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Rape threads

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The fact that only Indians have replied on this thread should be a red flag. Indians should spread the message in their country and not here.
I would like to have the opinions of fellow members on this
@SpArK @levina @scorpionx @SarthakGanguly @Iggy @third eye @waz @Chinese-Dragon @DRAY and others

have mentioned that in OP, it is not specific to Indian section, but oflate the number of threads on indian section has increased because of 1 documentary, if that is the case let us have one sticky for documentary as well...

Yep it's getting crazy, and I'm not sure why India's internal social issues should be so important on a Pakistan defence forum anyway.

Internal affairs of specific countries should be kept to their respective sticky threads.
Yep it's getting crazy, and I'm not sure why India's internal social issues should be so important on a Pakistan defence forum anyway.
You know what?
I saw you give a +ve rating to an Indian member @TejasMk3 who spoke about the bigotry of western media on this topic. I loved what he wrote and the encouragement you gave him (by rating his post).
Request not to feed the trolls.... Let them troll and leave......
You know what?
I saw you give a +ve rating to an Indian member @TejasMk3 who spoke about the bigotry of western media on this topic. I loved what he wrote and the encouragement you gave him (by rating his post).

Despite what people think I don't hate India at all, I only respond when people troll against China.

And I know the feeling of the Western media looking down on non-Western countries, and reporting social issues there while ignoring issues in their own backyards and cities.
Pakistanis dont have anyother thing by which they can counter Indians.

So to keep kids happy and interested in "debating", the admins allowed them to use the only tool.

Recently a butt hurt @Mugwop gave me negative rating for telling a pakistani reality about rape in his own country while he was making a cheap remark saying they dont rape white woman.

However that but hurt misses his fellow countrymen comments.
Just FYI: He is a she :)

Just FYI: He is a she :)

In that case @Mugwop should be more concerned to the fact that her country never convicted anyone in last 5 years for rape though 8 rapes happen in punjab only on daily basis.

I quoted the same fact, she gave me negative rating.
Aint gonna happen, a sticky thread doesnt hold that psychological advantage like as to see a brand new thread opened every now and then... hence rejected.
wait, so you actually raised the issue of a sticky and management turned it down ? :what:
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