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Culture wars: Pakistan to demand 4,500 old artefact back from India

Another valid point. It's another thing that someday moderators of this forum will declare you a non-Pakistani.

They've already done far worse, but no matter, the truth remains the truth. Let Pakistan pursue its claim formally and see what happens.
If you claim that your ancestors were the people of IVC, then you automatically mean you Pakistanis were not the Ghaznavis and Ghoris and Baburs, but the locals who were conquered by the invading forces, were murdered in Hindukush, and got ruled for 500 years........later you made those invaders your heroes, named your missiles after them, started taking pride in the murder of your own ancestors by the invaders in Hindukush, and discarded your own heritage to adopt your conquerers' culture, etc.........sorry, but that's what it means....no?[

Does your tiny bengali brain comprehend the fact that Pashtuns are the second largest ethnic group in Pak to whom all of those "invaders" you quoted belong?
You lost the logical line of thought in the last line, the well in your example are the ruins of IVC in Pakistan, it doesn't represent the culture and heritage, that goes with the family. And yes, artifacts are the furnitures, some were taken, some were left behind for the new occupant, that's normal.
And it represents the culture of india? lmao... does india itself have 1 singular culture? bengali babu.. whose great great great great dad migrated from modern day Pak.
Dude take a good look at yourself and me... you barely reach my shoulder... so stop throwing around childish insult like a punk *** ...

Sure ... but not mass migration.

Civilisations exchanged ideas with civilisations not jungle dwelling aboriginals...

Indus exchanged ideas and traded with contemporary civilisations ... but i doubt they all left to south india and ironically didnt create any civilisation there? thats stupidity at work.

Arabs travellers and merchants also contructed trading posts etc all over the region but you can hardly call those areas as continuation of arab civilisation,mesopotamian civilisation and so on..

IVC also covered some parts of modern day afghanistan etc ... do you think Afghan govt or people should now rise up and claim IVC whose main civilisational centers,cities are all within Pakistans boundaries?

Are these any mighty IVC cities like Mohenjodaro outside Pakistan?
In north india you hardly have a trading site of IVC... and thats about it..

Yeah right... Advanced civilisations whose people taxed low caste womans breats and raped low castes at will till the british arrived... and the opressive filth still continues in one form or another..

So we diss our heritage and yet we have IVC printed on our currency and part of our syllabus in schools? Ironic claims dear friend.

Logic and Pakistanis do not go well !
why do they want jahallat era artifacts depicting nudity ?
I've never seen a muslim Punjabi celebrate Visakhi.
Kiddo,then I think you need to leave your PC and visit Pakistan in February when we celebrate Basant and in April when we celebrate Visakhi.
Speaking of Holi and Diwali they are your religious festivals they have nothing to do with civilization.

Hindu ancestry or IVC is highly questionable.
Hold your Horses Dada,we practiced Buddhism for most part of our stay in IVC,untill Islam came.
I hope Pakistan threaten India with nukes unless they give them back. Chor hai sab ke sab bc.
started taking pride in the murder of your own ancestors
But our ancestors from Amu Draya to Bias River converted themselves into Islam.They were clever and lazy,they thought it's better to worship one powerful Lord then worshipping many.It's better to set course to destination where humans are not separated on bases of color and profession.
You are a racist man. Let me hand it to you. Not all of Pakistan is tall and fair. This physical attribute is the result of centuries of invasion, rape and plunder by people of West and Central Asia. You are not original Pakistanis. You are the result of their 'activities' in Pakistan.

This lowly thinking of yours is no better than those of some high caste Brahmins of India. You gave the same 'tall & fair' shit to East Pakistanis and they handed your arse back to you. Now they are proud Bangladeshis.

What made you think original Pakistani was austroloid aborginal? Do you know why India is not releasing genetic results of Harappa skeletons?
Kiddo,then I think you need to leave your PC and visit Pakistan in February when we celebrate Basant and in April when we celebrate Visakhi.
Speaking of Holi and Diwali they are your religious festivals they have nothing to do with civilization.

Hold your Horses Dada,we practiced Buddhism for most part of our stay in IVC,untill Islam came.
Great now ivc became Buddhist... Hey dummy.. Budda was born in around 400BCE and IVC was almost finished by 1700BCE (with your knowledge you might say 1700bce was after the 400bce but it is actually counted in reverse) I pity your education bro!!
Yes, we want it back!

We are proud inheritors of thousands of years old Indus Valley / Ghandara civilizations.

No matter how much the fake country called "India" (which was created by British in 1947 after combining and forcing several independent states into one) and her Mumbaikas residents want to lay claim on IVC, Inca, Egyptian civilizations, they have absolutely nothing to do with these civilizations.


That is why we should create an awareness in our country about our great thousands years old civilization.

Before Jesus was born, before Brits was a country, before any one knew Islam.. British didn't made us.

en.wikipedia org wiki Megasthenes

Indika (Greek: Ἰνδικά; Latin: Indica) is an account of Mauryan India by Megasthenes. The original book is now lost, but its fragments have survived in later Greek and Latin works. The earliest of these works are those by Diodorus Siculus, Strabo (Geographica), Pliny, and Arrian (Indica)
Does your tiny bengali brain comprehend the fact that Pashtuns are the second largest ethnic group in Pak to whom all of those "invaders" you quoted belong?

Then the Pashtuns are certainly not the people of IVC, they can't invade their own land, can they?

BTW, Mughals were Pashtuns? :)

And it represents the culture of india? lmao... does india itself have 1 singular culture? bengali babu.. whose great great great great dad migrated from modern day Pak.

Oh yes, barring some expected regional differences, we share the same spiritual philosophies that even IVC people used to share.

Hold your Horses Dada,we practiced Buddhism for most part of our stay in IVC,untill Islam came.

Buddhism itself is an offshoot of Hinduism and shares the same dharmik philosophies. Besides, Buddhism came much later after the desertion of IVC. In fact, idols of Hindu gods were unearthed from IVC.

See, I have no problem to share the legacy of all of ancient Indian civilization including IVC with Pakistanis, but first Pakistanis have to take a stand on who they are primarily. They cannot be the 500 years (or 1000 years, as Pakistanis claim) of rulers of Hindus, 'proud murderers' of Hindus in Hindukush, the heroic invaders and conquerors, etc. AND the people of IVC at the same time. But can Pakistanis accept that largely they were not the conquerors but the conquered who later made heroes out of their conquerors?

But our ancestors from Amu Draya to Bias River converted themselves into Islam.They were clever and lazy,they thought it's better to worship one powerful Lord then worshipping many.It's better to set course to destination where humans are not separated on bases of color and profession.

But isn't taking pride in the genocide of their own ancestors, as we see in case of Hindukush, is simply deplorable? :)
That's good - Get everything related to Harrapa, Mohenjodaro, Taxila back and also ask bharat to stop using word India to associate themselves to Indus and Indus Valley.

The point still stands, if pakistanis are so concerned about customs and culture of their supposed ancestors, why don't you celebrate their celebrations?

Satti and other things like that was culture of your ancestors, why you are not doing that now?
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