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SAARC Countries Bypass Pakistan to Sign Sub-Regional Motor Vehicle Agreement

First of all,Iran is only connected to Turkmenistan in Central asia and Turkeministan already has other mean of access trade and having only a population of just 5Million.So the trade potential even by 3015 is less than 5Billion dollars.

Should i laugh?do you know that even prior to Chabahar,Afghanistan still had 30% of its trade supply through iran and is still having upto 30% of its trade supplies through iran from ports other than chabahar.

On the other hand,we have already secured Tajikistan as a potential for trade through Pakistan and have offered it to uzbekistan aswell and the rest of south asia.

Sign board on karakoram highway in tajik language



So you had trade with iran already from other ports and Afghanistan and even central asia potential trade with india in the next 50 years won't be more than 10Billion dollars.

Afghanistan 1/3rd of export is to Pakistan and 1/3rd of import agains is from Pakistan
I don't understand why certain members are under the impression that Chabahar is the only Iranian port. Chabahar is hardly 300+ miles closer then Bandar Abbas, Iran's busiest port.
Not only Pakistan provide the route to energy but also Pakistan economic growth has picked up as per all neutral reports(worldbank,imf,adb),So it is inevitable that Pakistan will be a major economy in the region.

Pakistan cannot be ignored in the region.

Well ofcourse Pakistan cannot give up its western neighbors and region.We have to go on with our friends in the gulf and further promote our trade with Central asia

Infact Pakistan can also provide SAARC member the access to Central asia once the road network on Pakistan side is also competed,as it is completed on the tajikistan side recently

Tajik envoy announces completion of Pakistan-Tajikistan road link | Pakistan Today

Even india contribution in the saarc is zero for the moment.

Pakistan can offer

*200Million people market to SAARC
*route for Gas/Oil pipeline from Iran/Central asia
*Access to Afghanistan
*Access to central asia

An underwater pipeline with Iran is already in negotiation stage .And Chabhar port would act as a main port of SAARC except Pakistan in these region.
I don't understand why certain members are under the impression that Chabahar is the only Iranian port. Chabahar is hardly 300+ miles closer then Bandar Abbas, Iran's busiest port.

Chabahar was only meant to have indian access to Afghanistan.But as Dr Ashraf Ghani made it to President in Afghanistan.The significance is reduced as RAW won't be allowed to work as much as they had done in the past in afghanistan.

*Indian trade with central asia combined(all countries) is less than 400Million dollars
*Iran is only connected with turkmenistan in central asia
*Turkeministan further has border tension with Uzbekistan
*Kazakhstan has alternative route for trade
*tajikistan has already signed trade agreement with pakistan recently,has invested in karakoram highway and is all set to import oil from kuwait through pakistan.
*Afghanistan under Ghani(atleast until 2019) is a pro Pakistan state,and i remember once watching in a program,when a expert said that if Pakistan offer Pakistan a exclusive Afghanistan port in Oramara,it will promote pakistan relation with afghanistan to a new level,with the relation expanding,i think it is very much possible

*Last year India has requested Pakistan to give them land access to Afghanistan and so does karzai last year.

An underwater pipeline with Iran is already in negotiation stage .And Chabhar port would act as a main port of SAARC except Pakistan in these region.

I don't get it,India pulled out from the IPI just because of it being through Pakistan but is happy with TAPI,which again will pass through Pakistan.

anyway good luck with the under sea pipeline,but make sure that it won't pass through Pakistan territorial water
India has signed the agreement with its satellite states, and Pakistan, at-least until now, has not become a satellite state of India. Yes, Pakistan should pull out from SAARC for as far as Pakistan is concerned, its a dysfunctional organization.

And SASEC will now become a thriving organisation.
Chabahar was only meant to have indian access to Afghanistan.But as Dr Ashraf Ghani made it to President in Afghanistan.The significance is reduced as RAW won't be allowed to work as much as they had done in the past in afghanistan.

*Indian trade with central asia combined(all countries) is less than 400Million dollars
*Iran is only connected with turkmenistan in central asia
*Turkeministan further has border tension with Uzbekistan
*Kazakhstan has alternative route for trade
*tajikistan has already signed trade agreement with pakistan recently,has invested in karakoram highway and is all set to import oil from kuwait through pakistan.
*Afghanistan under Ghani(atleast until 2019) is a pro Pakistan state,and i remember once watching in a program,when a expert said that if Pakistan offer Pakistan a exclusive Afghanistan port in Oramara,it will promote pakistan relation with afghanistan to a new level,with the relation expanding,i think it is very much possible

*Last year India has requested Pakistan to give them land access to Afghanistan and so does karzai last year.

I don't get it,India pulled out from the IPI just because of it being through Pakistan but is happy with TAPI,which again will pass through Pakistan.

anyway good luck with the under sea pipeline,but make sure that it won't pass through Pakistan territorial water

No its not.

Chabahar was only meant to have indian access to Afghanistan.But as Dr Ashraf Ghani made it to President in Afghanistan.The significance is reduced as RAW won't be allowed to work as much as they had done in the past in afghanistan.

