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Arab military entities top forces

Then what the reason behind the T 72 , the BT 2000 from China and the recent motorized artillery Morocco bought from Russia...

1- T-72 was purchased in the 1970s (or 80s) as they were widely considered decent tanks (and obviously the low cost of it) even the US & Israelis admitted that the Tanks were pretty good.

as the Type 96 tanks, Morocco is seeking 3rd Generation Tanks like the M1 Abrams. However the US has rather strict rules for export.

So the Moroccan Government chose to buy Type 96 tanks just in case.

Turns out that they didn't need to, because the DoD (dept. of defense) says that they will most likely agree :)

Did you get out of your behind? or have , as most makhzeni a touch of the coyote syndrome!
I don't know about you, but we can here from everywere , Putin, playing the fiddler on the Ukrainian roof

I have no idea what your following 2 responses mean. Its not written in proper english.

Well you better eat all kind of beans before you attack the Algerian ports, fart is all you have to throw at them..
Not really, the Algerian Military seems rather incompetent and plagued with low education & corruption among it's forces (not saying Morocco is any better, but on a Scale of 1-10, For Morocco it's around 4 or 5, for Algeria it's 8+)

Bouteflika, who protected the kingdom of sheharazade for 15 years from the Sahrawi boner, has 6 months at the most to live..The day after the Polisario will knocking a your doors..
I'm of arabic descent but i don't speak arabic, so i have no idea what a "kingdom of sheharazade" is.

They come over Morocco all the time as well as the drones...Morocco acted like they didn't see them.
I doubt that even happens ;) but sure let's say you're right. You're aware that i'm talking about combat capabilities?

How are you going to pay them...in Moroccan currency 10 women and 2 enfant child for each 100 bucks they loan you.. If you don't know yet, the Sauds have already open sort of a stock market, where Moroccan women are traded ,sometimes with a test drive, before the exchange..
Somebody is jealous that Moroccan women are considered more attractive ;)

Google "Gulf Women fear Morocco joining GCC" for more :)

A horse fly is not that choosy.
Are you sure you live in the US? i wasn't referring to actual flies :omghaha:

Dignity, sovereignty, wearing pants...forgot, yours are below your knees...
Moroccans have all those things :P. But regardless if thats what you believe sure :), just answer this:
Do the Russians use lube before they bend you over?

true , they raped little girls in Zaire, shine shoes in Kuweit for few dinars,with France so her smicars and degenerate have access to your boys and girls
Moroccans didn't rape anybody in Zaire :), that's not good diplomacy, but then again what do the Algerians know about diplomacy :D they've pissed off all their neighbors :sarcastic:

and we know how that ended, the Saudi preferred to pay the Houthis and do away with the Moroccans. They even refused you the GCC's membership for fear that you might contaminate their society.
That doesn't make sense, why would Shia-Hating Saudi Arabia pay Shia Rebels to do away with the 25-50 Moroccans in Yemen?

Actually it was the Saudis who invited Morocco to join

Oh those ungrateful Sahrawi! like the Sauds they don't like their society contaminated either..So you have 6 mos respite period, get out while you have time...The Sahrawi are not going to stop in Tan Tan, they will go all the way to Casa and let the Rifan do the expunging with the rest of the Moroccan territory.
To be clear: Rifan = Riffian? because if so, i'm an Riffian :) 75% Riffian to be exact. We're not fighting Morocco anytime soon.

I'd like to see the Polisario try :) they barely control a third of Western Sahara

Boy those French smicar must have money even though France is Broke, or was viagra start working on khalleedji cheikh?
If France is so broke why are Algerians emigrating there? is it because they hope to ruin France like they ruined their own country?
You're aware that Russian equipment (forced to repeat it once again) is built for quantity over quality.
The Russians have a rather weird mantra that can be summed by like this: "all our tanks, armored vehicles & planes will be destroyed once a war starts so why waste all our money & time on quality? when we could focus on making them cheap enough to pump out thousands when a war starts"

Let me explain in it to you in simpler terms:
If Russia fights a war against Ukraine, Russia's tanks will be destroyed in the fighting, but the Russians don't care because for every tank they lose, they can build 5 more in a day.

Algeria however is not Russia. Algeria can not build Russian tanks. If Algeria fights a war against a country and their tanks are destroyed they need the Russians to build them some cheap tanks, but i doubt Morocco would allow that and would most likely bomb all of Algeria's ports in the early stages of war.

Algeria certainly is a Loyal follower of Russia's mantra, but like the Russians (in chechenya, georgia & now in ukraine) will discover that while this Mantra sounds nice, it's incredibly stupid and dangerous (for the common soldier of course, not for Bouteflika who is a moroccan ;) )

Algerian army can barely help itself now you're telling me they can help tunisia :omghaha:
maybe next the Algerians can train the Europeans in their "godly" combat skills :sarcastic:
I mean the Algerians handled In Amenas so well, only 37 hostages dead, quite the accomplishment ;)
Maybe next time they'll only have 36 dead hostages!

As for the Su-30s, I don't know. Based on past experience of Russian built planes, i believe that they will be destroyed within combat quite easily.

GCC announced more aid for Morocco, and i believe the US has offered to configure the M1 Abrams (i'm not sure if it ever went through though, this was way back)

I'd rather we ally with the US & France then Russia & China.
Yes i'm aware of the comments yet the meaning still flies over your head.

Nobody in North Africa wishes to ally with France, why? Various reasons. Algerians are stubborn and think it's neo-colonization. Tunisia was/is too weak to do much. Libya was ruled by Gaddafi and is now ruled by dozens of Warlor- Oops sorry! i meant Presidents!

Morocco intervened in Zaire, Kuwait & now in Iraq (against ISIS) for France & the US
Morocco deployed advisors/combat troops to Yemen for Saudi Arabia.

the Comments were in reference that Morocco doesn't do that stuff for free or out of kindness :D
but rather political support (Example: Western Sahara) & monetary support.

After Morocco sent troops to Yemen, the Saudis announced that they were giving Morocco some Development Aid.
So while the Algerians wallow in their own filth & pray that they're not killed by any of the countless armed groups roaming around the south.

Answer 1 question:
If Algeria is so tough why is South Algeria dangerous? Why are Algerian Islamists sneaking into Tunisia?

