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SAARC Countries Bypass Pakistan to Sign Sub-Regional Motor Vehicle Agreement

Pakistan should pull out of SAARC.

India will never allow Pakistan to have greater ties with the rest of the South asia/

pakistan's contribution towards saarc is next to zero. it act as a big obstruction in the way of development of south asia. it will be better if pakistan pulls out of the saarc. we remember when you did not contribute even a penny towards saarc university.
really good news , we must thank our regional partners for this cooperation

a whole regions progress can't be stuck because someones whims & fancies .
That is Pakistan's choice but then the consequences on its trade with other nations of that decision is solely its own doing.

As i said earlier,we will make the trade deal with India and the rest of south asia but for the time being it is not possible as it threaten the Pakistan security.Furthmore,It will ask for land access to Afghanistan,which directly threaten Pakistan trade.
Can be is not the topic of discussion. Pakistan can be the source of the next big scientific discovery that solves cancer...but you can bet you bottom dollar that it will not be.

Bangladesh and Sri Lanka have gone ahead and doing a lot of trade agreements without Pakistan. Bangladesh wants no relations with Pakistan and Pakistan has steadily declining relations with Sri Lanka(SL expelled your diplomat, deported Pakistani refugees and removed Pakistan from Visa-on-arrival list)

I don't know what parameters Pakistanis decide 'true friends'. Clearly, Pakistan does not benefit SAARC and Pakistan feels happy in just being an outpost for Arab countries in South Asia.

Not only Pakistan provide the route to energy but also Pakistan economic growth has picked up as per all neutral reports(worldbank,imf,adb),So it is inevitable that Pakistan will be a major economy in the region.

Pakistan cannot be ignored in the region.

Well ofcourse Pakistan cannot give up its western neighbors and region.We have to go on with our friends in the gulf and further promote our trade with Central asia

Infact Pakistan can also provide SAARC member the access to Central asia once the road network on Pakistan side is also competed,as it is completed on the tajikistan side recently

Tajik envoy announces completion of Pakistan-Tajikistan road link | Pakistan Today

pakistan's contribution towards saarc is next to zero. it act as a big obstruction in the way of development of south asia. it will be better if pakistan pulls out of the saarc. we remember when you did not contribute even a penny towards saarc university.

Even india contribution in the saarc is zero for the moment.

Pakistan can offer

*200Million people market to SAARC
*route for Gas/Oil pipeline from Iran/Central asia
*Access to Afghanistan
*Access to central asia
Not only Pakistan provide the route to energy but also Pakistan economic growth has picked up as per all neutral reports(worldbank,imf,adb),So it is inevitable that Pakistan will be a major economy in the region.

Pakistan cannot be ignored in the region.

Well ofcourse Pakistan cannot give up its western neighbors and region.We have to go on with our friends in the gulf and further promote our trade with Central asia

Infact Pakistan can also provide SAARC member the access to Central asia once the road network on Pakistan side is also competed,as it is completed on the tajikistan side recently

Tajik envoy announces completion of Pakistan-Tajikistan road link | Pakistan Today

Even india contribution in the saarc is zero for the moment.

Pakistan can offer

*200Million people market to SAARC
*route for Gas/Oil pipeline from Iran/Central asia
*Access to Afghanistan
*Access to central asia
Even USA can offer a market to SAARC. You don't need to be a member state to offer a market. All SAARC States trade with the world.

Pakistan will never be a route for gas or oil from Central Asia for SAARC. Stop quoting fantasy. Its a lot like the next big scientific discovery coming from Pakistan..sure it can happen, but in reality it will never happen.

And as far access to Central Asia is concerned, SAARC has increasing access to Central Asia using Iran. With the Iranian ports developing including Chabahar coming online, we have already started trading with Central Asia using Iran.

And what Pakistan actually does give to SAARC is the biggest route for drug shipments, Islamic jihad and instability. And thats not all, it blocks regional integration and development proposals. Pakistan also stopped paying for the SAARC university after agreeing to it.

Its better for Pakistan to leave SAARC and look to join GCC. Its already acts just an outpost of Arabs in South Asia contributing nothing positive to our region.
Not only Pakistan provide the route to energy but also Pakistan economic growth has picked up as per all neutral reports(worldbank,imf,adb),So it is inevitable that Pakistan will be a major economy in the region.

Pakistan cannot be ignored in the region.

