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You are mixing this up.


But PERMANENT BAN should be limited to only TROLLS.
Oh my bad. Misread.
I am sure thats how it goes. In this forum.

But i have seen some senior member who reasonabely deserve the permanent ban.

But you guys are regular so you know better.
I know I might sound really weird suggesting this but I think it's time the management gave a thought to it.
@WebMaster @WAJsal @Slav Defence @Manticore @Jungibaaz

Please stop permanent banning members who have been on the forum for more than an year. This will prevent duplicate IDs.
Those who have survived on this forum for more than one year are genuine people,who come to read stuff on the forum.
Let the usual bans or the shorter/temporary bans continue for not sticking to forum etiquette, as such bans limit entry to the forum for a limited period of time.
Yes the suicide trolls and duplicate IDs should be banned permanently.

At the risk of earning brick-bats,
I would disagree and say we need to permanent ban a list of senior trolls.
I know I might sound really weird suggesting this but I think it's time the management gave a thought to it.
@WebMaster @WAJsal @Slav Defence @Manticore @Jungibaaz

Please stop permanent banning members who have been on the forum for more than an year. This will prevent duplicate IDs.
Those who have survived on this forum for more than one year are genuine people,who come to read stuff on the forum.
Let the usual bans or the shorter/temporary bans continue for not sticking to forum etiquette, as such bans limit entry to the forum for a limited period of time.
Yes the suicide trolls and duplicate IDs should be banned permanently.

At the risk of earning brick-bats,
I have moderated 5-6 forums and member of many other forums. I have never received an infraction from anywhere in life despite making 100,000? posts combined in past 16 years.

Why do such stuff that leads to infraction in the first place?
I would disagree and say we need to permanent ban a list of senior trolls.
I'm sure it's hard on you guys to moderate stuff when some senior member decides to troll.

But you do know why I had suggested it don't you?
This is your introduction about yourself---. Being a 'professional and a mod---if this is how you do it---what do you expect from others!

Even if I wrote my actual job description, 99.9% of people on this forum still wouldn't know what I actually do.

But I did update my Occupation:happy:.

I'm sure it's hard on you guys to moderate stuff when some senior member decides to troll.

Senior, elite and titled members are banned permanently only under the most extreme of circumstances. They really have to do something wholly offensive, inappropriate or abusive to earn that distinction.

We know what situation you're referencing and all I'm willing to say is that we deal with it when necessary. But banning senior trolls or members prone to offensive behavior is something that needs to be done. If they create another ID and attempt to continue their behavior, we'll deal with that too. We have a lot of patience and can outlast even the most habitual troublemaker.

MoDs and Admins should stop showing partiality

Everyone has their bias, their interest, their stance and their views. We try to remain as impartial as possible, but all people fall into the trap eventually.

The best we can do is take a step back, look at a post or problem and ask "does this violate the forum's rules"? Not look at the member's nationality or flags, or their post history, just take the issue on a case-by-case basis.

I try to take this approach when dealing with other members as a mod, but I too have my own views and will express them when appropriate or when I deem them necessary.

We try our best, but sometimes even we act with partiality.

I have moderated 5-6 forums and member of many other forums. I have never received an infraction from anywhere in life despite making 100,000? posts combined in past 16 years.

Same here. I moderate 3 forums, and one picture archive, and am a member of a few more and have made thousands of posts between them and not once have I received an infraction.

I troll, but try to do so in the appropriate places like the Member's Club section. I like to troll and joke around with people:D. It helps lighten my mood. But I also avoid being rude, offensive or insulting and know what limits I can and cannot cross.

Honestly, it's not that hard to avoid infractions. Just be nice and be on-topic. Troll where appropriate and provide quality discourse - helping to further a discussion in a positive and fruitful manner goes a long way to endearing one's self to me. I respect quality.

Easy enough I should think.

Moderators must be neutral- example for South Asia it could be non-Asian etc

I advocate for this approach, but it's more difficult to implement since non-regional mods might not be versed enough in the regional dynamics - culture, religion, politics, economics, mannerisms and so forth.

I mod the Americas and Europe & Russia sections. I'm a European and have never lived anywhere other then Norway, but I travel frequently to the Americas for work and around European countries. While neither are homogeneous, I'm familiar enough with the nuances of the Americas - Central, South and North - and Europe that I can understand their viewpoints, behaviors and cultural differences and assess a situation with this in mind. By and large, while they have their unique cultural differences, the 3 continents share many central tenets and values.

I am less familiar with East, South or Central Asia and Africa and the Middle-east and would be a completely inappropriate mod given my lack of understanding of their unique behaviors and traits.

While having a non-regional mod can help with bias during moderation - would you trust a Norwegian to mod a Norwegian section fairly(?) - it's also important to have people that understand the region, hence a Turk for the Turkish section, an Iranian for the Iranian section, a European for the European section and so forth.

We understand the dynamics of our specific regions better then an outsider would and that affords us an insight that other mods or nationalities might not have.
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I am less familiar with East, South or Central Asia and Africa and the Middle-east and would be a completely inappropriate mod given my lack of understanding of their unique behaviors and traits.

I would love to see you in the central Asian section.
But since I have mentioned it here I don't think you will ever be transferred to that section.
I'm jinxed! Lol

Thanks to everyone who were kind enough to have given their opinion on what I had suggested.
See you all on the forum.

I would love to see you in the central Asian section.
But since I have mentioned it here I don't think you will ever be transferred to that section.
I'm jinxed! Lol

Thanks to everyone who were kind enough to have given their opinion on what I had suggested.
See you all on the forum.


Let us learn to accept PDF just the way it is. :D
What about if we somehow add “auto arrange” function for the posts, like thread starter’s post on top, after that most senior member’s post and so on in descending order……I know it will mix up the arguments in debate, but we can educate the posters to post in a manner that it reads like a single debate…....like if you reply to someone, use “quote” function for whole post in reply so that a reader can read both post or something like that…..

Secondly, I think adding “time” function will help eliminating trolls…….like any newcomer after making ID, have to wait one month or so before posting first post….it will help reducing multiple IDs……..after banning, people will not be able to come back again the next minute……and anyone who really wants to joint the forum, will joint it even after a month.......limit the number of posts per day for newcomers……and then gradually increase the number of posts/day with improvement of ranks……and after a year or two, they will become full member.
Agree some members joined pdf only to mock Pakistan

I've also noticed some members who seem to have joined practically for the sole purpose of bashing other countries as well.

EX: Some of them will make threads under the guise of reporting a news story. But then, mix in thier biases somewhere in the middle or the end of the actual facts for the sole purpose of trolling.

Just my observations..
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I've also noticed some members who seem to have joined practically for the sole purpose of bashing other countries as well.

EX: Some of them will make threads under the guise of reporting a news story. But then, sneak in thier biases somewhere in the middle or the end of the actual facts for the sole purpose of trolling.

Just my observations..
I've seen another TTA saying the same thing and i have also noticed this a lot.
To all the saints:
How would you react, if i start regulalry addressing your elders like your extended family does on regular basis to me.... apart from picture below, there are numerous personal attacks, while trolling has been given new meaning.
Sure it makes no difference to me but please, stop with your fake saintism.
To all the saints:
How would you react, if i start regulalry addressing your elders like your extended family does on regular basis to me.... apart from picture below, there are numerous personal attacks, while trolling has been given new meaning.
Sure it makes no difference to me but please, stop with your fake saintism.
View attachment 374863
Stop crying, the mods and think tanks treats Indian much worse here, and you dont see us crying about it.
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