Let me answer one of your possible responses: "But Morocco!!!"
is not dangerous, poor? sure about the same level as Algeria, but Morocco has a budding Economy (Casablanca was chosen as one of the most important Financial centers in Africa, maybe next year they'll choose Algiers, but i wouldn't hold my breath) Morocco is going (claimed by the Moroccan Government, so it's up to you to trust them or not) to be richer than Algeria by 2025, maybe sooner now that Oil prices fell by 50% so you Algerians should prepare for a financial beating.
hhhhhhhhhhh. you are that stupid? Algeria is not the quantity but the quality .the American sell you degradé weapon, you was not combine them, how much faith will faloir you understand that you was their slave from their MISTRESS. :) You come when your country in crisis, American gives you a help maintain feraille that you sold,
you think the American will give something that will make Morocco fear spain? You give a base in your country, Morocco is not, it is a country where the western Moroccan their house is invested and drive to be able to settle here, and you dare talk about economics? hhhhh Morocco and financial crisis and and debt. that's it for your rogue king.

the Algerian weapons are chosen and select with the best equipment in the world; as you and I'll tell you again beast again, the su-30 has a European component, Algeria posede of underwater that even the American one fear, China has trapped the same with the American submarine, and even Algeria in a year in 2003, in case of war we will shave you before you have time to talk about the move .arete Morocco; is that a slave to France and the USA.

hhhh, you have not even M1A1 and you dare talk about modofication? Algeria possesses the mi-24 and mi-28
we will make short work of your little car, your F-16 out of the US scrap metal will be destroyed easily by su-30 and especially the S-300
Breff you been low, then your muscles will swell addition, mistress :):haha::haha:

hhhh, Russian scrap is so low that Morocco and cried out to maricain that el'algerie and too Army :omghaha:
hhhhhhhhhhh. you are that stupid? Algeria is not the quantity but the quality .the American sell you degradé weapon, you was not combine them, how much faith will faloir you understand that you was their slave from their MISTRESS. :) You come when your country in crisis, American gives you a help maintain feraille that you sold,
you think the American will give something that will make Morocco fear spain? You give a base in your country, Morocco is not, it is a country where the western Moroccan their house is invested and drive to be able to settle here, and you dare talk about economics? hhhhh Morocco and financial crisis and and debt. that's it for your rogue king.

the Algerian weapons are chosen and select with the best equipment in the world; as you and I'll tell you again beast again, the su-30 has a European component, Algeria posede of underwater that even the American one fear, China has trapped the same with the American submarine, and even Algeria in a year in 2003, in case of war we will shave you before you have time to talk about the move .arete Morocco; is that a slave to France and the USA.

hhhh, you have not even M1A1 and you dare talk about modofication? Algeria possesses the mi-24 and mi-28
we will make short work of your little car, your F-16 out of the US scrap metal will be destroyed easily by su-30 and especially the S-300
Breff you been low, then your muscles will swell addition, mistress :):haha::haha:

hhhh, Russian scrap is so low that Morocco and cried out to maricain that el'algerie and too Army :omghaha:

Your english is horrible (truly no offense), you speak french right? Je parle français. Vous pouvez ecrivez en français, je peux comprends. Je dis cela parce que je ne comprenais pas tout ce que vous dites.

Je suis obligé deviner ce que vous essayez dire.

J'ai dit la mentalité russe est sur la quantité non la qualité. The Algerians are aligned with Russia & China (contrary to the BS algerians spew about being non-aligned) and in consequence purchase Russian/Chinese Equipment.

Russians don't focus on quality , solely on quantity ;) , Therefore Algeria is purchasing crappy equipment not meant to last :D

"Russia has gone for massive numbers of effective yet expendable tanks. Their tanks have had large guns, but incomplete fire control systems & shoddy ammunition. Armor ha been thick, but crude...... Their tanks are cramped, uncomfortable, difficult to maintain and numerous." ~ How to Make a War

A book Algerians desperately need, Morocco is not an recession , the economy is growing by 5% this year (i believe the Gov. estimates 6.5% officially)

You've lost me yet again, Why does the US want to make Morocco fear Spain?
Oh i get it!
You want to say "you think the American will give something that will make Spain fear Morocco?"
No, the better questions is why would Morocco want it's Ally Spain to fear it?
does that make any sense?

let me show you how stupid it is by translating this into french , arabic & persian so it gets through to your skull:
Morocco and Spain are allies
Le Maroc et l'Espagne sont des alliés
المغرب وإسبانيا حليفان
مراکش و اسپانیا متحدان هستند

No, they're not the best equipment, you're gonna have to leave your rock some time and smell the fresh air.
Let's stroll past Algeria's equipment (courtesy of Wikipedia of course)
305 T-90 Tanks ~ 3rd Generation Tanks. Better than previous russian tanks, there was a report of 7 RPGs hitting 1 and bouncing off. But wait. Morocco primarily uses western Anti-Tank missiles. That can destroy T-90s.

250 T-72 Tanks ~ Outdated 2nd Generation Tanks, in one battle Israel took out T-72s at a ratio of 1:12 with their M60 Pattons (Albeit they were poorly trained Syrians, but i can safely say Syria is stronger than Algeria)

400 BTR-80/60 APCs ~ These are killer!!! literally, they're cramped, uncomfortable & make you want to kill yourself halfway into the journey, Any Algerian soldier riding in these POS will arrive at the battle, tired, dazed & with aches everywhere. The Vast majority of Eastern European Nations that could got rid of them ASAP. because it was discovered that a Soldier's strength is vastly reduced by riding in these.

1,000 BMP-1s & BMP-2s IFVs ~ See above ^ generally the same, except these are +50% worse (room had to be made for a MG on top of the vehicle, so less room for Algerian Soldiers)

Those are just 4 random pieces of equipment i chose.

Morocco can't modify them itself (American Laws & Rules), so the US has to modify the tanks for Morocco.

THE MIL MI-24!!!! No Freakin Way!!! You mean the Russian helicopter that get's destroyed like it's nothing?
It hasn't even been a month since the last shooting.

Maybe next the Algerians can use Helicopters made out of cardboard :rofl:

I don't know, the Arabs have a bad history with Anti-Aircraft Missiles, during the 1973 war with Israel, The Arabs shot down 90 Aircraft with their missiles, 45 of which were other Arabs (50%)
With the Algerians that rate can easily be increased to 75% .
why my message was deleted??? :mad::mad:
put my message who calmed the mistress...:-)
Your english is horrible (truly no offense), you speak french right? Je parle français. Vous pouvez ecrivez en français, je peux comprends. Je dis cela parce que je ne comprenais pas tout ce que vous dites.

Comme son anglais est mauvais comme vous le dites, Tomyris, n'a jamais cahe qu'il utilisait google pour ses traductions, comme d'ailleurs la majorite des participants dans ce forum...Si n'arriviez pas a le comprendre . c'est du principalement a votre culture qui est "alien" (etrangere)a la mediterannee ou a celle du Moyen Orient. La plupart des forumeurs le comprennent...sauf, biensur, la morve que vous etes. Si vous voulez deposer une plainte, faites le a Google.

Je suis obligé deviner ce que vous essayez dire.

Prenez une cuillere de sucre , c'a va aider un peu vos meninges

J'ai dit la mentalité russe est sur la quantité non la qualité. The Algerians are aligned with Russia & China (contrary to the BS algerians spew about being non-aligned) and in consequence purchase Russian/Chinese Equipment.

