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SAARC Countries Bypass Pakistan to Sign Sub-Regional Motor Vehicle Agreement

You must be joking. As if Pakistan is on losing side. Pakistan will get revenues from the routes. Much needed dollars for development for nation. Blind hatred must be kept at bay when economics is discussed.

Peanuts arent worth risking national interests....
India will want to prevent Pakistan from any sort of trade with any neighbor or in short any activity which can promote economic growth of Pakistan
India want to prevent Pakistan?? Its other way around. Pakistan stalled these agreements at first place but then India and other SAARC nations bypassed you. Why would we care for you if you yourself dont want trade agreements with other nations?
Pakistan stalls inking of SAARC connectivity agreements initiated by India
Peanuts arent worth risking national interests....
"Pakistan has a low tax/GDP ratio, which it is trying to improve. The current tax-to-GDP ration is estimated to be between 8%–9% which is far below developing other countries of the region such as India (15%) and Sri Lanka (18%). Recently, Pakistan's coalition government proposed the idea of imposing a Reformed General Sales tax which was modelled along the lines of VAT. However, with the war on terror having engulfed Pakistan's economy, the politically unpopular bill was not approved in the senate/parliament and has afforded some respite to the people of Pakistan who are already suffering from a stagnant economy and rampant inflation" - According to Wikipedia

Now imagine filling this gap with taxes generated from allowing land access, Do think about it from economics perspective, not from defence perspective.
India want to prevent Pakistan?? Its other way around. Pakistan stalled these agreements at first place but then India and other SAARC nations bypassed you. Why would we care for you if you yourself dont want trade agreements with other nations?
Pakistan stalls inking of SAARC connectivity agreements initiated by India

There is no benefit for us to sign that... we have good relations with Nepal n Bhutan... but than again... our economic cooperation n their markets are not lucrative (as pointed out by another member).... For Bangladesh n Sri Lanka... why would we use indian route to reach them? shipping or sea route is much more shorter,safer and more economically viable for Pak than land route through india...

In short Pak gets nothing.. so why should we sign such an agreement?
There is no benefit for us to sign that... we have good relations with Nepal n Bhutan... but than again... our economic cooperation n their markets are not lucrative (as pointed out by another member).... For Bangladesh n Sri Lanka... why would we use indian route to reach them? shipping or sea route is much more shorter,safer and more economically viable for Pak than land route through india...

In short Pak gets nothing.. so why should we sign such an agreement?

No, land route is better, espcecially for Bangladesh.
Big Deal !
Pakistan loses access to markets in Nepal and Bhutan..
Bhutan has a huge population of about 800,000 !
pretty much yes..if you look at other factors.... besides the only major benefactor of such an agreement is india.. so why bother.
no, a goods train through India into Bangladesh will be quicker, there are also cost benefits to ship via road transport cutting through India.
Pakistan should pull out of SAARC.

India will never allow Pakistan to have greater ties with the rest of the South asia/
this is not SAARC thing its a SASEC group which is different. Also Srilanka is not part of this initiative since its just 4 countries which are signing who are widely accepted as indian client states......

@Horus please correct the title.
pretty much yes..if you look at other factors.... besides the only major benefactor of such an agreement is india.. so why bother.
Such an agreement does not affect India much but Nepal, Bhutan,Bangladesh and Srilanka would be the biggest beneficiaries as India will allow them surface transit. The biggest sufferer will be Afghanistan.
Pakistan should pull out of SAARC.

India will never allow Pakistan to have greater ties with the rest of the South asia/

I would second that for the sake of SAARC. Let Pakistan join the Arab League.:woot:
I don't know how, but for a think tank you are ridiculously ill informed.

Chabahar is not just for Afghanistan. It is a catch all port that India is building that will consolidate India's trade with not just Afghanistan but the entire Central Asian region upto Turkey.
Narendra Modi government puts Iran's Chabahar port work on fast track - Economic Times

And even if I limit my conversation to Afghanistan, Chabahar provides Afghanistan will a second route to sea. Till now Afghanistan was totally dependent on Pakistan for its needs, now with Chabahar, Afghanistan will have a second route and it will serve to undercut Afghan dependence on Pakistan and consequently Pakistan's influence on the ability to shape Afghanistan.

Iran has already declared Chabahar zone as a tax free, free trade industrial zone. It will be a confluence for entire South Asia trading with Central Asia. Iran is connecting it with multi-billion dollar trans-central asian highway and rail network that is being built there.

And lastly, Indian companies have already notified their interest to Iran in investing in the Chabahar region to take benefit of tax and produce and export from there.

I agree with your view in that Pakistan should move out of SAARC. It is nothing but dead weight that pulls SAARC down.

Thats true.

Both Iran and India be benifited tremendously through Chabahar, if port is used rightly.
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