be a Win win for both Iran and India to get Pakistan involved in Yemen by Attacking its post and leave few dead , so the PA can retaliate next time ..I see that we get the Bait and now stuck in this trap .. May Allah Bless Pakistan, this Bajwa has most probably sign a death Warrant for many PA soldiers in KSA and back in Pakistan ..

Houthis are nothing compared to what we have seen here in our tribal areas...By the way, we are protecting KSA, nothing wrong with that. Stability of KSA is not only our concern. It is concern of more than billion Muslims. Iranians will be exposed now if they attack KSA border..Their propaganda of evil wahabis will die its own death when people will see that their backed militia is creating problem for KSA. Who knows, China may on board too..This news is not fake..It is confirmed...



So if you want to release 30000 troops into another arena---and you don't want to lose your conventional strength---then what is an easier way to fill the hole---air force---.

A modern sqdrn of fighter and strike aircraft are like a division of ground troops---.

Now---if 2 years ago---if Gen Raheel had some brains along with his team---and if they were not dumb and slow as molasses---they would have dropped around 50000 troops in Yemen at a lightening speed and secured all the ports and roadways and contained the Houthi's in a nice and a friendly manner---.

The General did not realize---again---tragedy of pakistani Generals---time is running against them-----Iran is arming the Houthis---. The later they would join the conflict---the more variety of weapons that they would have to face---.

Because of the time factor---Iran would be arming the Houthis as best that it could.

The inside news is---that General Raheel is not looked at very favorably by the pak military officers---. What you see on the surface is not the truth.
Extremely dangerous operation even for 100 000 troops, Yemen rebels have more than a million armed men with most of the former Yemeni Army's weapons up to scud missiles..
My 2 cents worth.

I am totally against this step. I do not want my fellow Pakistani's dying for someone else's war. If the Saudis can't even defend their own land then they don't deserve to rule. If they hadn't interfered in Yemen's internal conflict in the first place they wouldn't be in this precarious situation.

If I am not wrong, KSA only interfered in Yemen when Iran backed rebels threw elected government of Yemen out...When your neighbor gets destabilize, you intervene...Just like Turkiye did in Syria, Pakistan did in Afghanistan...Iran, which doesn't even share border with Syria, has its militias in Syria all over place...I don't know why it is so hard for people to understand...
Your are right , every US and EU plane has binding operational contract. Non of operative of those plane can breach the contract. Otherwise manufacturer stop providing parts and services.

Plus, fail to understand , if Saudi can't handle the war then why they attack Yemen.


Pure Bullsh-it and hogwash---. There is no non binding contract of any kind for the aircraft---or any other weapons system---.

If there is war with israel---the GCC weapons will work 100%.

The manufacturer does not stop providing parts and services just like that---.

It is waiting to see if its product works well in war---and how good it is---.
Pakistan in talks with Saudi Arabia to send combat troops to protect the kingdom


Islamabad // Pakistan is in discussions with Saudi Arabia to send combat troops to protect the kingdom amid growing concern over threats from ISIL militants and Houthi rebels.

Plans are underway to dispatch a brigade-sized deployment following a request from Riyadh, which wants the troops as an emergency response force. A brigade is usually made up of between 1,500 and 3,500 troops.

Pakistan and Saudi Arabia have long had a close military and security relationship, with troops from Pakistan’s large and combat-hardened army regularly deployed for training Saudi soldiers. Although the kingdom, like other Arab Gulf countries, does not make the numbers public, experts say there are as many as 70,000 Pakistanis serving across the Saudi military services at any one time.

But requests for Pakistani combat brigades have usually only been made during times of heightened tensions in the kingdom.

Pakistani combat troops were sent after the 1979 attack on the Grand Mosque complex in Mecca by a proto-Al Qaeda extremist group and the Iranian revolution of the same year.

Forces from Pakistan were based in Saudi Arabia during the first Gulf War when the kingdom feared attack by Saddam Hussein.

Again, a decade ago, they were deployed as the US military ramped up operations to crush Al Qaeda in Iraq, prompting fears that extremists would flee across the Saudi border, and as the militant group carried out a violent terrorist campaign within the kingdom.

