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Iranian terror merchants murder four Pakistani border guards

Not everyone is like that. There is a lot of Iranian influence and propaganda that Iran channels through brainwashed Shi'a bots throughout Pakistan. Unfortunately, many of them have made it to the corridors of power-in the army establishment, government, bureacrats, and media.

This is why you will never see media channels directly pin blame on Iran for attacks, while India is fair game. The establishment, despite repeated support & attacks originating from Iran, will not mark it down as a threat.

Another example was seen when PTI interior minister Afridi wrote that certain religious groups were trying to sabotage Saudi-Pakistan relations during the visit of MBS. A number of pro-Iranian ministers & advisors like AKA "Zulfi" complained to Imran Khan. Afridi was quickly forced to apologize.

The same ministers influenced Imran Khan to go out of his way to avert a Saudi-Iran war after the oilfield drone attack. What did Pakistan gain out of this or other CBMs with Iran, during Imran Khan's stint? Nothing. The same influence pressured PMLN to avoid helping GCC against Houthis. Pakistan lost its support from GCC, but what did it get from Iran? Nothing but continued terror.

Also, GCC countries do not help themselves with the image portrayed of lavish lifestyles. Pakistan should avoid falling into either camp, but be clear in designating Iran as a threat. Because it certainly is not a friend to Pakistan. The only solution is for Pakistan to develop its economy, yet that remains elusive as the army would rather see Pakistan go bankrupt or even split than give up their stranglehold on power.
This is very good. Do you think the majority of Pakistanis think like this or majority are influenced by Mullahs?

That video is quite interesting. It highlighted lack of education in the country and some quite narcissistic views entertained by the Israeli society.
Yes Israelis like Americans tend to be quite insular about certain things for a number of reasons. There is so much happening in Israel most of the time that they're too busy being concerned about that than foreign nations. Also Israelis tend to focus on things that are beneficial to them. They know more about India because they know they can travel there. They know Pakistan is out of bounds, so they have no interest in it. Israelis are also very busy people normally with a big social life.
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what they smuggling, drugs ?

If you know what I mean...
Yes Israelis like Americans tend to be quite insular about certain things for a number of reasons. There is so much happening in Israel most of the time that they're too busy being concerned about that than foreign nations. Also Israelis tend to focus on things that are beneficial to them. They know more about India because they know they can travel there. They know Pakistan is out of bounds, so they have no interest in it. Israelis are also very busy people normally with a big social life.

There is never an excuse to skip education. They can be as self serving as they are religiously required but their lack of education is a regional problem.
I'm afraid I don't

this that Fazl-ur-rehman preacher guy, right ?

what are the smuggling, oil ? I saw a news clip about that some days ago.. looked like thousands of barrels of fuel and maybe some grain they were smuggling into Pk from Iran.

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