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Will India join USA to strike China?

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Dec 28, 2008
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The Pentagon mouthpiece has invited India to join USA in its economic fight against China.

Even before that, it would help if some other countries — certainly those in the European Union, but perhaps aspiring players including India and South Korea — started publicly making the case that the cheap renminbi is hurting them, too.

Editorial - Will China Listen? - NYTimes.com

Obviously, the mouthpiece tried its best to legitimize the USA's arbitrary declaration of trade war against China portraying China's moves which are related to China's sovereignty in a negative manner so that readers would easily be convinced that US is right to trespass sovereignty.

Will Indians join the Britons?
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The Pentagon mouthpiece has invited India to join USA in its economic fight against China?

Obviously, the mouthpiece tried its best to legitimize the USA's arbitrary declaration of trade war against China portraying China's moves which are related to China's sovereignty in a negative manner so that readers would easily be convinced that US is right to trespass sovereignty.

Will Indians join the Britons?

:blink: :what: :hitwall:
The Pentagon mouthpiece has invited India to join USA in its economic fight against China?

Obviously, the mouthpiece tried its best to legitimize the USA's arbitrary declaration of trade war against China portraying China's moves which are related to China's sovereignty in a negative manner so that readers would easily be convinced that US is right to trespass sovereignty.

Will Indians join the Britons?

Communist, hi good to see you after a long time. We are not a nation that will take orders from some other country. No question that india will fight someone else's war. But anyways the topic is fictitious, all this crap will never happen.
I cant believed i answered the question!!
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The Pentagon mouthpiece has invited India to join USA in its economic fight against China?

Obviously, the mouthpiece tried its best to legitimize the USA's arbitrary declaration of trade war against China portraying China's moves which are related to China's sovereignty in a negative manner so that readers would easily be convinced that US is right to trespass sovereignty.

Will Indians join the Britons?

First of all you ******, the article talks nothing about India joining or taking part of US conundrum with China, and equally nothing about India joining US for the fight against China. Read the dam Article before you post, *****.

Anyways the article does make a good point about American problem with China, which it has to solve. China's currency has always been a problem because it has never been traded or commodities to a true figure value of the currency, so China has the upper power of Currency game.

But the main saying goes in Buisness. Customer are always right!!! You piss of one customer the business goes elsewhere, think about this, China making threats of
dumping Treasury bills from their central bank’s $2.4 trillion cache.
does not mean that there are not other buyers.

Infact, Mr. communist just to let you know, American public saving equals to or close to 3.5 trillion. The US gov't has the option always to buy that out!!!!
The Pentagon mouthpiece has invited India to join USA in its economic fight against China.

Obviously, the mouthpiece tried its best to legitimize the USA's arbitrary declaration of trade war against China portraying China's moves which are related to China's sovereignty in a negative manner so that readers would easily be convinced that US is right to trespass sovereignty.

Will Indians join the Britons?

Possiblly not, they have their Russa master, will not allow them to close US very tightly.
Having a war in 62 is NOT a reason to jump in another war.

India knows that Asian peace stands on two important towers India and China, we will not tend to destablise the balance.

Though i cant see why US will burn its own house by attacking China and its NOT afganistan or Iraq , they will get Quick ICMBs ( that may be nuclear or economic in nature ) in awkcnowledgement.

And even if it happened, NEITHER India will Align NOT it will be WISE to take sides of any Nuclear Power in in a certain Nuclear Power.

As demonstrated during Iraq and Afganistan, India doesnt draw legs in Others wars nor US can ever force us to do, even Against China with whom we have a more stronger Trade relation.
Having a war in 62 is NOT a reason to jump in another war.

India knows that Asian peace stands on two important towers India and China, we will not tend to destablise the balance.

Though i cant see why US will burn its own house by attacking China and its NOT afganistan or Iraq , they will get Quick ICMBs ( that may be nuclear or economic in nature ) in awkcnowledgement.

And even if it happened, NEITHER India will Align NOT it will be WISE to take sides of any Nuclear Power in in a certain Nuclear Power.

As demonstrated during Iraq and Afganistan, India doesnt draw legs in Others wars nor US can ever force us to do, even Against China with whom we have a more stronger Trade relation.

We are talking about economic war buddy.lol
No doubt only communist can come up with a flaming thread like this.
And india would never attack china or any other country for that matter preemptively unless china itself disturbs the peace.
Possiblly not, they have their Russa master, will not allow them to close US very tightly.

stupid troll.

:frown:It is bad, I fear china-US war very much, bcoz japan will be under attack from china.:cry:

That would be stupid on china's part. Then they'll have another enemy to deal with in addition to USA. No I think Chinese government is smarter than that.

The Pentagon mouthpiece has invited India to join USA in its economic fight against China.

Obviously, the mouthpiece tried its best to legitimize the USA's arbitrary declaration of trade war against China portraying China's moves which are related to China's sovereignty in a negative manner so that readers would easily be convinced that US is right to trespass sovereignty.

Will Indians join the Britons?

India is a sovereign nation. We don't take orders from anyone. We will do what is best for our national interest. If it is in our national interest to join USA we will. Otherwise we will remain neutral.
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For information of new members here the thread starter is not a chinese and was banned many times.So don't fall into his/her trap.Just ignore his posts and threads.
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