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'Pakistan should be isolated for supporting terror'-says Asaduzzaman Khan Kamal

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After the war crimes tribunal sentenced JI leaders to death, Pakistan politicians went about turning international opinion against Bangladesh government for "state sponsored executions". They passed resolutions condemning the verdicts and tried to turn Muslim countries against us. Even had its ally Turkey pull out its ambassador from our country. Why did Pakistan have to interfere in our internal matters?

We were honouring the tripartite agreement of 1974 according to which BD would not try Pakistan military officers who were complicit in 71 massacres. But BD was completely withing its right to try its own citizens. Interference by Pakistan and repeated statements condemning BD irked Awami League leaders. Relations with Pakistan were quite warm even during Awami's 1st term. It was Pakistan interference which provoked leaders to make such statements singling out Pakistan for state-sponsored terrorism. Its tit for tat

Okay given explanation now. Case closed :closed:

Criticizing the war tribunals is not the same thing as accusing a country of state-sponsored terrorism. What an absurd comparison. You went off on a tangent that has little to do with my post.

Secondly, I don't care what Bangladesh thinks about Pakistan. You twisted the words of my previous post. I was only stating that this minister represents the views of the Bangladeshi government (unless the government disavows what he said), and that Pakistan should cut off diplomatic relations if so.
It was Pakistan who accepted you after that you were admitted to OIC ,even..Had we really decided to alienate you among Muslim nations, you would have known its effect.Like a naughty kid standing outside the class.
Pakistan recognized Bangladesh under pressure from Muslim nations. Bangladesh was invited to OIC due to pressure from Muslim nations.
Like a naughty kid standing outside the class.
This is like Germans calling Jews "naughty kid". I don't understand your twisted psyche and never want to.
Our country had military government till 1990. BD Army influenced state policy well into the 2000s and any such move to institute war crime tribunals met with disapproval from army. After mass protests in 2013 finally Army conceded and tribunals were instituted to try them for war crimes. JI leaders were former members of Al-Badr and Al-Shams paramilitary forces. They committed massacres and rapes. So people wanted them punished. They shouldn't have been hanged. One month jail was enough. But its just how it is. I can't change that.

So basically your Army who obviously as an institution was aware of ground realities, stood for what was right. But sanity did not prevail, and people like you support the cronies in power. Read below and weep:

22 November 2015

Salahuddin Quader Chowdhury
, 66, was a senior figure in the BNP

International rights groups have criticised the trials as unfair, but Hasina's government says they are vital for Bangladesh to confront its traumatic birth.

In a blog post on Sunday, David Bergman, a Dhaka-based journalist, highlighted what he called the problems in Chowdhury's trial.

"First it is practically impossible for an accused to defend himself against 20 offences with only four witnesses," he said.

"Secondly, it is clearly totally imbalanced, with the prosecution allowed 41 witnesses, and the defence only four."

Despite having long been accused of leading massacres of pro-independence figures and minorities, both Chowdhury and Mujahid held cabinet posts a little over a decade ago when the BNP was in power.

"He said they are killing him because they could not beat him in elections," Chowdhury's son, Humam Quader Chowdhury, told AFP after a final meeting with his father.

Both the BNP and Jamaat claim Hasina is trying to eliminate her opponents, having won re-election two years ago in a contest boycotted by rivals.

More details / complete article:

Our country had military government till 1990. BD Army influenced state policy well into the 2000s and any such move to institute war crime tribunals met with disapproval from army. After mass protests in 2013 finally Army conceded and tribunals were instituted to try them for war crimes. JI leaders were former members of Al-Badr and Al-Shams paramilitary forces. They committed massacres and rapes. So people wanted them punished. They shouldn't have been hanged. One month jail was enough. But its just how it is. I can't change that.
Don't you think being an *** lickers of Hindus it was a lot better for u to stay with us :) which kind of freedom you got ? U believed we killed 3 million Bangladeshies , now your Hindu friends daily killing more then 10 Bangalies at IB , u have calculated how many years they need to cross 3 million of our record mark ? Shame on u traitors
So basically your Army who obviously as an institution was aware of ground realities, stood for what was right. But sanity did not prevail, and people like you support the cronies in power. Read below and weep:
I myself am BNP supporter and am opposed to Awami League. But Bangladeshis regardless of political orientations supported war crimes tribunal. Death sentences were unwarranted. Al-Badr and Al-Shams members were involved in inhumane killings so people wanted them to be punished.
I myself am BNP supporter and am opposed to Awami League. But Bangladeshis regardless of political orientations supported war crimes tribunal. Death sentences were unwarranted. Al-Badr and Al-Shams members were involved in inhumane killings so people wanted them to be punished.
Seems you didn't bother reading what I quoted. Might help you to update yourself on the "sham trials"

Communist Afghan government was much better than terrorist Taliban, it would have maintained stable Afghanistan. ISI and CIA started destabilizing Afghanistan to remove Soviet influence. They used JIHADIS for that purpose....Afghan mujahideen. They were portrayed as noble freedom fighters to the world....eventually Soviets were driven out.