*Indian trade with central asia combined(all countries) is less than 400Million dollars
*Iran is only connected with turkmenistan in central asia
*Turkeministan further has border tension with Uzbekistan
*Kazakhstan has alternative route for trade
*tajikistan has already signed trade agreement with pakistan recently,has invested in karakoram highway and is all set to import oil from kuwait through pakistan.
*Afghanistan under Ghani(atleast until 2019) is a pro Pakistan state,and i remember once watching in a program,when a expert said that if Pakistan offer Pakistan a exclusive Afghanistan port in Oramara,it will promote pakistan relation with afghanistan to a new level,with the relation expanding,i think it is very much possible

*Last year India has requested Pakistan to give them land access to Afghanistan and so does karzai last year.

I don't get it,India pulled out from the IPI just because of it being through Pakistan but is happy with TAPI,which again will pass through Pakistan.

anyway good luck with the under sea pipeline,but make sure that it won't pass through Pakistan territorial water

Entire SAARC will connect with Chabhar Port.We will extend our trade route to Europe andRussia through Chabhar and it is a joint project with Iran and Afghanistan . You know the number of Indian Consulates in Afghanistan. ;)
.Ghani is also a friend of us .He cant provoke India.He is not that stupid .
Pakistan should pull out of SAARC.

India will never allow Pakistan to have greater ties with the rest of the South asia/

Take this with a pinch of salt. The REAL deal was Pakistan allowing C Asian transit to Bharat. :D

There is nothing in Pakistan for it. This project offers nothing to Pakistan but gives everything to Bharat. C.Asia is potentially a $100 billion market, why should we let an enemy have access to it ?

We can live without cheaper Bangali rice and trade with Nepal and Bhutan, that can't be said about India vis a vis C.Asia. Let them build the elusive Chahbahar and add an extra 3000km to the transit :enjoy:
Take this with a pinch of salt. The REAL deal was Pakistan allowing C Asian transit to Bharat. :D

There is nothing in Pakistan for it. This project offers nothing to Pakistan but gives everything to Bharat. C.Asia is potentially a $100 billion market, why should we let an enemy have access to it ?

We can live without cheaper Bangali rice and trade with Nepal and Bhutan, that can't be said about India vis a vis C.Asia. Let them build the elusive Chahbahar and add an extra 3000km to the transit :enjoy:
I think 3000km is worth 100 billion $ :partay:
Take this with a pinch of salt. The REAL deal was Pakistan allowing C Asian transit to Bharat. :D

There is nothing in Pakistan for it. This project offers nothing to Pakistan but gives everything to Bharat. C.Asia is potentially a $100 billion market, why should we let an enemy have access to it ?

We can live without cheaper Bangali rice and trade with Nepal and Bhutan, that can't be said about India vis a vis C.Asia. Let them build the elusive Chahbahar and add an extra 3000km to the transit :enjoy:

Wait a minute .Your friend told us that CAR dont have that much trade capability because their market is not that developed.And then how can you go for 100 billion$ deal with CAR.
I don't understand why certain members are under the impression that Chabahar is the only Iranian port. Chabahar is hardly 300+ miles closer then Bandar Abbas, Iran's busiest port.

Becasuse that is the port Indian darling "Abdullah" promised to India. But the whole game went up in smoke after the taliban in central Afghanistan and then the Chinese intervention and now Ghani. Like i said to another Indian member, your "best laid plans"... :P

Take this with a pinch of salt. The REAL deal was Pakistan allowing C Asian transit to Bharat. :D

There is nothing in Pakistan for it. This project offers nothing to Pakistan but gives everything to Bharat. C.Asia is potentially a $100 billion market, why should we let an enemy have access to it ?

We can live without cheaper Bangali rice and trade with Nepal and Bhutan, that can't be said about India vis a vis C.Asia. Let them build the elusive Chahbahar and add an extra 3000km to the transit :enjoy:

Exactly, we have a good relationship in terms of trade with Nepal and Bhutan.
Nothing to loose for Pakistan here, Bhutan & Nepal are not lucrative markets - for Bangladesh, Maldev & Sri Lanka we don't need any road transport. :pop:

Anyway congrats to India for adding another country in road link.

For Bd and SL ... sea route is much more suited n shorter.. nepal n bhutan? what are those? :D
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Take this with a pinch of salt. The REAL deal was Pakistan allowing C Asian transit to Bharat. :D

There is nothing in Pakistan for it. This project offers nothing to Pakistan but gives everything to Bharat. C.Asia is potentially a $100 billion market, why should we let an enemy have access to it ?

We can live without cheaper Bangali rice and trade with Nepal and Bhutan, that can't be said about India vis a vis C.Asia. Let them build the elusive Chahbahar and add an extra 3000km to the transit :enjoy:

You must be joking. As if Pakistan is on losing side. Pakistan will get revenues from the routes. Much needed dollars for development for nation. Blind hatred must be kept at bay when economics is discussed.
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