L'Algerie n'est Alignee ni avec les Russes, ni avec les Chinois , ni avec les Americains ou les Europeens. Les echanges avec l'Amerique depassent largement celles des Russes, Chine ou Europe. L'Algeria n'a aucune base etrangere dans son territoire alors que le Maroc qui depend du welfare systeme Americain, a une base US et une base Francaise de la legion , pour securiser leur smicars qui viennent au pays baigner leur zizis avec vos enfants et vos femmes...idem pour votre roi, mais lui, il preferre les gosses du GCC.

Russians don't focus on quality , solely on quantity ;) , Therefore Algeria is purchasing crappy equipment not meant to last :D

That shows how much you know about the Russian crap, since your country went begging for old T72 from ex soviet republiques, MBT2000 from China and propelled howitzers from Russia..

"Russia has gone for massive numbers of effective yet expendable tanks. Their tanks have had large guns, but incomplete fire control systems & shoddy ammunition. Armor ha been thick, but crude...... Their tanks are cramped, uncomfortable, difficult to maintain and numerous." ~ How to Make a War

That is true for the one that were sold to Morocco...But that's the only thing that your octogenerian soldiers can manage. Its hard to go from plowing a plot of land with a mule to drive a tank....So they have to find something close to a dozer, for the FAR to man it .

A book Algerians desperately need, Morocco is not an recession , the economy is growing by 5% this year (i believe the Gov. estimates 6.5% officially)

The only thing increasing in Morocco is the case of child abuse in the hand of your kingdom protected perverts from Spain, France, and the number of Moroccan maids being traded in the GCC..between household with option to taste the merchandise...Beyond that the Moroccan economy is dead as a Moroccan river in summer time...and the little that functions is in the hoarder king's hand

You've lost me yet again, Why does the US want to make Morocco fear Spain?

The US doesn't want you to have Spain dragging your soldiers by the ears , like Leila Island a 200m of your shores..

Oh i get it!
You want to say "you think the American will give something that will make Spain fear Morocco?"

No , you didn't get it...The US doesn't want Spain to give a second serving of humiliation

No, the better questions is why would Morocco want it's Ally Spain to fear it?
does that make any sense?

No it does make sense, Morocco is full fledged EU member and located in Europe...as in your freaking brain...Wasn't your pedale stopped and searched by the Spanish Guardia last Summer and humiliated...Just like your National soccer team seeking to enter the UEFA:kiss3::kiss3:

let me show you how stupid it is by translating this into french , arabic & persian so it gets through to your skull:
Morocco and Spain are allies
Le Maroc et l'Espagne sont des alliés
المغرب وإسبانيا حليفان
مراکش و اسپانیا متحدان هستند

You mean to say out loud:
Morocco is to Spain what a two bits street harlot is to street traffic. That what my compadre wanted to say to you, and I refrain from translating in the other two languages..

No, they're not the best equipment, you're gonna have to leave your rock some time and smell the fresh air.
Let's stroll past Algeria's equipment (courtesy of Wikipedia of course)
305 T-90 Tanks ~ 3rd Generation Tanks. Better than previous Russian tanks, there was a report of 7 RPGs hitting 1 and bouncing off. But wait. Morocco primarily uses western Anti-Tank missiles. That can destroy T-90s.

Polisario , trained by Algerians, knocked out yours with RPG 2's...With the RPG 7, the mere sight of it, your FAR will froze.

250 T-72 Tanks ~ Outdated 2nd Generation Tanks, in one battle Israel took out T-72s at a ratio of 1:12 with their M60 Pattons (Albeit they were poorly trained Syrians, but i can safely say Syria is stronger than Algeria)


In 73, Sharon brigade was destroyed when he faced the 8th Algerian BB and her T55's, he barely escaped with his life along with 3 of his aides. 700 of the best Israelis troops were lost along with a mixture of sherman and M60 tanks that equip Morocco, Egypt and Turkey.

400 BTR-80/60 APCs ~ These are killer!!! literally, they're cramped, uncomfortable & make you want to kill yourself halfway into the journey, Any Algerian soldier riding in these POS will arrive at the battle, tired, dazed & with aches everywhere. The Vast majority of Eastern European Nations that could got rid of them ASAP. because it was discovered that a Soldier's strength is vastly reduced by riding in these.

Wow , we are learning a lot from duffus...Algerian soldiers are not fed with barley bread and a clove of garlic...And those BTR's and APC are a lot better and deadlier than anything you have in your arsenal..They are not made to be used against Morocco, since a slingshot will be more than adequate to keep you on you toes..they are made for a worthy foe..

Morocco can't modify them itself (American Laws & Rules), so the US has to modify the tanks for Morocco.

First you are incapable..So someone has to do it for you..and second, your pants are kept way below you knees, you are ordered to stay in bebd over position. We saw the FAR, in the so called war games that you hold every year with the US..They come they train among themselves, you watch, take some pictures and you clean after them...that is the scope of your participation.
And just lately, you sent 6 F16 to participate in the coalition, the shut down of the Jordanian pilot, grounded you from fear, and his gruesome death sent them running back home with their tail between the legs..

THE MIL MI-24!!!! No Freakin Way!!! You mean the Russian helicopter that get's destroyed like it's nothing?
It hasn't even been a month since the last shooting.

Where did you hear about one being shot down?
They roam your skies all the time after your kif haulers, how come you haven't shoot any of them...In fact during the 90's they made eastern Morocco , their play ground... No Moroccan helicopter or jet tried to intercept them or shoot them dawn, the only thing you did is making sounds like a startled virgin afraid to loose her cherry.

Maybe next the Algerians can use Helicopters made out of cardboard :rofl:
like the one you own

With the Algerians that rate can easily be increased to 75% .

That's Morocco's losses to the Polisario., you are just mad at their teacher. In a new war , like the one, this coming summer , they will drive you and drawn your @sses in jebel Tarek Detroit...Imagine, they have all the ex Algerian Mig 21 and 23's, all the sam 6s, all the T55 updated with the latest technology money can buy..they will make a tagine out of the FAR:haha::haha::haha:...They will bleed you to death....I am already getting my beer child for the occasion..
Last edited:
Comme son anglais est mauvais comme vous le dites, Tomyris, n'a jamais cahe qu'il utilisait google pour ses traductions, comme d'ailleurs la majorite des participants dans ce forum...Si n'arriviez pas a le comprendre . c'est du principalement a votre culture qui est "alien" (etrangere)a la mediterannee ou a celle du Moyen Orient. La plupart des forumeurs le comprennent...sauf, biensur, la morve que vous etes. Si vous voulez deposer une plainte, faites le a Google.

Prenez une cuillere de sucre , c'a va aider un peu vos meninges

L'Algerie n'est Alignee ni avec les Russes, ni avec les Chinois , ni avec les Americains ou les Europeens. Les echanges avec l'Amerique depassent largement celles des Russes, Chine ou Europe. L'Algeria n'a aucune base etrangere dans son territoire alors que le Maroc qui depend du welfare systeme Americain, a une base US et une base Francaise de la legion , pour securiser leur smicars qui viennent au pays baigner leur zizis avec vos enfants et vos femmes...idem pour votre roi, mais lui, il preferre les gosses du GCC.

