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Iran's answer to all doubters! 22 of Bahman

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This is the Per Capita ranking from 1993-2015!

You would think if per capita they were among the leaders of the world for 20 years at least scientifically & technologically they would be the leaders of the world by now! NOPE!

All that number means is that for their population, their GDP is high! All that money could be in the hands of 10 rich people for all you know!!!!!!! Fact is in reality It doesn't mean anything!

Iran is not a leading country in science nor technology. Other than the Islamic Republic's apologists, you hardly find any neutral source to confirm this scientific and technological leadership that you talk about. There was a time when Saddam, and Gaddafi fooled the enthusiasts among us that their so called resistance was b/c of their own military and technological advancement that the West is trying to destroy. When their regimes have fallen, we saw the interviews of those who remained alive from their former governments, and realized how pathetic their militaries were.
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And yet all your terrorist leaders could think of is how to antagonize Iran :(
We are a weak and poor country. Why doesn't your mighty mighty emperors leave us alone.
Our missiles are weak and our fighters are cardboard. We can't do shit to you :(
Our GDP oer capita is low too :(

@haman10 @500 makes a valid point. To discard, or ridicule it, makes your counter-argument weak. I agree with @500 that IR was a richer country, in terms of per capita, prior to 1979 revolution. As Iranians we must accept that waste, mis-management, and corruption have left IRI's economy in shambles and on the brink. I don't subscribe to the notion that every criticism should be derided, or ridiculed. IRI has suffers more from elite mismanagement and corruption than it does from US embargo. As the saying goes, "We have met the enemy, and they are ours".

@VEVAK has listed the top 10 GDP per capita and it seems that the leadership in the Gulf states are not at all that bad, unless I am reading this incorrectly.
Chinese GDP per capita is RAPIDLY GROWING.

In 1979 Iranian GPD per capita was 13 times higher than Chinese! Today China GDP per capita is higher than Iranian!

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Didn't you just say it is lower than the Shah era now??????!!!!!! You just contradicted yourself.
Chinese GDP per capita is RAPIDLY GROWING.

In 1979 Iranian GPD per capita was 13 times higher than Chinese! Today China GDP per capita is higher than Iranian!

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Here are the figures for 2016 according to the IMF


2015 GDP (Nominal) according to World bank (FYI Iran under sanctions banned from the U.S. dollar means Nominal figures based on the U.S. dollar mean NOTHING when it comes to Iran)


It means absolutely NOTHING!
Didn't you just say it is lower than the Shah era now??????!!!!!! You just contradicted yourself.
I said in constant dollars. 1979 dollars were much higher than today.
@haman10 @500 makes a valid point. To discard, or ridicule it, makes your counter-argument weak. I agree with @500 that IR was a richer country, in terms of per capita, prior to 1979 revolution. As Iranians we must accept that waste, mis-management, and corruption have left IRI's economy in shambles and on the brink. I don't subscribe to the notion that every criticism should be derided, or ridiculed. IRI has suffers more from elite mismanagement and corruption than it does from US embargo. As the saying goes, "We have met the enemy, and they are ours".

@VEVAK has listed the top 10 GDP per capita and it seems that the leadership in the Gulf states are not at all that bad, unless I am reading this incorrectly.

Clearly you don't know how to read!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All it means is that per their population their GDP is high!
And it's high because of a few reason!
Low Population + Natural Resources = High GDP compared to their population! It doesn't means they have good leaders that know how to manage money!
Tax laws that attract companies to base their headquarters in that country!

It doesn't mean the people of that country are better off, get a better education, have better healthcare, have a educated workforce,....

All that money could be concentrated in the hands of 10 rich people or corporations!

For 20 years those countries have been ranked among to top 10 in terms of GDP per capita and yet NOT a SINGLE one of the can say they are among the most technologically advanced countries in the world! NOT EVEN ONE OF THEM!
Clearly you don't know how to read!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All it means is that per their population their GDP is high!
And it's high because of a few reason!
Low Population + Natural Resources = High GDP compared to their population! It doesn't means they have good leaders that know how to manage money!
Tax laws that attract companies to base their headquarters in that country!

It doesn't mean the people of that country are better off, get a better education, have better healthcare, have a educated workforce,....

All that money could be concentrated in the hands of 10 rich people or corporations!

For 20 years those countries have been ranked among to top 10 in terms of GDP per capita and yet NOT a SINGLE one of the can say they are among the most technologically advanced countries in the world! NOT EVEN ONE OF THEM!

@VEVAK Can we keep it civil please! I made an observation with quick interpretation. Now you think my interpretation is wrong, then say so politely; there is no need to get testy.

I believe they are doing better than IRI, to be frank, perhaps not in every aspect but in healthcare, environment, and HDI (human development index). I refer you to UN reports on these countries.

These pictures hardly show the extend of the participation in the ceremony. An areal view, versus a sight view, would be a better indication, don't you think?
GDP per capita is an incredibly poor way to measure the wealth of people.