A senior Pakistani military source confirmed the Saudi request, but stressed troops would "not go across the border" with Yemen, where Saudi Arabia is leading an Arab military coalition against the Iran-backed Houthi rebel movement.

Instead, the source said troops will be kept on standby in case of any major internal security threat or terrorist incident.

The deployment – which another Pakistani source claimed was still at the planning stage – comes at a sensitive time in Saudi Arabia’s relationship with Islamabad.

In 2015, the Pakistani parliament voted to turn down a request by Saudi Arabia to join its coalition fighting the takeover of Yemen by the Houthis and their allies. Members of Pakistan’s parliament opted instead for a neutral stance on the Yemen conflict, fearing it would jeopardise their efforts to balance relations with the kingdom and Iran.

At the time, the Pakistani military was also wary of any involvement in a foreign war because its forces were overstretched fighting Pakistani Taliban and other extremist groups in the north-western tribal areas and elsewhere within the country’s borders. That offensive has ended and an intelligence-led operation requiring less manpower has taken its place.

Another Pakistani official said the deployment emphasised that Saudi Arabia’s internal security and economic prosperity are key interests for Islamabad, but that Pakistan would not do anything that could be perceived as taking sides in the regional rivalry between Tehran and Riyadh which has inflamed sectarian divisions across the Middle East.

Former Pakistani army chief Gen Raheel Sharif was selected last year by Riyadh as the potential commander of the Saudi-led alliance of Muslim-majority countries aimed at counter-terrorism. But this prompted concerns among politicians and within the army command that Pakistan was becoming too involved in an organisation that excluded Iran and Iraq, where the government is dominated by Shiites.

Up to a quarter of Pakistanis are also Shiite, and that proportion is reflected in the armed forces.

"You don’t want to get involved in a conflict that is ultimately sectarian because that is going to undermine the unity of the Pakistan army," said Rifaat Hussain, an expert on Pakistan’s relations with the GCC at the National University of Science and Technology in Islamabad.

Since then, debate has continued in Islamabad about whether to allow retired Gen Sharif to fill the role and what the parameters for any Pakistani troop involvement will be. Gen Sharif himself has reportedly placed conditions on his taking the position, including a role as mediator between Saudi Arabia and Iran.

If the latest discussed deployment of a Pakistani brigade to Saudi Arabia goes ahead, it would not be as part of the Islamic military alliance. But it is a sign of a marked improvement in ties between Pakistan and Arab Gulf states since the low point of 2015.


I guess you and I are on a different time zone---. I wrote about what was possible 2 years ago---you are talking about when they land---.

You really have NO CONCEPT of the fear of an ultimate demise at the hands of radicals---.

If you had read up on wars in history and their effects---you would then be able to comprehend that the rulers have sold their souls to the devil to stay in power---. A deployment of a sqdrn each of F15---F16 and M2k's is hardly a ripple in the pond.

The Yemen alliance was with the permission of the united states at that time---.

Maybe Mastan bhai but I am talking realistic, you are not .. what you are saying is just fantasies decorated with Fancy words nothing more ..we both are here to see how things turn out, and eventually we will see ..

as been a beroozgaar Aadmi after finishing my second MBA , i am spending Hours and hours on two things Job search and Learning more about WAR and Geopolitics .. so i not that bad :P

you are stuck in History , there was time when Americans comes to Pakistan with ease , now they don't ... so as i say in very simple words, I can bet that No Saudi Fighter Aircraft will be stationed in Pakistan, specially F-15SE , either you like it or not its not happening Sir .. you can even Ask SIRI if you want :D

Permission is one thing, and US will give it why not ? whats they have to lose ? in fact their Weapon industry is making billions with these Civil war in ME .. Arab may not have money to feed his kids but they always find Ak-47 , Material for IED's and Suicide Jackets ... and brand new weapon systems to kill each other :)
If I am not wrong, KSA only interfered in Yemen when Iran backed rebels threw elected government of Yemen out...When your neighbor gets destabilize, you intervene...Just like Turkiye did in Syria, Pakistan did in Afghanistan...Iran, which doesn't even share border with Syria, has its militias in Syria all over place...I don't know why it is so hard for people to understand...