Your French is better than mine :o: I can only guess what you're saying as my French isn't really good (only got 75 on my DELF :angel:)

Algeria is aligned with Russia :) , they vote pro-Russia, they support Russia's decisions. As for China, maybe. Algeria has voted Pro-China before, but not consistently.

That shows how much you know about the Russian crap, since your country went begging for old T72 from ex soviet republiques, MBT2000 from China and propelled howitzers from Russia..
Actually there's a funny reason for that :sarcastic:

When the Soviet union collapsed, most of the Countries were in serious debt and thinking the cold war was over and they're not enemies anymore, they sold their weapons super super super super cheap.

At one point the Ukraine was selling Tanks worth $5 Million for roughly $400,000-$750,000 each.

Morocco purchased 48 T-72s from Belarus :) for a steal (from what i've heard, i have no personal knowledge of the price of the full military deal, Morocco bought the 48 T-72s and Belarus modified them somehow before giving them to Morocco.)

That is true for the one that were sold to Morocco...But that's the only thing that your octogenerian soldiers can manage. Its hard to go from plowing a plot of land with a mule to drive a tank....So they have to find something close to a dozer, for the FAR to man it .

I don't know, the vast majority of Moroccan troops hail from the cities/urban areas. Do they use Tractors & mules in Cities nowadays? I hope not :sarcastic:

The only thing increasing in Morocco is the case of child abuse in the hand of your kingdom protected perverts from Spain, France, and the number of Moroccan maids being traded in the GCC..between household with option to taste the merchandise...Beyond that the Moroccan economy is dead as a Moroccan river in summer time...and the little that functions is in the hoarder king's hand

Actually quite the opposite, due to stricter sentences & a professional police unit specializing in Child's affairs, Child abuse has decreased substantially, there are only 150,000 Moroccans in the GCC , Only 10-20% of whom are maids.

Moroccan Economy is growing thanks to Tourism, however it has taken a serious hit because less French want to visit Morocco because 2 Algerians felt the need to attack a Magazine Office & kill 12 people.

Those Wacky Algerians and their crazy shenanigans! am i right? ;)

The US doesn't want you to have Spain dragging your soldiers by the ears , like Leila Island a 200m of your shores..
Naval Cadets aren't soldiers? but then again they must have more training than the Typical Algerian soldier, so they're the algerian equivalent of a Commando?

No , you didn't get it...The US doesn't want Spain to give a second serving of humiliation
When was the First?
Ifni War = Morocco captured most of the Ifni before losing it. Spain lost a good portion of it's troops.
Western Sahara = Franco gave it to Morocco rather than risk a 2nd war like the Ifni War
Perejil Island = Spain took a group of Moroccan Naval Cadets prisoner.

That is embarassing.

No it does make sense, Morocco is full fledged EU member and located in Europe...as in your freaking brain...Wasn't your pedale stopped and searched by the Spanish Guardia last Summer and humiliated...Just like your National soccer team seeking to enter the UEFA:kiss3::kiss3:

What's a pedale? I never said Morocco was a EU member (they did try joining the EU in the 80s tho). I don't follow Soccer so i have no idea what a UEFA is.

You mean to say out loud:
Morocco is to Spain what a two bits street harlot is to street traffic. That what my compadre wanted to say to you, and I refrain from translating in the other two languages..
Thanks, i only speak english :usflag: so i wouldn't understand the other 2 languages.

Actually you got it wrong:
"Morocco is to Spain, an important regional ally and a gateway to doing business with Africa"
"Algeria is to Spain, an failing state & future problem and a gateway to having terrorists cross into Europe"

Polisario , trained by Algerians, knocked out yours with RPG 2's...With the RPG 7, the mere sight of it, your FAR will froze.

Doesn't make sense. Morocco doesn't have T-90s :sarcastic:

In 73, Sharon brigade was destroyed when he faced the 8th Algerian BB and her T55's, he barely escaped with his life along with 3 of his aides. 700 of the best Israelis troops were lost along with a mixture of sherman and M60 tanks that equip Morocco, Egypt and Turkey.

This is from Israeli Archives & Wikipedia (Wikipedia sourced this from an Israeli Book):
Algeria sent a squadron each of MiG-21s and Su-7s to Egypt, which arrived at the front between October 9 and October 11. It also sent an armored brigade of 150 tanks, the advance elements of which began to arrive on October 17, but reached the front only on October 24, too late to participate in the fighting.

The Egyptians also confirmed this themselves, Algerians didn't even see a second of combat against Israel :omghaha:
I knew this beforehand so when i saw you write that, i ,no joke, fell out of my chair laughing.

Hey maybe next you can tell me how the Algerians won World War 1 & 2 by themselves with only 5,000 Soldiers :omghaha:

Wow , we are learning a lot from duffus...Algerian soldiers are not fed with barley bread and a clove of garlic...And those BTR's and APC are a lot better and deadlier than anything you have in your arsenal..They are not made to be used against Morocco, since a slingshot will be more than adequate to keep you on you toes..they are made for a worthy foe..

APC's aren't built to be deadly, they're built to truck Troops to the battle. The Problem is that the ride in the BTRs & APCs Algeria has, will kill/maim you before you even reach the Moroccans.

There have been instances of BTRs catching fire and killing off entire squads. The APC's are hard, uncomfortable & shaky, in consequence an Algerian Soldier in one of those APCs will reach the battle with bruises all over his body and bad neck. Let me use an example, have you ever tried sleeping without a pillow, and when you woke up , you had a serious neck ache? thats how an Algerian Soldier would feel after riding in a BTR for an hour.

First you are incapable..So someone has to do it for you..and second, your pants are kept way below you knees, you are ordered to stay in bebd over position. We saw the FAR, in the so called war games that you hold every year with the US..They come they train among themselves, you watch, take some pictures and you clean after them...that is the scope of your participation.
And just lately, you sent 6 F16 to participate in the coalition, the shut down of the Jordanian pilot, grounded you from fear, and his gruesome death sent them running back home with their tail between the legs..

You're aware that modification means a special armor or new parts. Morocco can easily make those itself, the Full tank? no, Morocco is incapable of building any tank let alone an Moroccan Tank.
Giving a Tank, new armor, new wheels , new whatever? Sure that's easy, most nations (including Algeria) do that Already.

However the US doesn't like other nations modifying US-produced equipment (In the event of an American tank falling into the hands of an enemy , the US wants to know every single weakness & strength rather than look for them
Example: Iraq lost a lot of tanks to the Islamists, but the Americans aren't scared because they know it's weakness)
So Morocco can not modify it.

Moroccans are usually trained in the War games by the US;UK; France & Spain. The Goal is to observe Morocco's field skills as the US seeks Arab Allies in it's wars. A Weak Ally = a Bad Ally.

I don't know, the GCC did the same thing, you may have to talk with them as well.

