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Panama leak Case Proceedings - JIT Report, News, Updates And Discussion

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For me this once photo sums up the judiciary that this country is pinning all its hopes on... While we all hope for a miracle, lets not bet anything on the struggle of this nation to be rewarded by these courts
A poor man who steal the bread to feed his belly can get life in prison , those who steal millions are free and victorious ....
Man you guys are so delusional, brace yourself for a major disappointment pretty soon.
Now you can guess the judgement.


"It seems 'justice' is whatever serves [each party's] interests," Justice Asif Saeed Khosa remarked as the arguments wound up.

"If a judgement is not in someone's interest, they [will] say the judiciary is corrupt, or that maybe the judges aren't fit to handle such cases," he commented.

"And if a judgement benefits their own stand [on the issue], they will say there can be no better judge," he added.

"We will decide this case only by the law; such that people will say, 20 years down the line, that this judgement was made by the book," he concluded.

Update :

Here is bad news for PTI.... Nawaz won the case ...my conclusion after reading this headline ...may be I am wrong but... for your eyes too..

SC vows to be thorough in verdict; judge says 99pc of all documents submitted ‘deserved to be thrown out’

For me it is not about PTI anymore. The panel will have to choose between NS and Pakistan here. People do not have any idea how damaging and embarrassing it will be for Pakistan if the culprits walk free from here. The whole thing is crystal clear and if the judges decide to hide behind technicalities and law then the world will know about that but only about how the corrupt were given a free pass. Court have a tough choice to make. Either follow in the traditions (not were high and proud) and just decide to look the other way or set an example by making an extremely tough decision that might even look to be harmful for the stability of the country in short term but will have EXCELLENT long term consequences.

This case has proved that even NAB, FBR and FIA are corrupt. If the auditing agencies themselves are corrupt, then everything else will be too, naturally.

Lets not be delusional, the judiciary is also corrupt.

I mean when that judges wife tortured that girl, the other high court judges, prosecutors, and even a MNA helped to conceal the evidence and coerce the victims family into 'forgiving' them

This is extremely deep rooted, very systematic corruption.
Now is the time to set things right, no matter how difficult they seem OR to follow the bad examples set by themselves in the past. TOUGH CHOICE!!
What do the pundits say? Waisa the way NS is enjoying in TUrkey, I dont know why but have a gut feeling that he knows decision would be in his favour. Remember the old saying about PML "Hum Wakeel nahi Sedha Judge he ker leta hain"
Do this looks to you like a man who is ENJOYIING??

Shakal pa 12 bjy hua han bycharay kay!!

Verdict jo bhe ho, aik dafa tu sanaas kushk ho gi ha janab ke,, lolx
For me it is not about PTI anymore. The panel will have to choose between NS and Pakistan here. People do not have any idea how damaging and embarrassing it will be for Pakistan if the culprits walk free from here. The whole thing is crystal clear and if the judges decide to hide behind technicalities and law then the world will know about that but only about how the corrupt were given a free pass. Court have a tough choice to make. Either follow in the traditions (not were high and proud) and just decide to look the other way or set an example by making an extremely tough decision that might even look to be harmful for the stability of the country in short term but will have EXCELLENT long term consequences.

The world already knows how corrupt Pakistan and Pakistanis are. Remember the saying from one American "Pakistanis would even sell their mother for a dollar". Having said that if the decision by some miracle comes against Sharifs and he does get disqualified, that actually would be surprising for the entire world who actually expects Sharifs to stay. This way its easy to manipulate Pakistan and its policies because a corrupt unethical traitor is in the position of power.
PS did you read his statement in Turkey about India? I mean seriously can you expect such a statement from a head of a state of a country which is directly being affected from the state sponsored terrorism of India.
IMO is ki shakal per 12 waisa he baja hota hain unless samna nehari ki plate na hoo lol.
yeh bhe ha!!

Anyway, so there is nothing coming out of SC today? I think they will take some days now.
yeh bhe ha!!

