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Morocco 'bans the sale and production of the burka'

Pakistani uncle's were trying to sneak a peak lol it was a sight one had to see
I don't blame them. There is 'lot' to see lol !

What is differance between Berber and Spanish? Zero.

Zinedine Zidane is of Berber ancestry

Yep, in a Muslim country, you can drink alcohol and wear a bikini on the beach.

But it's the Burqa that is illegal!

Oh, at present it is legal to wear it in Zionist Israel, but not in Muslim Morocco.

This is in fact an important step towards progress. Banning a useless and ridiculous garb that resembles a garbage bag (speaks volumes about how degrading it is for women who wear it) will free those women from oppression of Mullah ideology.
3. They got the biggest humpin pumpin stunin whore market in the world

This is why you liberal scum are an existential threat to Pakistan.

Keep it up and the people will finally wake one day
This is in fact an important step towards progress. Banning a useless and ridiculous garb that resembles a garbage bag (speaks volumes about how degrading it is for women who wear it) will free those women from oppression of Mullah ideology.

No, it is a western slave leadership that follows western values. This will lead to progress?

No need to reply, we're from different directions.
This is why you liberal scum are an existential threat to Pakistan.

Keep it up and the people will finally wake one day
Well, we are not the ones blowing people up or beheading people. Look all throughout the Middle East and see who's the real threat.

Liberalism is what will lead to progress. Mullahism is what's holding Pakistan back and dragging it further into dark ages.

When you mullahs aren't targeting minorities and us Liberals your targeting other mullahs lol. So much hate you people have.
I don't blame them. There is 'lot' to see lol !

What is differance between Berber and Spanish? Zero.

Zinedine Zidane is of Berber ancestry

Lol true true. That's when I decided I gotta get me a Morrocan woman [emoji38]
No, it is a western slave leadership that follows western values. This will lead to progress?

No need to reply, we're from different directions.
Yes it will lead to progress. Even you know this to be true in your heart just as every other Muslim knows this is the truth. Isn't that why Muslims immigrate to the West to begin with because we like the Liberal lifestyle?
Yes it will lead to progress. Even you know this to be true in your heart just as every other Muslim knows this is the truth. Isn't that why Muslims immigrate to the West to begin with because we like the Liberal lifestyle?

factually not true

many desis that live in western countries despise and look down upon western culture

there may be an exception that like western culture but many that don't are only in the west for economic reasons
Well, we are not the ones blowing people up or beheading people. Look all throughout the Middle East and see who's the real threat.

Liberalism is what will lead to progress. Mullahism is what's holding Pakistan back and dragging it further into dark ages.

When you mullahs aren't targeting minorities and us Liberals your targeting other mullahs lol. So much hate you people have.

Liberalism will lead to progress? Taiwan was a military dictatorship, as essentially was south Korea. Japan was in effect a one party state. None of them were 'liberal'. Not enough progress, there? Nazi Germany made spectacular economic progress, were they liberal?

Iran is light well ahead of you in almost all technology, and more than half of their university students are hijab wearing women.

Part of the current conflict in most Muslim countries is due to a tiny westernized leadership that considers its task as the imposition of western values on its people, under the excuse of progress.

Yes, atrocities are committed by all sides. You forgot to mention that American liberals killed 3,000 civilians in FATA, and God knows how many Muslims the liberals of the west have killed all together.
Well, we are not the ones blowing people up or beheading people. Look all throughout the Middle East and see who's the real threat.

Liberalism is what will lead to progress. Mullahism is what's holding Pakistan back and dragging it further into dark ages.

When you mullahs aren't targeting minorities and us Liberals your targeting other mullahs lol. So much hate you people have.

so a hindu equating Islamic values to terrorism ... not surprising! lol!

Well there are two ways to progress -

1. Take the West to Muslims.
2. Take the Muslim to the West.

Which one did your dad take? No need to answer - he took option number (2) and high tailed to the West/UK. Marocco has taken option number (1) .

your masters in Europe are in financial collapse
Yes it will lead to progress. Even you know this to be true in your heart just as every other Muslim knows this is the truth. Isn't that why Muslims immigrate to the West to begin with because we like the Liberal lifestyle?

Always good to hear your views. Actually I don't know why it will lead to progress.

As some one else has said, the vast majority of foreigners in the west are here because of the financial benefits, this also includes the Eastern Europeans. I honestly don't think it is the liberal lifestyle.

As always, YMMV. ( Your mileage may vary).

Well there are two ways to progress -

1. Take the West to Muslims.
2. Take the Muslim to the West.

Which one did your dad take? No need to answer - he took option number (2) and high tailed to the West/UK. Marocco has taken option number (1) .

Yes, interesting point. Are you saying that the western path is the only way to progress? There is simply no other way?

Explain to me how drinking alcohol or wearing a bikini leads to an expansion of the economy?
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so a hindu equating Islamic values to terrorism ... not surprising! lol!

your masters in Europe are in financial collapse
Don't let the name decieve you. I'm actually an agnostic. I chose to have my own beliefs. I don't let others dictate to me.

Also, I don't need to equate anything when everything's pretty obvious. The whole world is a witness to the mess you Mullahs have created in every Muslim country.
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