I agree with your points... but pakistan will have to walk a very thin line to ensure it doesn't get entangled in the messy Saudi-Iranian conflict in Yemen..

A conflict which has no end in sight, is a human rights catastrophe, and which has the potential of expanding into a regional mess.

To say that pakistan's role will be solely defensive and with the Saudi territory is naive to say the least. Military conflicts have a tendency to go beyond their boundaries because the human nature to hit back irrespective of the consequences.

Caution is adviced.

Besides Saudi Arabia is on the verge of bankruptcy... and pakistan is I'll equipped to finance foreign entanglements!
Houthis are nothing compared to what we have seen here in our tribal areas...By the way, we are protecting KSA, nothing wrong with that. Stability of KSA is not only our concern. It is concern of more than billion Muslims. Iranians will be exposed now if they attack KSA border..Their propaganda of evil wahabis will die its own death when people will see that their backed militia is creating problem for KSA. Who knows, China may on board too..This news is not fake..It is confirmed...

Mere bhai , Houthi's are far far in numbers when it come to Fight , TTP is handful and the most destruction TTP and their likes unleash is through Suicide Attack , in man to man battles they are pu$$y ... see how they were roaming in Swat , before the Army enters ? KSA security is and must not be our Concern , only the Holy Sites ...
KSA is been funding extremist Elements in your country and when the time comes , none of those Arabs Brathern will stand with you.. MARK my words with GOLD .
and as for Iran, for now as their Proxy is winning in Syria and Iraq thanks to Russia , Kurds and Iraqi Army they are become All " Choday " ... as US did not attack them and sanctions lifted they think they won this Proxy war but results are yet to be seen, I am neither Against nor in Favor of Iran , we should have diplomatic ties with both Persian and GCC but no Ummah or brotherly love for anyone ... Pakistan will, should and must remain first for every Pakistani leader or General ..
So it's not even confirmed. It's still in talks. Good. Our own national interests should come first. For our own security we have to maintain a very fragile balance between Saudi and Iran, which is not easy. I hope we make a decision as a thinking nation before taking any step.

And we do need to start thinking of Makkah Medina and the Saudi kingdom as two separate entities, fgs.
If I am not wrong, KSA only interfered in Yemen when Iran backed rebels threw elected government of Yemen out...When your neighbor gets destabilize, you intervene...Just like Turkiye did in Syria, Pakistan did in Afghanistan...Iran, which doesn't even share border with Syria, has its militias in Syria all over place...I don't know why it is so hard for people to understand...

1. Saudi interfered when Saudi backed President Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi was ousted by Iranian back Houthis.
2. It is a Civil war in Yemen that both Saudi and Iran are giving a sectarian image.
3. Also Yemen is not our neighbour, nor is Saudi but Iran is our neighbour.
4. You mentioned that Pakistan intervened in Afghanistan, now tell me what good did that bring to Pakistan. We are still paying the price of interfering in Afghanistan and now you are advocating for Pakistan to jump into another mess that has nothing to do with us.
5. Pakistanis have a very short memory and are too emotional. Learn from the mistakes of our history so that we don't repeat it.
Houthis are nothing compared to what we have seen here in our tribal areas...By the way, we are protecting KSA, nothing wrong with that. Stability of KSA is not only our concern. It is concern of more than billion Muslims. Iranians will be exposed now if they attack KSA border..Their propaganda of evil wahabis will die its own death when people will see that their backed militia is creating problem for KSA. Who knows, China may on board too..This news is not fake..It is confirmed..
I will agree with you that we should protect Saudia but what Saudia is doing in Yemen it is against humanity. Yemen is the country of houthies and not Saudis, so houthis have every right to fight for Yemen and killing civilian population and denying that population of food and basic necessities is not what Muslims do. I want Pakistani troops to protect Mecca but I also want the of atrocities of Saudis in Yemen to end. Saudis are not justified in the war in Yemen.
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