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Did Trump Scare Iran: Tehran Reportedly Pulls Missile From Launchpad Following Launch Prep

How come iran fire a missiles on their own soil became dangerous while US have fleets and based all over the world and doing exercises with other countries with airplanes and arm groups against their countries is not threat to world peace??
Perception. The US did not pay people to believe that Iran is 'dangerous'.
Indeed, but the decision to "put Iran on notice" was made following an unprovoked ballistic missile test and was not a proactive measure to curb Iran. Contrary to graphican's claims, the US statement wasn't a threat but rather of their intent to monitor the region.

Iran war games or missile tests are scheduled annually and all neighboring countries are informed about the date and drills plans before they take place ... this missile test was promised by Iran DOD months ago and had nothing to do with Trump. and it wasn't unprovoked ballistic missile test actually whatever Iran does is taken as threats by this guys.
Iran is a sovereign country and has an absolute right to test its missile whenever wherever it desire .
I had figured on an SLV-related launch. The 29JAN2017 launch may have been SLV-related, also.

The Iranians are not going to scrap their space program, so if the latest imagery is accurate then there may have been a technical issue.

This is not the first time a rocket has been withdrawn from the launch pad.
Iran war games or missile tests are scheduled annually and all neighboring countries are informed about the date and drills plans before they take place ... this missile test was promised by Iran DOD months ago and had nothing to do with Trump. and it wasn't unprovoked ballistic missile test actually whatever Iran does is taken as threats by this guys.
Iran is a sovereign country and has an absolute right to test its missile whenever wherever it desire .

The question isn't about Iran's "right" to do X or Y but rather the Trump administration's perception of Iran's missile tests and their implications. UN resolution 2231 specifically restricts ballistic missile testing, especially of those capable of delivering potentially nuclear payloads. (http://www.un.org/en/sc/2231/restrictions-ballistic.shtml)
Perception. The US did not pay people to believe that Iran is 'dangerous'.
Oh yea it's like iran who fund radical islamic terrorist schools and mosques in Europe and not the sunni countries like the gulf,Egypt and morocco.most if the terrorism came from these countries
The question isn't about Iran's "right" to do X or Y but rather the Trump administration's perception of Iran's missile tests and their implications. UN resolution 2231 specifically restricts ballistic missile testing, especially of those capable of delivering potentially nuclear payloads. (http://www.un.org/en/sc/2231/restrictions-ballistic.shtml)

There is no restriction regarding Iran missile tests , it just calls upon Iran not to test missile that their warheads are designed to carry nuclear warheads and just for 8 years ....we don't have nuclear weapon to design or have a warhead capable to carry one.

Iran is called upon not to undertake any activity related to ballistic missiles designed to be capable of delivering nuclear weapons, including launches using such ballistic missile technology, until the date eight years after the JCPOA Adoption Day or until the date on which the IAEA submits a report confirming the Broader Conclusion, whichever is earlier.​

While in 1929 resolution :

Iran is prohibited from undertaking any activity related to ballistic missiles capable of carrying nuclear weapons and States are required to take all necessary measure to prevent the transfer of related technology or technical assistance.​
it could be also a "message" to Trump
they exactly know spy sattelites would see the launch preparation.
the message could be "look trump boy, your threats are empty, here you can see our Safir ready to launch,we have the technology, we have to possibilites, just be sure what we will do if you scrap the nuclear deal.."
so instead of launching, which would be be, in my opinion, not very wise in this heat up political atmosphere (Main street media would fabricate bullshit and make Iran devil), they just show it to the spy sattelites, and than removed everything...

there are some good feedbacks from this site to tis article:

Mission accomplished
They don't need to keep testing missile, it's only to prove, WE GOT MISSILES
If they know how to make one already, they can only get better at it.

They just did !!

What`s the bet Benjamin Netanyahu start to threat Iran on daily basis. Yes offcourse the stupid yanks have our backs, Trump will come to our rescue.

As you can tell by now the Iranian decision to back down was not decided on fear but rather a strategy to allow Israel bully Iran with threats. Russia will not allow the Israelis or USA to bomb Iran especially when Iran are not the aggressors.

Better still, ask your self this question.

Will Donald Trump allow his great nation being duped again by the Israelis ?

Its a good move by Iran.
just don't inflate your ego too much unnecessarily.
Live to fight for another day.
Trump atm is a raging bull, asking fights from everywhere.
Don't feed him foolishly.
Perception. The US did not pay people to believe that Iran is 'dangerous'.
Then please explain what is the media under US control doing day and night? And please define dangerous?

The question isn't about Iran's "right" to do X or Y but rather the Trump administration's perception of Iran's missile tests and their implications. UN resolution 2231 specifically restricts ballistic missile testing, especially of those capable of delivering potentially nuclear payloads. (http://www.un.org/en/sc/2231/restrictions-ballistic.shtml)

It says : Paragraph 3 of Annex B of resolution 2231 (2015) calls upon Iran not to undertake any activity related to ballistic missiles designed to be capable of delivering nuclear weapons, including launches using such ballistic missile technology.

Funny that you probably red it and changed its meaning totally in your quote:
1- Calling upon doesn't mean obligation. It is a request not an instruction
2- It says activity related to nuclear capable ballistic missiles. None of Iran's missiles has that capacity.

So this test is not in violation of the resolution.

ورش داشتن!
Iranian regime is most coward and hypocrite regime in history. Couple examples:

1) They humiliated Americans when Carter and Obama were nice to them. But when Reagan burned their destroyed with all the crew they did NOTHING.
2) They daily threaten Israel for 35 years, but did not send a single soldier to fight Israel. In same time they slaughter hundreds of thousands helpless Syrians with no mercy.
Iranian regime is most coward and hypocrite regime in history. Couple examples:

1) They humiliated Americans when Carter and Obama were nice to them. But when Reagan burned their destroyed with all the crew they did NOTHING.
2) They daily threaten Israel for 35 years, but did not send a single soldier to fight Israel. In same time they slaughter hundreds of thousands helpless Syrians with no mercy.
AS far I remember it is israel that has been threatening Iran to destroy its nuclear facility for more than a decade and despite having uncle sam on its side nothing has happened yet ...
they are fighting the worst of the worst in Syria, those qaeda/isis etc "rebels" aren't exactly "helpless Syrians".
Here where they fight: Quseir, Ghouta, Homs, Aleppo, Wadi Barada.. There is no any ISIS and imaginary Al Qaeda there. Just poor Syrians.

AS far I remember it is israel that has been threatening Iran to destroy its nuclear facility for more than a decade and despite having uncle sam on its side nothing has happened yet ...
Did u get a bomb already? - No.

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