Where did you hear about one being shot down?
They roam your skies all the time after your kif haulers, how come you haven't shoot any of them...In fact during the 90's they made eastern Morocco , their play ground... No Moroccan helicopter or jet tried to intercept them or shoot them dawn, the only thing you did is making sounds like a startled virgin afraid to loose her cherry.

Azerbaijan shot down 2 Armenian Mil Mi-24s within minutes with RPGs, that's not suppose to happen with "elite" Attack Helicopters.

like the one you own
Morocco has cardboard helicopters?

That's Morocco's losses to the Polisario., you are just mad at their teacher. In a new war , like the one, this coming summer , they will drive you and drawn your @sses in jebel Tarek Detroit...Imagine, they have all the ex Algerian Mig 21 and 23's, all the sam 6s, all the T55 updated with the latest technology money can buy..they will make a tagine out of the FAR:haha::haha::haha:...They will bleed you to death....I am already getting my beer child for the occasion..

Morocco didn't use anti-aircraft missiles against the Polisario, so it's next to impossible for Morocco to shoot down it's own planes. I wish the Polisario the best of luck.

They only have 20,000 Soldiers & Old soviet equipment vs. the 350,000 Strong Western-equipped Moroccan Military.

I'll make a date on my calander to contact you on July 1st to ask when this "war" will start.
Your French is better than mine :o: I can only guess what you're saying as my French isn't really good (only got 75 on my DELF :angel:)

Algeria is aligned with Russia :) , they vote pro-Russia, they support Russia's decisions. As for China, maybe. Algeria has voted Pro-China before, but not consistently.

Actually there's a funny reason for that :sarcastic:

When the Soviet union collapsed, most of the Countries were in serious debt and thinking the cold war was over and they're not enemies anymore, they sold their weapons super super super super cheap.

At one point the Ukraine was selling Tanks worth $5 Million for roughly $400,000-$750,000 each.

Morocco purchased 48 T-72s from Belarus :) for a steal (from what i've heard, i have no personal knowledge of the price of the full military deal, Morocco bought the 48 T-72s and Belarus modified them somehow before giving them to Morocco.)

I don't know, the vast majority of Moroccan troops hail from the cities/urban areas. Do they use Tractors & mules in Cities nowadays? I hope not :sarcastic:

Actually quite the opposite, due to stricter sentences & a professional police unit specializing in Child's affairs, Child abuse has decreased substantially, there are only 150,000 Moroccans in the GCC , Only 10-20% of whom are maids.

Moroccan Economy is growing thanks to Tourism, however it has taken a serious hit because less French want to visit Morocco because 2 Algerians felt the need to attack a Magazine Office & kill 12 people.

Those Wacky Algerians and their crazy shenanigans! am i right? ;)

Naval Cadets aren't soldiers? but then again they must have more training than the Typical Algerian soldier, so they're the algerian equivalent of a Commando?

When was the First?
Ifni War = Morocco captured most of the Ifni before losing it. Spain lost a good portion of it's troops.
Western Sahara = Franco gave it to Morocco rather than risk a 2nd war like the Ifni War
Perejil Island = Spain took a group of Moroccan Naval Cadets prisoner.

That is embarassing.

What's a pedale? I never said Morocco was a EU member (they did try joining the EU in the 80s tho). I don't follow Soccer so i have no idea what a UEFA is.

Thanks, i only speak english :usflag: so i wouldn't understand the other 2 languages.

Actually you got it wrong:
"Morocco is to Spain, an important regional ally and a gateway to doing business with Africa"
"Algeria is to Spain, an failing state & future problem and a gateway to having terrorists cross into Europe"

Doesn't make sense. Morocco doesn't have T-90s :sarcastic:

This is from Israeli Archives & Wikipedia (Wikipedia sourced this from an Israeli Book):
Algeria sent a squadron each of MiG-21s and Su-7s to Egypt, which arrived at the front between October 9 and October 11. It also sent an armored brigade of 150 tanks, the advance elements of which began to arrive on October 17, but reached the front only on October 24, too late to participate in the fighting.

The Egyptians also confirmed this themselves, Algerians didn't even see a second of combat against Israel :omghaha:
I knew this beforehand so when i saw you write that, i ,no joke, fell out of my chair laughing.

Hey maybe next you can tell me how the Algerians won World War 1 & 2 by themselves with only 5,000 Soldiers :omghaha:

APC's aren't built to be deadly, they're built to truck Troops to the battle. The Problem is that the ride in the BTRs & APCs Algeria has, will kill/maim you before you even reach the Moroccans.

There have been instances of BTRs catching fire and killing off entire squads. The APC's are hard, uncomfortable & shaky, in consequence an Algerian Soldier in one of those APCs will reach the battle with bruises all over his body and bad neck. Let me use an example, have you ever tried sleeping without a pillow, and when you woke up , you had a serious neck ache? thats how an Algerian Soldier would feel after riding in a BTR for an hour.

You're aware that modification means a special armor or new parts. Morocco can easily make those itself, the Full tank? no, Morocco is incapable of building any tank let alone an Moroccan Tank.
Giving a Tank, new armor, new wheels , new whatever? Sure that's easy, most nations (including Algeria) do that Already.

However the US doesn't like other nations modifying US-produced equipment (In the event of an American tank falling into the hands of an enemy , the US wants to know every single weakness & strength rather than look for them
Example: Iraq lost a lot of tanks to the Islamists, but the Americans aren't scared because they know it's weakness)
So Morocco can not modify it.

Moroccans are usually trained in the War games by the US;UK; France & Spain. The Goal is to observe Morocco's field skills as the US seeks Arab Allies in it's wars. A Weak Ally = a Bad Ally.

I don't know, the GCC did the same thing, you may have to talk with them as well.

Azerbaijan shot down 2 Armenian Mil Mi-24s within minutes with RPGs, that's not suppose to happen with "elite" Attack Helicopters.

Morocco has cardboard helicopters?

Morocco didn't use anti-aircraft missiles against the Polisario, so it's next to impossible for Morocco to shoot down it's own planes. I wish the Polisario the best of luck.

They only have 20,000 Soldiers & Old soviet equipment vs. the 350,000 Strong Western-equipped Moroccan Military.

I'll make a date on my calander to contact you on July 1st to ask when this "war" will start.
hhhh. does not meet this maîtresse.ceylac. in case of war on Morocco will sweep some day.
Moroccan economy .hhhhh you been in debt and financial crisis. and in war there will be a tourist, so more money. hhhh, and su-30. s-300. Mid-24/28. Submarine. t-90 .algerien. we will do that clogged your miserable army.

you been the mistress of the French. then stopped inflating your little muscle here. everyone knows the Morocco. the nation all the debauchery :sarcastic::sarcastic:
So much hate in this thread, arguing over petty things. Can this thread be locked?

Same people putting down each other.

