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Will India join USA to strike China?

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<China is more advanced militarily, why the hell is China then not attacking India and taking back Arunachal Pradesh which they claim as their land. This is because Chinese Govt (sane people who are in Chinese Govt.) does not think like most of us think in here, in this forum>

This is absolutely true. China could have gotten back Hong Kong and Macau way before 1997 and 1999 respectively if China decided to take military action. This is also go with Taiwan which will eventually be united with China.

<and also a war between China and India will not be decisive until it goes nuclear, in which no one actually would win.>
I do not recommend India to ever launch a nuclear weapon on China. China would prefer using conventional weapons. In fact, China suggested the world declared nuclear powers to rid of nuclear weapons. Of course, France and UK would not like this idea because then they will be toothless.

I think the biggest mistake that China made during the Sino-India war was for China to move back its troops to the MacMahon Line unilaterally after they captured the area so called AP.

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^^^ you'd better watch it, and learn !
<Are you expecting thanks for this post?> NOPE!!!!
I think it's silly for India and China to go to war. Both countries should be focusing their energies on improving people's life.

Like I said previously, both will lose if they go to war. Only the West will gain monetarily maybe even geopolitically too.
<Are you expecting thanks for this post?> NOPE!!!!
I think it's silly for India and China to go to war. Both countries should be focusing their energies on improving people's life.

Like I said previously, both will lose if they go to war. Only the West will gain monetarily maybe even geopolitically too.

Very true. Good insight.

Thank You.
I am actually impressed by the accomplishments of overseas Indians. They are ****** rich.

In Saratoga and Cupertino CA, they are many Indians live there. Also, Taiwanese live there too.

I was in Sing, I saw this Indian dude parking his Lamborghini. Now, the Sings can only afford BMW and MB. This signifies something about the Indians living in Sing. Of course, I am not implying every overseas Indian is ****** rich.
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