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Qaeda-linked terrorist group strikes IRGC near Iran-Pakistan border

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Kuwaiti Girl

May 8, 2016
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Qaeda-linked terrorist group strikes IRGC near Iran-Pakistan border


Islamist militant group Jaish Al-Adl reported on Friday from its official twitter account an assault on an Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) contingent on the outskirts of the Jakigour region in Sistan and Baluchistan province which borders Pakistan.

The terrorist group, which Iran accuses Saudi Arabia of funding, claimed the attack killed several soldiers and destroyed two cars. The state-runs Fars News confirmed the attack reporting the death of a soldier and the wounding of three others.

The Iran-Pakistan border has long been a hotbed of armed activity as Al-Qaeda, Taliban, and other insurgent groups find safehaven in its vast rugged terrain. With all that, the Iranian military has succeeded in securing most of the region after decades of operations.
Unfortunately with the corrupt government of Pakistan and unlike Pakistan's military strength as a nuclear state, Pakistan's borders are even less secure than Afghanistan's borders. Actually it is a complicated story about Pakistani government's ties with Al-Saud supported wahabis and takfiris.
إِنَّا للهِ وَإِنَّـا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعونَ
Unfortunately, Pakistan doesn't like to cooperate with Iran on its border with Iran.
They roam freely in the border and every time Iran wants to destroy them they run to Pakistan territory.
we should finished this and work with our Pakistani brothers to kill all of them and destroy their bases.
Unfortunately with the corrupt government of Pakistan and unlike Pakistan's military strength as a nuclear state, Pakistan's borders are even less secure than Afghanistan's borders. Actually it is a complicated story about Pakistani government's ties with Al-Saud supported wahabis and takfiris.

first dont blame Pakistan untill you have proof of involvement of any Pakistani in this incident, 2nd i agree, your pigs are too roaming in Pakistan with pic of khomeni and nasrullah like saudi pigs, we have to hunt both, if needed nuke both shitholes before they start playing syria game in this region.
first dont blame Pakistan untill you have proof of involvement of any Pakistani in this incident, 2nd i agree, your pigs are too roaming in Pakistan with pic of khomeni and nasrullah like saudi pigs, we have to hunt both, if needed nuke both shitholes before they starting play syria game in this region.
you are comparing two diff things with each other they come from Pakistan freely, kill Iranian soldier and citizen and then come back to the Pakistan.
I told that we should work together as two brother country with same culture and root despite insulting each other.
you are comparing two diff things with each other they come from Pakistan freely, kill Iranian soldier and citizen and then come back to the Pakistan.
I told that we should work together as two brother country with same culture and root despite insulting each other.

where i supported war? Why people with pics of Khamenie and Hasan Nasrullah are roaming on Pakistani streets? Why Iran is making Pakistani shia terrorist by sending them to syria to secure dictatorship? You only remember mutual work when you got hit? i am in favour of Pakistan having full fledge sunni proxies in iran like you have in Pakistan for regional balance...
Unfortunately with the corrupt government of Pakistan and unlike Pakistan's military strength as a nuclear state, Pakistan's borders are even less secure than Afghanistan's borders. Actually it is a complicated story about Pakistani government's ties with Al-Saud supported wahabis and takfiris.

Or maybe your just not dealing with your problems properly?
Unfortunately, Pakistan doesn't like to cooperate with Iran on its border with Iran.
They roam freely in the border and every time Iran wants to destroy them they run to Pakistan territory.
we should finished this and work with our Pakistani brothers to kill all of them and destroy their bases.

Not sure where you get the idea that "Pakistan doesn't like to cooperate with Iran on its border". Nothing is further from the truth.

The fact is Pakistan-Iran border (Balochistan) is largely unmanned because neither Iran nor Pakistan assume a hostile posture towards each other. However, with CPEC becoming operational Pakistan-Iran border is increasingly being manned.


While I'm sorry for the loss of life but you need to keep in mind Jaish Al-Adl is a terrorist group whereas Iranian border guards behave badly on a regular basis.

first dont blame Pakistan untill you have proof of involvement of any Pakistani in this incident, 2nd i agree, your pigs are too roaming in Pakistan with pic of khomeni and nasrullah like saudi pigs, we have to hunt both, if needed nuke both shitholes before they start playing syria game in this region.
just learn from Turks.
we have bigger struggle in region with them but at least we are working together to secure our borders.
Not sure where you get the idea that "Pakistan doesn't like to cooperate with Iran on its border". Nothing is further from the truth.

The fact is Pakistan-Iran border (Balochistan) is largely unmanned because neither Iran nor Pakistan assume a hostile posture towards each other. However, with CPEC becoming operational Pakistan-Iran border is increasingly being manned.

They are just in paper and website in reality we are not working with each other :(
They are just in paper and website in reality we are not working with each other :(


The paper is only saying what is transpiring on the ground, i.e., cooperation to secure the border.
just learn from Turks.
we have bigger struggle in region with them but at least we are working together to secure our borders.

we are already doing.. Read what Khanate posted above..

But what about our concerns? When you going to abondon your proxies in Pakistan? When will you stop radicalizing Pakistani shia for your personal gains? Or you want us to pay back in kind by radiclizing your sunnis ?
I don't want to fight with you guys but I'm not agree with you guys.
hopefully, because of red blood of our martyrs in the ground they can not cross the border the above news approve my sentence.
RIP :(

Pakistan has to work more towards securing its western areas so this doesn't happen. I'm sure Iran would be willing to cooperate.
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