If I would add my 2 cents:

1. Egypt has always been the strongest Arab army and still is.
2. Syria and Iraq always had the second position. Before the Gulf War I, Iraq was ahead of Syria. Syria giving up its chemical weapons puts her in tough position now.
3. SA (Saudi Arabia) - with the best technology but limited by man power ~45,000 troops. If there were 350,000 Saudi forces, they would have been #1 but at this point, they are hindered by man power.
So much hate in this thread, arguing over petty things. Can this thread be locked?

Same people putting down each other.

If I would add my 2 cents:

1. Egypt has always been the strongest Arab army and still is.
2. Syria and Iraq always had the second position. Before the Gulf War I, Iraq was ahead of Syria. Syria giving up its chemical weapons puts her in tough position now.
3. SA (Saudi Arabia) - with the best technology but limited by man power ~45,000 troops. If there were 350,000 Saudi forces, they would have been #1 but at this point, they are hindered by man power.
100% agree with you. this forum should be closed. .how about the army is an army could not qualify sovereign power? . egypt has the most veillissant material. but I agree with you I will classify the number 1.
it will be renewed military equipment, but be aware that the material is not everything. saudi arabia has the equipment but not know how to use. and the way clearly.
syria has was under embargo, so it's not a fair .l'irak was destroyed or no Arab army can not claim to be the most powerful.

Algeria has experienced a hard Decenie and embargo. aujordhuit she aqcuis an experience, and equipment and are renewed (and continues) of high-tech equipment.
the new Algerian officers are trained in the most prestigious global military school. in terms of sovereignty, no Arab army can say that more sovereign than Algeria. bravery also counts enormously in Algeria and was afraid of anyone and we know how to say NO to American. we always méne our single operation, never asked for help from someone.

and it difficult to classify the Arab army. there are low .because it depends on the abroad. Now if we talk about equipment, saudi arabia and first, if we talk about efficiency and bravery Algeria and first. I am not ruled egypt. but some of these decisions are disappointing.syria and brave but it does not have the equipment that is necessary.

This topic should be closed. it is useless to discuss with someone who is selling their sovereignty and which claims to power.
So much hate in this thread, arguing over petty things. Can this thread be locked?

Same people putting down each other.

If I would add my 2 cents:

1. Egypt has always been the strongest Arab army and still is.
2. Syria and Iraq always had the second position. Before the Gulf War I, Iraq was ahead of Syria. Syria giving up its chemical weapons puts her in tough position now.
3. SA (Saudi Arabia) - with the best technology but limited by man power ~45,000 troops. If there were 350,000 Saudi forces, they would have been #1 but at this point, they are hindered by man power.

What are you talking about my Somalian friend?

KSA having only 45.000 troops?:lol: Did your get your information from the fake wannabe Arab Mullah channel PressTV (PissTV). Seems so with all due respect. In any case it' a complete nonsense number.:lol:

The Saudi Arabian army boost an army of 250.000 men and the SANG an army of 200.000 men today.

Obviously the consensus even in this thread which is otherwise full of trolls is that Egypt, KSA and Algeria are clear top 3 candidates. Everyone else is significantly behind for now. It's not even a contest.

It seems that you live in the early 1980's considering your list.

In such a case I might buy a time machine and go even much further back in history and then KSA would top this list as the successor state of the great Rashidun, Umayyad, Abbasid and Fatimid Caliphates. There would not even be a contest, lol.

Moroccans and Algerians having a go at each other as usual. Pathetic to see brothers fight due to hilarious reasons.:crazy:
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100% agree with you. this forum should be closed. .how about the army is an army could not qualify sovereign power? . egypt has the most veillissant material. but I agree with you I will classify the number 1.
it will be renewed military equipment, but be aware that the material is not everything. saudi arabia has the equipment but not know how to use. and the way clearly.
syria has was under embargo, so it's not a fair .l'irak was destroyed or no Arab army can not claim to be the most powerful.

Algeria has experienced a hard Decenie and embargo. aujordhuit she aqcuis an experience, and equipment and are renewed (and continues) of high-tech equipment.
the new Algerian officers are trained in the most prestigious global military school. in terms of sovereignty, no Arab army can say that more sovereign than Algeria. bravery also counts enormously in Algeria and was afraid of anyone and we know how to say NO to American. we always méne our single operation, never asked for help from someone.

and it difficult to classify the Arab army. there are low .because it depends on the abroad. Now if we talk about equipment, saudi arabia and first, if we talk about efficiency and bravery Algeria and first. I am not ruled egypt. but some of these decisions are disappointing.syria and brave but it does not have the equipment that is necessary.

This topic should be closed. it is useless to discuss with someone who is selling their sovereignty and which claims to power.

WTF so you think that only Algerian army have brave soldiers. HEY DON'T TALK ABOUT THINGS THAT YOU DON'T KNOW SHIT ABOUT.
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WTF so you think that only Algerian army have brave soldiers. HEY DON'T TALK ABOUT THINGS THAT YOU DON'T KNOW SHIT ABOUT.
I did not say that ONLY army. the difference is that Algeria has made the war in trorisme in 90 years with an embargo and economic crisis.
any foreign base in the country was denied. and on and ready to make war anyone.
during the attack on Ain Amenas. the American, Japanese, English, etc .. wanted to have information and it is raising the voice.
you know what Algeria did? . she let them talk. and continued the operation. on our soil is rendered account to anyone.

I have nothing against you. but when I look israel massacred Palestinian. and that Saudi Arabia is said to be a power, and that leaves do. I not use his power. the Saudi army has never done anything to show that it is a brave army. quelqun is always to help.
you have the hardware. but you can not use it freely.

Now I agree with you, not in 80 years and the 3 most powerful Arab army auhjordhuit are Algeria egypt and saudi arabia. and there is no challenge to it.

Now if we talk about sovereignty .l'algerie and most sovereign for 3 country.
The Egyptian army has much more soldier.

and the Saudi army has more high-tech weapons.

but its not necessarily a powerful army. if you can make the war in yemen and you can not do it with israel. I call not the powerful sovereign or military. a powerful sovereign army and an army that can make war anyone around her. This not the case egypt or saudi arabia.
I did not say that ONLY army. the difference is that Algeria has made the war in trorisme in 90 years with an embargo and economic crisis.
any foreign base in the country was denied. and on and ready to make war anyone.
during the attack on Ain Amenas. the American, Japanese, English, etc .. wanted to have information and it is raising the voice.
you know what Algeria did? . she let them talk. and continued the operation. on our soil is rendered account to anyone.

I have nothing against you. but when I look israel massacred Palestinian. and that Saudi Arabia is said to be a power, and that leaves do. I not use his power. the Saudi army has never done anything to show that it is a brave army. quelqun is always to help.
you have the hardware. but you can not use it freely.

Now I agree with you, not in 80 years and the 3 most powerful Arab army auhjordhuit are Algeria egypt and saudi arabia. and there is no challenge to it.

Now if we talk about sovereignty .l'algerie and most sovereign for 3 country.
The Egyptian army has much more soldier.

and the Saudi army has more high-tech weapons.

but its not necessarily a powerful army. if you can make the war in yemen and you can not do it with israel. I call not the powerful sovereign or military. a powerful sovereign army and an army that can make war anyone around her. This not the case egypt or saudi arabia.

