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Did Trump Scare Iran: Tehran Reportedly Pulls Missile From Launchpad Following Launch Prep


Jan 17, 2015
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In what - if confirmed - may be the clearest indication that Trump's Iranian escalation gambit has worked, Iran has allegedly removed a powerful missile from a launchpad east of Tehran within the past few days, Fox News reported, around the time the US imposed new sanctions on 25 Iranian individuals and entities, as U.S. and Iran continued trading public barbs about the Islamic Republic's missile tests and nuclear ambitions.

Citing a satellite image taken on February 3 from ImageSat International and verified by U.S. officials, Iran was preparing a Safir missile for launch, the same type that Iran has previously used to put a satellite into space. The last time Iran launched a Safir missile was two years ago.


Satellite image from ImageSat International.

But in a surprising about face, Fox News learned Tuesday morning that Iran’s missile had been removed from the launchpad amid a flurry of activity on the launchpad which U.S. officials have been watching closely. It was not immediately clear why.


Satellite image from ImageSat International.

On Jan. 29, Iran launched a new type of medium-range ballistic missile prompting an emergency meeting of the U.N. Security Council on Jan. 31. A day later the White House issued a strongly worded statement from National Security Adviser Mike Flynn putting Iran "on notice." Days later, American intelligence officials watched as Iran quickly cleaned up the site and prepared another missile on the same launch pad near Semnan, about 140 miles east of Tehran, before it was removed.

While it is unclear of Iran has taken the first step to de-escalate military tensions, it would come at a strange time. On Tuesday, Iran's Supreme Leader issued a new warning to the White House about the coming 38th anniversary of Iran's Revolution this Friday. "No enemy can paralyze the Iranian nation," Khamenei said. "[Trump] says 'you should be afraid of me'. No! The Iranian people will respond to his words on Feb. 10 and will show their stance against such threats," as reported earlier.

On Sunday, Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., called Iran’s recent ballistic missile launch “very dangerous” and said the launch “should not have happened,” and agreed with President Trump that new sanctions on the Islamic Republic were needed. Also Sunday, Iran fired off five advanced surface-to-air missiles as part of a military exercise Sunday. The Iranian Sayyad, or "Hunter", missiles were launched from Dasht-e Kavir, a remote area 45 miles south of Semnan, the location of last week's ballistic missile launch. Officials said the tests were successful.

If confirmed, expect much more "diplomatic" jawboning from Twitter Trump in the coming weeks, as the president's policies of global intimidation seem to be bearing fruit.
You are never wrong in preparing for worst.

Someone might ask what would've been reaction of USA if Iranian President had threatened America in the same language which TRUMP used against Iran?
You are never wrong in preparing for worst.

Someone might ask what would've been reaction of USA if Iranian President had threatened America in the same language which TRUMP used against Iran?
they would be labeled as extremists and terrorists.
How come iran fire a missiles on their own soil became dangerous while US have fleets and based all over the world and doing exercises with other countries with airplanes and arm groups against their countries is not threat to world peace??
LOL at

Did Trump Scare Iran: Tehran Reportedly Pulls Missile From Launchpad Following Launch Prep
Probably a technical problem made them to do so.

In both cases he says if American start a war and it happened after the US president said "Obama saying that America could quickly neutralize Iran’s military if the need arose."

He is clear :

“We [the Iranians] neither welcome nor begin any war…” but, “They must know that should any war break out, one who will emerge humiliated out of it will be invading and criminal America.”​

Khamenei warns the U.S. against launching a war against Iran, promising that America would be defeated if it did.​
Probably a technical problem made them to do so.

In both cases he says if American start a war and it happened after the US president said "Obama saying that America could quickly neutralize Iran’s military if the need arose."

He is clear :

“We [the Iranians] neither welcome nor begin any war…” but, “They must know that should any war break out, one who will emerge humiliated out of it will be invading and criminal America.”​

Khamenei warns the U.S. against launching a war against Iran, promising that America would be defeated if it did.​
In past there's wasn't so much technical problems but in this government , they couldn't lunch even one satellite due never ending technical problems ..

Truth is bitter but you should accept it ... Our government is in love with the west and fear them like a ,****
Probably a technical problem made them to do so.

In both cases he says if American start a war and it happened after the US president said "Obama saying that America could quickly neutralize Iran’s military if the need arose."

He is clear :

“We [the Iranians] neither welcome nor begin any war…” but, “They must know that should any war break out, one who will emerge humiliated out of it will be invading and criminal America.”​

Khamenei warns the U.S. against launching a war against Iran, promising that America would be defeated if it did.​

Indeed, but the decision to "put Iran on notice" was made following an unprovoked ballistic missile test and was not a proactive measure to curb Iran. Contrary to graphican's claims, the US statement wasn't a threat but rather of their intent to monitor the region.

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