Afghan mujahideen formed Taliban government. Pakistan and USA expected these jihadies to act like their puppet. Everyone knows what happened next. Al Qaeda infiltrating into Afghanistan, setting base and launching attacks on innocent civilians in West, sheltered by the Taliban. US and Pakistan should have known better than training murderous wahhabi jihadis for stupid proxy war against soviets. They have spread terrorist menace into the world giving bad name to Muslims

Do read up on who was "Hafizullah Amin," and how he met his end. THEN come back to this forum and talk about Afghanistan.
Don't you think being an *** lickers of Hindus it was a lot better for u to stay with us :) which kind of freedom you got ? U believed we killed 3 million Bangladeshies , now your Hindu friends daily killing more then 10 Bangalies at IB , u have calculated how many years they need to cross 3 million of our record mark ? Shame on u traitors
I also used to think like u ,called all Muslims my brothers and sisters. But then I realised skin colour is an impediment. Do u ever think fair-skinned Pakistanis would have accepted us kala bhaiyya Muslims as equals. We are dalit converts and are considered inferior to fair skinned Muslims. We would never have been accepted as Pakistanis. So we fought for autonomy and ended up getting massacred.

U don't believe me, see what ur own compatriots think of us:
hussain2016: Who cares what these fish monkeys think
pakistanforever: bengalis and indians are the most physically repulsive and stomach churning people i've ever seen
kaptaan: what is there to be proud of being a bangla? other than being hindu underclass
razagujjar: ive never seen 6 feet bangali
kaptaan: well i've seen few stray 6 feet banglas. They were all 45 years old (referring to rapes of Bangladeshi women in 1971)
friendlytroll-96: india ko e naseeb ho ye superstars, can't believe these blackies were called pakistanis for 24 years
I can give u many other quotes to show what u guys think about us as racially inferior for being dalits.

We don't qualify skin colour criteria for being Pakistanis so we thought it best to leave Pakistan where we could live away from racism and with dignity. This is harsh truth.
I also used to think like u ,called all Muslims my brothers and sisters. But then I realised skin colour is an impediment. Do u ever think fair-skinned Pakistanis would have accepted us kala bhaiyya Muslims as equals. We are dalit converts and are considered inferior to fair skinned Muslims. We would never have been accepted as Pakistanis. So we fought for autonomy and ended up getting massacred.

U don't believe me, see what ur own compatriots think of us:
hussain2016: Who cares what these fish monkeys think
pakistanforever: bengalis and indians are the most physically repulsive and stomach churning people i've ever seen
kaptaan: what is there to be proud of being a bangla? other than being hindu underclass
razagujjar: ive never seen 6 feet bangali
kaptaan: well i've seen few stray 6 feet banglas. They were all 45 years old (referring to rapes of Bangladeshi women in 1971)
friendlytroll-96: india ko e naseeb ho ye superstars, can't believe these blackies were called pakistanis for 24 years
I can give u many other quotes to show what u guys think about us as racially inferior for being dalits.

We don't qualify skin colour criteria for being Pakistanis so we thought it best to leave Pakistan where we could live away from racism and with dignity. This is harsh truth.
So when u are going to convert to Hinduism because as per civilized world logic Muslims r terrorists ? If u were so worried about your color why not to your religion ?
So when u are going to convert to Hinduism because as per civilized world logic Muslims r terrorists ? If u were so worried about your color why not to your religion ?
We are happy to have separated from casteist Bengali hindus and racist Punjabi and Pashtun Muslims. Now we aren't discriminated on basis of caste or skin colour. And why would Muslims be terrorists.
Bangladesh is already isolated from all over one open space to Indian Ocean. If they don't don't take Indian stance they be thrown to ocean.
When is Bangladesh going to stand as nation they are under Indian infulance since its birth.
We are happy to have separated from casteist Bengali hindus and racist Punjabi and Pashtun Muslims. Now we aren't discriminated on basis of caste or skin colour. And why would Muslims be terrorists.
I will congratulate u when u will get true libration ( Bangladesh is still Hindus puppet land) and will came out from inferiority complex
We are happy to have separated from casteist Bengali hindus and racist Punjabi and Pashtun Muslims. Now we aren't discriminated on basis of caste or skin colour. And why would Muslims be terrorists.
And in the mean time treat Biharis / Stranded Pakistanis like animals. Good going!
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And in the mean time treat Biharis like animals. Good going!
I live in Saidpur, it is Bihari dominated city. Here there are Urdu medium schools and institutions.There are election campaigns in Urdu. Many of them had gone to Pakistan in the 70s but returned. Same in Mirpur, Chittagong and Mohammadpur. Biharis run successful businesses.

There are many Biharis who still want to go to Pakistan and refuse to accept BD citizenship. They stay in camps in bad conditions. They are still being persuaded to assimilate into our population and accept citizenship. They will come round.

Anyways why are you talking about Biharis. We all know about MQM in Pakistan, 1992 military operation against mqm neighbourhoods, Punjabis occupying Bihari shelters etc. We are not racist against Bihari Muslim brother sisters.
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What was Osama Bin Laden doing in Pakistan? Who gave him shelter there? Uzbekistan?

Who funded Taliban in Afghanistan? Sweden?

There is reason behind everything

Why you so worried about Osama and the Afghans, do you know what afghans think of your kind?.

Worry about your own problems and your own neighbourhood.

You are bad rubbish we got rid of we feel nothing for you.
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