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Did Trump Scare Iran: Tehran Reportedly Pulls Missile From Launchpad Following Launch Prep

Yes, damn Iran for wanting to prevent the west from know exactly how it's missiles work.

Where the sun don't shine...

The options are unambiguous and simple:
1) Iran could let the international community know that its missiles are not nuclear capable & proceed with its ballistic missile program without condemnation
2) Iran could continue testing its missiles without informing anybody but would then face political backlash over these flights
3) Iran could backpedal on its nuclear deal & do whatever it pleases but face sanctions

The removal of one of Iran's ballistic missiles from its launch pad could be an indication that its leadership has formally tested the waters and concluded that it can't have the cake and eat it, too.
The options are unambiguous and simple:
1) Iran could let the international community know that its missiles are not nuclear capable & proceed with its ballistic missile program without condemnation
2) Iran could continue testing its missiles without informing anybody but would then face political backlash over these flights
3) Iran could backpedal on its nuclear deal & do whatever it pleases but face sanctions

The removal of one of Iran's ballistic missiles from its launch pad could be an indication that its leadership has formally tested the waters and concluded that it can't have the cake and eat it, too.
Iran already did number 1 several times, yet people like you are saying it isn't enough and Iran now needs to open up its missile technology for all its enemies to see!
Iran has not taken steps to demonstrate that its ballistic missiles weren't nuclear-capable (or potentially nuclear-capable), so the US was justified in its wariness of the test. There is no way one could determine if a ballistic missile is capable or not of sporting a nuclear payload without actually taking it apart.
Sorry. US is accusing us and as far as I know the burden is on US to prove their claim. They need to show that Iran's missiles are capable of carrying nuclear warhead and then complain about.

If I claim you murdered someone, I need to prove you did first or there is credible reason to believe so before I can take you to court not the other way around.
Iran already did number 1 several times, yet people like you are saying it isn't enough and Iran now needs to open up its missile technology for all its enemies to see!

Nobody is requesting that Iran turn over its ballistic missile blueprints. Nevertheless, as I've mentioned before, it would be impossible for an observer to determine whether their missiles are capable of adopting a potential nuclear weapon.

If Iran wishes to be a signatory of the landmark nuclear deal in addition to continue its ballistic missile program without arousing international condemnation, efforts to dispel worries over potential nuclear capability must be undertaken.
h pad could be an indication that its leadership has formally tested the waters and concluded that it can't have the cake and eat it, too.

It was not a ballistic missile. It was a Safir satellite carrier.
Iran fires another missile from launch pad, US official says


Iran launched another missile Wednesday from the same launch pad east of Tehran where it conducted a previous ballistic missile test last month, an official told Fox News.

The Semnan launch pad was the same as the one where Fox News reported exclusively on Tuesday, satellite photos showed Iran had placed a Safir rocket poised to put a satellite into space before it was taken off the launcher. The reason Iran scrubbed the previous launch is not yet known.

The missile used in Wednesday's launch was a short-range Mersad surface-to-air missile, which impacted 35 miles away, according to a U.S. official.

This latest test comes less than a week after the U.S. placed new sanctions on Iran. There's been a flurry of activity at the Semnan launch pad, located about 140 miles east of Tehran, in recent weeks, officials have told Fox News.

On Jan. 29, Iran launched a new type of medium-range ballistic missile prompting an emergency meeting of the U.N. Security Council on Jan. 31. A day later the White House issued a strongly worded statement from National Security Adviser Mike Flynn putting Iran "on notice." President Trump tweeted a similar statement soon after.

On Sunday, Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., called Iran’s recent ballistic missile launch “very dangerous” and said the launch “should not have happened,” and agreed with President Trump that new sanctions on the Islamic Republic were needed.

U.N. Resolution 2231 calls upon Iran not to conduct ballistic missile tests -- but does not forbid the nation from doing so. The resolution went into effect days after the landmark nuclear deal with signed with Western nations including the U.S.

So main stream media freaking out because Iran launched an short range Mersad air defence missile, bunch of idiots....

maybe they preparing/brainwashing US citizens for war?

how else should such hysteria be called?
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Nobody is requesting that Iran turn over its ballistic missile blueprints. Nevertheless, as I've mentioned before, it would be impossible for an observer to determine whether their missiles are capable of adopting a potential nuclear weapon.

If Iran wishes to be a signatory of the landmark nuclear deal in addition to continue its ballistic missile program without arousing international condemnation, efforts to dispel worries over potential nuclear capability must be undertaken.
A pickup truck can be a nuclear weapon delivery method, they'll ask for those next!

Iran already dispelled worries about its nuclear program by having the most intrusive nuclear monitoring in the world.

The US' opposition to Iran having Ballistic Missiles is purely because they are a potent method for Iran to defend itself, and the US doesn't want it's enemies to be able to protect themselves.
A pickup truck can be a nuclear weapon delivery method, they'll ask for those next!

Iran already dispelled worries about its nuclear program by having the most intrusive nuclear monitoring in the world.

The US' opposition to Iran having Ballistic Missiles is purely because they are a potent method for Iran to defend itself, and the US doesn't want it's enemies to be able to protect themselves.

The US is opposed because Iran essentially violated a provision of Resolution 2231 unless it can demonstrate that the ballistic missile in question has been modified to be incapable of carrying a nuclear warhead, regardless of the latter's origin. It's a question of the ballistic missile itself and its capabilities as a delivery mechanism, not Iran's (now-defunct) nuclear weapons program.
I wrote the following last Saturday:

A brief listing of takeaways by Iran to the U.S. response towards the test launch of a ballistic missile (or SLV platform) occurring 29JAN2017:

— Iran determined the new U.S. Administration responded to the ballistic missile test in nearly the same manner as the preceding administration, in applying roughly a dozen new sanctions on individuals and entities. Moreover, the tendered response remained consistently symbolic. The U.S. did not unilaterally withdraw from JCPOA, invoke a military show of force or draw a red line for imminent initiation of armed conflict.

— The political spectrum of Iran rallied in support of the defense doctrine based on the deterrent force provided by IRGC-ASF, with its developing second-strike ballistic missile capability.

( IRGC-ASF were subsequently put on simulated alert status during exercises held on 04FEB2017 in Semnan Province. The drills had likely been planned in advance.)

— Iran’s leadership noted a resumption of the country being targeted by the U.S. for combat actions taken by regional allies, or armed groups it is sympathetic towards. In this case, it was the Houthi naval naval engagement with a RSNF Al Madinah-class frigate off the coast of Yemen. This resumption signals a return to relations where they stood during the Bush Administration, severing a level of cooperation engaged upon with the Obama Administration that saw signing of JCPOA, rapid release of trespassing USN personnel in the Persian Gulf, the negotiated release of American citizens in Yemen, etc.

COMMENT: Two certainties emerged from this episode:

— The United States will make all ballistic missile and SLV launches public and continue to render some level of response. (The variable posed is whether responses will remain within the status quo.)

— Iran will continue to maintain its defense doctrine based on deterrence, with further development and testing of its ballistic missile force.
100% 7alabi Syrian, now a refugee thanks to Khamenai thugs. More than half Syrians share this destiny.
Hes' an al qaeda jihadist and I hope he meets a gruesome end soon.
Well obviously Iran isn't the least bit scared of the US when it comes to missile testing. This is turning into a shit show real fast.
Well obviously Iran isn't the least bit scared of the US when it comes to missile testing. This is turning into a shit show real fast.
Our government love west and our president and FM children are living in USA ....
I was hopping trump visa ban hurt them but a bastard liberal judge stop it
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