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Qaeda-linked terrorist group strikes IRGC near Iran-Pakistan border

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Fake BS news from fartsis as always.:tdown:

No conformation from Pakistani media yet. Other than that,
Tehran Times cites Tasnim news agency as the source however the story doesn't appear on Tasnim's English or Urdu website. Tasnim's Arabic and Farsi website claims one Iranian border guard died while wounding three others.

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No need to pass insulting remarks and use of abusive language against Government of either side. Pakistan-Iran Government to Government and people to people are relations not that bitter what few posts here. If we have to believe upon such attacks as government involvement than there are many reports from Pakistan side to blame Iran as well. Other than these terrorists attacks, we have received many shells from Iran side on our forces in past so ground reality is far different than what appears in news.
How about Iranian support to Indian terror supporting outfits working out of Iran against Pakistan?

Unfortunately, Pakistan doesn't like to cooperate with Iran on its border with Iran.
They roam freely in the border and every time Iran wants to destroy them they run to Pakistan territory.
we should finished this and work with our Pakistani brothers to kill all of them and destroy their bases.
Unfortunately with the corrupt government of Pakistan and unlike Pakistan's military strength as a nuclear state, Pakistan's borders are even less secure than Afghanistan's borders. Actually it is a complicated story about Pakistani government's ties with Al-Saud supported wahabis and takfiris.

Indian agent based in Chahbar infiltrates 14 times into Pakistani balochistan via IRan..?? Whose borders are insecure?
Consider this a befitting reply of Kul Bhushan saga...let us remind IRGC what a clown force they are..!

How about Iranian support to Indian terror supporting outfits working out of Iran against Pakistan?

This was a befitting reply..consider that!
How about Iranian support to Indian terror supporting outfits working out of Iran against Pakistan?
First that was not a terror attack on Pakistan's soldiers and no casualties from Pakistani soldiers were reported.
That case was about an spying mission on Pakistan by an Indian unknown guy that Iran arrested him immediately. We accepted the responsibility of that mistake and arrested him and willingly stopped any further harms against Pakistan. The head of national security , Ali Shamkhani , sent an special agent to give the Pakistani government further information and also called China for Peaceful mediation between two neighbors. You will never see harms from Iranian side but we have seen many and we will see unfortunately. Because as always, you do what you want without considering the neighborhood conditions.
@somebozo Read it
first dont blame Pakistan untill you have proof of involvement of any Pakistani in this incident, 2nd i agree, your pigs are too roaming in Pakistan with pic of khomeni and nasrullah like saudi pigs, we have to hunt both, if needed nuke both shitholes before they start playing syria game in this region.

Somebody should ask these Iranians why dont they change their state religion back to Zorostor rather than forcefully bowing down towards Makkah and then abusing and cursing 90% muslim majority??
Qaeda-linked terrorist group strikes IRGC near Iran-Pakistan border


Islamist militant group Jaish Al-Adl reported on Friday from its official twitter account an assault on an Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) contingent on the outskirts of the Jakigour region in Sistan and Baluchistan province which borders Pakistan.

The terrorist group, which Iran accuses Saudi Arabia of funding, claimed the attack killed several soldiers and destroyed two cars. The state-runs Fars News confirmed the attack reporting the death of a soldier and the wounding of three others.

The Iran-Pakistan border has long been a hotbed of armed activity as Al-Qaeda, Taliban, and other insurgent groups find safehaven in its vast rugged terrain. With all that, the Iranian military has succeeded in securing most of the region after decades of operations.
India should support Iran raise this in the International arena. Insurgencies like these may increase strategic depth, but does not help world peace.

state religion back to Zorostor
It's Zoroastrianism.
Somebody should ask these Iranians why dont they change their state religion back to Zorostor rather than forcefully bowing down towards Makkah and then abusing and cursing 90% muslim majority??
All of terror groups in Islamic world belongs to Sunnis. You can deny it but give me the reason to accept your denial. I'm wishful to hear your reasons. Consider your Sunni Salafi brothers have made a situation that whole the world hates Islam. Yeah our majority is fucked up
Unfortunately, Pakistan doesn't like to cooperate with Iran on its border with Iran.
They roam freely in the border and every time Iran wants to destroy them they run to Pakistan territory.
we should finished this and work with our Pakistani brothers to kill all of them and destroy their bases.
International relations require us not to be chauvinistic but understanding of each others stand. Iran's worry is the use of the border of Pakistan by fringe terrorist elements, smugglers and other malignant people. Pakistan must better manage the border. But Iran?

Despite people knowing that the security situation in Pakistan is not optimal Iran usually responds very harshly and unequally against common Pakistanis when such things actually happen. I have no doubt a day or so later a few innocent Balochs will die along the border to Iranian firing or shelling. Both Iran and Pakistan have to understand each other. There is no reason relations can't flourish. Especially keeping in mind we were once in an Islamic alliance, as well as the fact Iran was the first country to accept Pakistan's independence.
RIP :(

Pakistan has to work more towards securing its western areas so this doesn't happen. I'm sure Iran would be willing to cooperate.
I agree. Lets not be chauvinistic about this and blame the country. Pakistan can't control what happens in its own land relating to terrorists, how can it control the border? Pakistan and Iran have to work together to solve this problem. The problem partly emanates from Iran being a mullah republic and Pakistan being a US client state. There is bound to be some tension.

Also note we are having lots of problems. A day ago 4-5 people in Quetta were injured. Pakistan is not a safe country internally. Iran is. So the border management is a big issue for Iran.
Fake news. Only 1 border guard martyred in clashes with a drug smuggling gang. Jaish al-Ghatl terrorists are lying again.

Thank you. I was about to point out that before we start blaming each other and the sects of each other and the countries of each other.

Our border with Iran is largely peaceful and we have worked upon multiple of times together to target terrorists which have been extremist groups as well as nationalistic terror groups. Of course there are many places where the border is not manned and considering the geography, the population graph creates huge gap holes.

Quite frankly and unfortunately we re blessed with a few posters who have inherent hatred for other sects and countries ( and I mean both Iranians and Pakistanis) and this creates massive flame bait threads like this one.

The govt to govt relations have improved as well as people to people. If only social media to social media would improve.

@Zaki @waz @Irfan Baloch @Oscar fake news thread. All this thread has is just another display of pathetic nonsensical bravado as well as a reminder as to how divided we are and how much more divided we are becoming.
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