And 37 Innocent Foreign Hostages lost their lives because the Algerians are not a capable military force. That's what i've been trying to explain to you.

You don't focus on equipment , you focus on Results.

Egypt has fought several wars and won The War with Libya, The Sinai Campaign against Israel
Saudi Arabia has launched amazingly well-planned Campaigns in Yemen and fought in the Grand Mosque Seizure (with support from France & Pakistan) and won

Algeria never won a war. They lose every single time, Southern Algeria is a war-torn region to the point that there are certain areas where Algerian troops refuse to go , Al-Qaeda has built a relatively strong base there and took over Ain Amenas. The Algerians killed more hostages than the terrorists , However the Algerian Government claimed it was an Accident . I think it's because their commandos are incompetent.

We fought a war in the 90s during an Embargo!!!!
The Algerian Civil War wasn't a real war. It was just Algerian soldiers killing thousands and thousands of innocent civilians. That's not a war , that's genocide (or in this case, Democide)

(Note: Rest in peace to the victims of the Rais & Bentalha massacres, which according to survivors was committed by the Algerian Government)

Not to mention the "Terrorists" you keep talking about, were at max. 20,000 poorly armed Fighters in comparison to Algeria's military of 140,000+. That's like me beating up a 5 year old, then telling everybody i'm an amazing boxer.

Saudi Arabia didn't kill any hostages in the Grand Mosque Seizure and the Terrorists were using them as Human Shields! That's competence.

As For "sovereignty", you don't seem to understand what that word means. If a country (let's say Uruguay) allies with another country (Argentina) this doesn't mean that the smaller country lost it's sovereignty.

It just means that Uruguay sees Argentina as a better friend than other countries. Argentina in exchange sees Uruguay as a friend. Money is exchanged (Argentina gives aid), Weaponry is also exchanged (Argentina manufactures Uruguay's Standard Service Rifle).

Uruguay is sovereign, but it's allied with Argentina.
Egypt is sovereign, but it's allied with the US.
Saudi Arabia is sovereign, but it's allied with the US.
Algeria is sovereign but it's allied with Russia. It follows Russia's policy more than Egypt & Syria ever have. (Ever wondered why the vast majority of Algeria's weaponry is Russian?)

And as for your last foolish stance. Algeria can't make war with anybody. This includes other Algerians.

List of Wars fought by Algeria:
- Algerian War
(vs. France) Disaster, France left due to De Gaulle's coup d'etat. 250,000 dead Algerian fighters in comparison to 25,000 dead French Soldiers.
- Sand War (vs. Morocco) Defeat, Newly independent Algeria didn't have an actual military force and resorted to guerrilla tactics, Moroccans countered this by building a wall made of sand. 300 Dead Algerian soldiers to 40 dead Moroccans.
- Western Sahara War (vs. Morocco) Defeat, Algeria lost in Amgala (400 dead Algerians to 100 dead Moroccans) and
it's proxy the Polisario lost most of Western Sahara.
- Algerian Civil War (vs. Algerian Islamists) Draw, 150,000 total deal. Algeria never defeated the Islamists, but the Islamists also never defeated Algeria. The Islamists still exist but weaker than before.

So Algeria lost 3 wars and brought another war to a draw. That's not decent. that's embarassing.

Hey, maybe next you can tell us how the Algerians are also the largest economy in the world & invented Air & water :)

You know since, we're making up fantasies here ;)
And 37 Innocent Foreign Hostages lost their lives because the Algerians are not a capable military force. That's what i've been trying to explain to you.

You don't focus on equipment , you focus on Results.

Egypt has fought several wars and won The War with Libya, The Sinai Campaign against Israel
Saudi Arabia has launched amazingly well-planned Campaigns in Yemen and fought in the Grand Mosque Seizure (with support from France & Pakistan) and won

Algeria never won a war. They lose every single time, Southern Algeria is a war-torn region to the point that there are certain areas where Algerian troops refuse to go , Al-Qaeda has built a relatively strong base there and took over Ain Amenas. The Algerians killed more hostages than the terrorists , However the Algerian Government claimed it was an Accident . I think it's because their commandos are incompetent.

We fought a war in the 90s during an Embargo!!!!
The Algerian Civil War wasn't a real war. It was just Algerian soldiers killing thousands and thousands of innocent civilians. That's not a war , that's genocide (or in this case, Democide)

(Note: Rest in peace to the victims of the Rais & Bentalha massacres, which according to survivors was committed by the Algerian Government)

Not to mention the "Terrorists" you keep talking about, were at max. 20,000 poorly armed Fighters in comparison to Algeria's military of 140,000+. That's like me beating up a 5 year old, then telling everybody i'm an amazing boxer.

Saudi Arabia didn't kill any hostages in the Grand Mosque Seizure and the Terrorists were using them as Human Shields! That's competence.

As For "sovereignty", you don't seem to understand what that word means. If a country (let's say Uruguay) allies with another country (Argentina) this doesn't mean that the smaller country lost it's sovereignty.

It just means that Uruguay sees Argentina as a better friend than other countries. Argentina in exchange sees Uruguay as a friend. Money is exchanged (Argentina gives aid), Weaponry is also exchanged (Argentina manufactures Uruguay's Standard Service Rifle).

Uruguay is sovereign, but it's allied with Argentina.
Egypt is sovereign, but it's allied with the US.
Saudi Arabia is sovereign, but it's allied with the US.
Algeria is sovereign but it's allied with Russia. It follows Russia's policy more than Egypt & Syria ever have. (Ever wondered why the vast majority of Algeria's weaponry is Russian?)

And as for your last foolish stance. Algeria can't make war with anybody. This includes other Algerians.

List of Wars fought by Algeria:
- Algerian War
(vs. France) Disaster, France left due to De Gaulle's coup d'etat. 250,000 dead Algerian fighters in comparison to 25,000 dead French Soldiers.
- Sand War (vs. Morocco) Defeat, Newly independent Algeria didn't have an actual military force and resorted to guerrilla tactics, Moroccans countered this by building a wall made of sand. 300 Dead Algerian soldiers to 40 dead Moroccans.
- Western Sahara War (vs. Morocco) Defeat, Algeria lost in Amgala (400 dead Algerians to 100 dead Moroccans) and
it's proxy the Polisario lost most of Western Sahara.
- Algerian Civil War (vs. Algerian Islamists) Draw, 150,000 total deal. Algeria never defeated the Islamists, but the Islamists also never defeated Algeria. The Islamists still exist but weaker than before.

So Algeria lost 3 wars and brought another war to a draw. That's not decent. that's embarassing.