Anyway, so there is nothing coming out of SC today? I think they will take some days now.
For a detailed decision they would take another week IMO and this bugs me because every one knows that NS hid his assets, he could not give any money trail whatsoever and lied on the floor of the parliament. So SC could have given the verdict if it was for disqualification and than announced that a more detailed version will come out latter but instead they saved the decision for latter. Anyway we cannot do anything at this moment other than to wait but honestly i dont have much hopes. Change will have to come from the streets.
The world already knows how corrupt Pakistan and Pakistanis are. Remember the saying from one American "Pakistanis would even sell their mother for a dollar". Having said that if the decision by some miracle comes against Sharifs and he does get disqualified, that actually would be surprising for the entire world who actually expects Sharifs to stay. This way its easy to manipulate Pakistan and its policies because a corrupt unethical traitor is in the position of power.

PS did you read his statement in Turkey about India? I mean seriously can you expect such a statement from a head of a state of a country which is directly being affected from the state sponsored terrorism of India.

Well you are true to some extent but as I said, we have to start somewhere. I mean, thinking that they KNOW we are corrupt should not be an excuse to stay corrupt. Plus we are not doing it for them but for our self in the first place. My point was that if these guys are set free it will be another disgrace and we will be laughed upon. Embarrassing. However a verdict AGAINST the guilty party will set a good example.

AS for his remarks in Turkey, frankly, what else where you expecting? That he will dare to say ANYTHING against India or jut even point them out as the trouble makers? NS will NEVER say anything AGAINST INDIA. A shameless goon he is. They people who gave him this power are being killed and he is happy to call the killer a friend.
For a detailed decision they would take another week IMO and this bugs me because every one knows that NS hid his assets, he could not give any money trail whatsoever and lied on the floor of the parliament. So SC could have given the verdict if it was for disqualification and than announced that a more detailed version will come out latter but instead they saved the decision for latter. Anyway we cannot do anything at this moment other than to wait but honestly i dont have much hopes.
Well you are wise NOT to get your hopes too high!! That is what smart people will do keeping in mind the track record!!
Here is my take on this: (in red)
Well anything is possible. Either it can all turn out to be topi drama or it may all be actual sentiments of the panel and if so, it wont be good news for NS. The problem here, as i mentioned previously as well, is that the case is more of a Pakistan vs Nawaz Sharif now. EVERYONE no what have happened, you can hide behind the law or the technicalities but the truth is out in the open and well known now and the whole world knows it. A free pass to NS and Co. will be VERY embarrassing for Pakistan and Pakistanis at international level. A certificate of us being corrupt to the core that is. This is something SC knows as well (i hope so)

However, i still cant say much with confidence. My mind keeps telling me what i have believed in from the start, a verdict which both sides can claim as victory and then "matti pao" for an year, followed by elections (by which time people would have forgotten everything, AS WE ALMOST ALWAYS DO). On the other hand, my heart says (specially after following the proceedings of last few days, most of all the conv. between AG and SC) that we may set an example so that anyone in future with these powers will not dare to abuse them. A decision we as Pakistanis can be proud of and one that will restore the faith of many in the institutes and systems.

we need to start SOMEWHERE!!
It is as simple as that. What you are saying is same response as the staff of our gov. offices. Wo kaam ni krta tu main kuen kron and yeh myra kaam nahi ha.
We need to make an example of this so that no one in future can abuse the powers given to him/her by the people of Pakistan. Furthermore, i think the government have had 4 years in power and knowing how big a thief Zardari is, SHOULD have, MUST have taken action against him. Specially considering how this was one of the promises made by the PMLN during election campaign.

Change will have to come from the streets.
Those days are gone. The moment there is unrest the enemy states/bodies will pounce upon the opportunity and ruin everything. Look at the Arabs and ME states and see what good have that brought to them? NOTHING. It is time for reform not revolt. Gradual step by step evolution process and i will welcome the first step taken by SC in the right direction.
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