Funny of a Saudi to talk of science and technology, and an Israeli to to talk about military spending and nukes, when their own miniscule strip of dirt has nukes and spends more than Iran. Iran spends the least on its military per capita than anyone in the region.

@WordsMatter your words are well written but their content is woefully misinformed and bias is clouding your judgement. I suggest you aim more to learn from members here rather than try to lecture them with lack of knowledge.

@waz and @Serpentine I suggest this thread be closed asap as it has Israeli and Saudi trolls from page 1. Nothing good will come from this thread.

The GDP, and GDP per capita (of both types nominal, and per purchasing power) just happensd to be a measure that economists use. What else can we use to measure a nation's wealth?

@waz @Serpentine

I leave it for you to decide whether my posts are trolling or that some folks don't want to read any counter argument.

The GDP, and GDP per capita (of both types nominal, and per purchasing power) just happensd to be a measure that economists use. What else can we use to measure a nation's wealth?

@waz @Serpentine

I leave it for you to decide whether my posts are trolling or that some folks don't want to read any counter argument.
No counter arguments are useful, as long as they add value to the discussion. I don't think you have said anything to be offensive or trolling.
@haman10 @500 makes a valid point. To discard, or ridicule it, makes your counter-argument weak. I agree with @500 that IR was a richer country, in terms of per capita, prior to 1979 revolution. As Iranians we must accept that waste, mis-management, and corruption have left IRI's economy in shambles and on the brink. I don't subscribe to the notion that every criticism should be derided, or ridiculed. IRI has suffers more from elite mismanagement and corruption than it does from US embargo. As the saying goes, "We have met the enemy, and they are ours".

@VEVAK has listed the top 10 GDP per capita and it seems that the leadership in the Gulf states are not at all that bad, unless I am reading this incorrectly.

There are two problems with this whole discussion:

1- First is stereotyping. Iran government has been steered by different administrations and presidents. Some of them have been very good with economy like Khatami and some of them not so good or even destructive. It is the same verywhere.
2- Let's take another look at what @500 posted here:


As you can see even though the population of Iran has more than doubled since 1979, the GDP per Capita of Iran before the recent sanctions has more than tripped. Given the increase in the population, it means Iran's GDP has grown almost 7 times what it used to be between 1979-2010 that means an average of 9.7% per year. That is an epic rate of growth no matter how biased one can be.

No one says there are no mismanagement in Iran. Do you know any country that doesn't suffer from the same to some extent? But the overall outcome has been more than acceptable
Do you know what China's GDP per Capita is ranked at? Clearly NOT! Because China is such a weak country! LOL!

And here is your top 10 Per capita countries!

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Yea because these are such strong countries with advanced technologies!
there is so much poverty and misery in china. You said it yourself. Power doesnt mean comfortable life.

I agree, what matters for any country at the end of the day is the GDP Per Capita. Propaganda only increases people's frustration. What made Erdogan popular was primarily his economic reforms that increased the GDP Per Capita.
That's the only thing that matters + hdi and amount of debt.
GCC countries are doing good, they have a much better economy than Iran. Almost all gcc countries are ranked in top 10 countries of the world when looking at GDP per capita! which is amazing/incredible. I look at the facts.

Iran is in top 5 of countries with most natural resources (oil, gas, copper, gold etc), but our gdp per capita is low/average compared to our resource.
Our gdp per capita is ranked between Botswana and Gabon.
I think we should learn from GCC how to manage our economy.
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there is so much poverty and misery in china. You said it yourself. Power doesnt mean comfortable life.

That's the only thing that matters + hdi and amount of debt.
GCC countries are doing good, they have a much better economy than Iran. Almost all gcc countries are ranked in top 10 countries of the world when looking at GDP per capita!
Iran is in top 5 of countries with most natural resources (oil, gas, copper, gold etc), but our gdp per capita is low/average compared to our resource. I think we should learn from GCC how to manage our economy.

Thanks. I didn't mean GDP Per Capita is the final thing, but wanted to say that if the GDP Per Capita of a nation is low, then it hasn't yet achieved much, even if it already owned half of Mars, or had a ship load of nukes. Bad economy is a daily pain for people and it brings corruption, crimes, prostitution, and depression. It also keeps heads down and make the nation a borrower, debtor, beggar, or looter. The GCC has a long way to go into economic diversification as it is largely dependent on oil with very little improvement in the diversification effort. The GCC is not in the right path yet, and it is dubious if it will ever catch up.
The GDP, and GDP per capita (of both types nominal, and per purchasing power) just happensd to be a measure that economists use. What else can we use to measure a nation's wealth?

There are many ways to judge the wealth of the society of a country. GDP and it's per capita value are NOT it. They are designed to estimate the value of a country's economic output.

For the wealth of people, you must consider GNI (Gross National Income) per capita, Gini coefficient, HDI, life expectancy, literacy rate, infant mortality rate...

I've studied economics myself and there are DOZENS of ways to measure the wealth and quality of life of a people. GDP per capita is incredibly basic and barely relevant.

I think we should learn from GCC how to manage our economy.

:o: No thanks.
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