Hey, maybe next you can tell us how the Algerians are also the largest economy in the world & invented Air & water :)

You know since, we're making up fantasies here ;)
hhh. one sees hatred and jealousy of Morocco. So you selons a hostage there no death? . hhhh. the Algerian army to save more than 800 otage.dans a gas site .and face 40 teroriste well equip and army. nothing to do with the morsqué and 7 asaillant.
yemen? lool. yet it is the Houthis who were pri power. Moroccan's are really mistress. sell it to the highest bidder. they want to please the Saudi and Egyptian member in the forum, just to have ally :) no dignity and no franchisent a good host that takes what it takes to please the other :)

Algerians commondos are far more powerful than the Moroccan dancer .l'espagne has humiliate your soldier and you said nothing. hhhh.

why are you talking about sinai which was a fiasco, all the Arab army has lost out on israel.
Moroccan's are big liars apparently. there is no basis for al Qaida in southern Algeria.

it's your king and your hobo army is massacred the people of Western Sahara, which is not ... to oppose spain réelement colonizing your land.
Morocco has gives the one who can protect the little mistress :) :)

am no liars, teroriste was over 50 000 in the year 90 and Algeria was alone with an economic crisis, and we won,

I know you hurt her you was jealous because you telement been unable to. :)

hhhhh. the sovereignty is not accepted the order of the other country. Morocco are the slave of France and American. anything that requires you vousle done. because you been unable to take you. the Western Sahara was not settle because Morocco has sold this teritoire France and the amricain, and the bottom is of interest. while Algeria manages this any single folder.

War of the list led by Algeria. hhhhhh.
the frane nothing given. ona won the war by the weapon, more than 27,000 French soldier killed. and 1.5 million Algerian civil .wal7amdoulilah massacred. blad chouhada.

the 8th BB, made major damage to israel. TERRORISM and has never won in Algeria. or he wins in the other countries.

hhhhhh. Amgala ???? hhhh, the battle he Amgala yen them 2. Moroccan encircle it called Algerian who supply the Saharawi party. there are 120 other Algerians captured and 20 killed.

President Boumedienne mount a military operation and that Amgala 2. the Algerian special forces were passing the Moroccan defense knife .and it has 300 Moroccan soldier is killed (from the rain during someil) and it is made 250 prisoner. hhhhhh.

the Morocco throughout history are merely betrayal and he sold his land abroad. while the brave fought against imperialist. Morocco has the colabore permetre for the colonizer to take teritoire. Moreover abdelkrim khattabi has was betrayed by the King of Morocco, and he gave his land spain. the corp khattabi not ENTERE in Morocco, the king refused. , What shame.

Algeria won the war and all perfectly fulfilled its mission during the Arab israeli war.

Morocco has lost the war and those that wind at American and French, and the monarchy of golf to stay alive. hhhhhh

it is you who claim to be the best while you been :) That a good mistress continue to fantasize, you shook still low, and jealous of the great Algeria.

mistress;) ...
hhh. one sees hatred and jealousy of Morocco. So you selons a hostage there no death? . hhhh. the Algerian army to save more than 800 otage.dans a gas site .and face 40 teroriste well equip and army. nothing to do with the morsqué and 7 asaillant.
yemen? lool. yet it is the Houthis who were pri power. Moroccan's are really mistress. sell it to the highest bidder. they want to please the Saudi and Egyptian member in the forum, just to have ally :) no dignity and no franchisent a good host that takes what it takes to please the other :)

Algerians commondos are far more powerful than the Moroccan dancer .l'espagne has humiliate your soldier and you said nothing. hhhh.

why are you talking about sinai which was a fiasco, all the Arab army has lost out on israel.
Moroccan's are big liars apparently. there is no basis for al Qaida in southern Algeria.

it's your king and your hobo army is massacred the people of Western Sahara, which is not ... to oppose spain réelement colonizing your land.
Morocco has gives the one who can protect the little mistress :) :)

am no liars, teroriste was over 50 000 in the year 90 and Algeria was alone with an economic crisis, and we won,

I know you hurt her you was jealous because you telement been unable to. :)

hhhhh. the sovereignty is not accepted the order of the other country. Morocco are the slave of France and American. anything that requires you vousle done. because you been unable to take you. the Western Sahara was not settle because Morocco has sold this teritoire France and the amricain, and the bottom is of interest. while Algeria manages this any single folder.

War of the list led by Algeria. hhhhhh.
the frane nothing given. ona won the war by the weapon, more than 27,000 French soldier killed. and 1.5 million Algerian civil .wal7amdoulilah massacred. blad chouhada.

the 8th BB, made major damage to israel. TERRORISM and has never won in Algeria. or he wins in the other countries.

hhhhhh. Amgala ???? hhhh, the battle he Amgala yen them 2. Moroccan encircle it called Algerian who supply the Saharawi party. there are 120 other Algerians captured and 20 killed.

President Boumedienne mount a military operation and that Amgala 2. the Algerian special forces were passing the Moroccan defense knife .and it has 300 Moroccan soldier is killed (from the rain during someil) and it is made 250 prisoner. hhhhhh.

the Morocco throughout history are merely betrayal and he sold his land abroad. while the brave fought against imperialist. Morocco has the colabore permetre for the colonizer to take teritoire. Moreover abdelkrim khattabi has was betrayed by the King of Morocco, and he gave his land spain. the corp khattabi not ENTERE in Morocco, the king refused. , What shame.

Algeria won the war and all perfectly fulfilled its mission during the Arab israeli war.

Morocco has lost the war and those that wind at American and French, and the monarchy of golf to stay alive. hhhhhh

it is you who claim to be the best while you been :) That a good mistress continue to fantasize, you shook still low, and jealous of the great Algeria.

mistress;) ...

Moroccan Jealousy? I'm not Moroccan (my parents do come from Morocco tho) nor am i an arab. I'm Riffian (i've said this before at least twice)
I just dislike it when people live in fantasy worlds and refuse to accept reality.

Why would i want to please the Saudis or the Egyptians? I'm actually anti-wahhabi, which is the core of Saudi Values.
As for Egypt, eh, i'm neutral.

Algeria doesn't have competent Commandos, rather than dance around the issue, why not explain it.

if Algerian Commandos are so strong, why did they kill 37 hostages?

Egypt re-captured the Sinai by October 7th, but against the wishes of the Egyptian Military, Sadat ordered an invasion of Israel proper. The Israelis now fighting in their home, were able to defeat the Egyptians.

I'll say it again i guess:
Jund Al-Khilafah (ex Al-Qaeda) ; MOJWA (Mouvement pour l'Unicité et le Jihad en Afrique de l'Ouest) ; Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM)

3 of countless Islamist Groups in Southern Algeria.

Actually it's been confirmed countless times that the Polisaro/Algeria killed more Saharans than Morocco :rofl:
In Fact, recently Human Rights Organizations are critizing the Polisario for their abuse of the Saharans in tindouf.

Regardless of any Genocide or not, The Algerians lost the war , France won. But De Gaulle didn't want a large arab population in France so he gave algeria independence (It should be obvious to you that he was racist)

I Didn't understand a single world that you wrote but brief phrases here and there.

Morocco has won all of it's wars, except the Ifni War since Independence.
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