Well ofcourse Pakistan cannot give up its western neighbors and region.We have to go on with our friends in the gulf and further promote our trade with Central asia

Infact Pakistan can also provide SAARC member the access to Central asia once the road network on Pakistan side is also competed,as it is completed on the tajikistan side recently

Tajik envoy announces completion of Pakistan-Tajikistan road link | Pakistan Today

Even india contribution in the saarc is zero for the moment.

Pakistan can offer

*200Million people market to SAARC
*route for Gas/Oil pipeline from Iran/Central asia
*Access to Afghanistan
*Access to central asia
India will get the central Asian market through Chahbahar
And barring Nepal and Bhutan.....all other economies will surpass Pakistan soon.....so Pakistan is being a major player is crap

How does not signing the deal help Pakistan
Pakistan would have got the transit money and the Bangladesh and Sri Lankan market
India would have got Afghanistan and other markets
You guys are isolating yourself from ROW
Not only Pakistan provide the route to energy but also Pakistan economic growth has picked up as per all neutral reports(worldbank,imf,adb),So it is inevitable that Pakistan will be a major economy in the region.

Pakistan cannot be ignored in the region.

You have gone wrong on the very basics.

Libya & Nigeria have everything a nation could want for a strong economy - Oil.

They are in tatters because they could not control themselves internally.

Pakistan is in the same situation. Sans oil, all that Pakistan has is to offer itself for transit. It did the same to the US for transit into Af, took the money and see where it is .

Until Pakistan becomes a stable nation in sync with the world it shall continue to be on the brink . Remember the world does not wait , another canal next to the Panama canal is being contemplated , things will change in the region too with or without Pakistan.

The world will not wait for Pakistan to improve, Pakistan has to improve to catch up with the world. Given how far Pakistan has gone down the road a U Turn appears impossible at least for now.

Enough of this victim card, after Abbotabad it carries no weight.
You have gone wrong on the very basics.

Libya & Nigeria have everything a nation could want for a strong economy - Oil.

They are in tatters because they could not control themselves internally.

Pakistan is in the same situation. Sans oil, all that Pakistan has is to offer itself for transit. It did the same to the US for transit into Af, took the money and see where it is .

Until Pakistan becomes a stable nation in sync with the world it shall continue to be on the brink . Remember the world does not wait , another canal next to the Panama canal is being contemplated , things will change in the region too with or without Pakistan.

The world will not wait for Pakistan to improve, Pakistan has to improve to catch up with the world. Given how far Pakistan has gone down the road a U Turn appears impossible at least for now.

Nigeria under any standard is better than india especially per capita income and even growth now.Nigeria is already considered to be the 11th biggest GDP by 2050.

Pakistan is already close to breaching 5% mark.Stability will further push Pakistan growth and we are working our best on security issues.

And is the reason each year,passing we are heading toward further stability,ofcourse decreasing the terrorism is a gradual process and will take atleast 3 more years for Pakistan

Fatalities in Terrorist Violence in Pakistan 2003-2015

India will get the central Asian market through Chahbahar
And barring Nepal and Bhutan.....all other economies will surpass Pakistan soon.....so Pakistan is being a major player is crap

How does not signing the deal help Pakistan
Pakistan would have got the transit money and the Bangladesh and Sri Lankan market
India would have got Afghanistan and other markets
You guys are isolating yourself from ROW

Chabhar is a dead project,and is the reason both india and afghanistan are constantly making pakistan to allow land access to each other.

India wanted to get access to Afghanistan to further fuel anti Pakistanism in Afghanistan but in the end they got Dr Ashraf ghani,i reallly doubt india will still continue with this project with the speed they would have wanted it under Abdullah x2.

Tell me which country do you think will surpass Pakistan except india in south asia?
Nigeria under any standard is better than india especially per capita income and even growth now.Nigeria is already considered to be the 11th biggest GDP by 2050.

Pakistan is already close to breaching 5% mark.Stability will further push Pakistan growth and we are working our best on security issues.

And is the reason each year,passing we are heading toward further stability,ofcourse decreasing the terrorism is a gradual process and will take atleast 3 more years for Pakistan

Fatalities in Terrorist Violence in Pakistan 2003-2015

India is not the subject or example here.

The ' best ' you are working on security issues is not good enough because those who are ' working ' on it are a part of the problem as they have been infiltrated by the Mullahs.

If after 3 years terrorism stats ' decreasing' only then its 3 years too late.

The nation is neither safe nor stable with multiple power centers.

Any - your nation - Good luck
Even USA can offer a market to SAARC. You don't need to be a member state to offer a market. All SAARC States trade with the world.

Pakistan will never be a route for gas or oil from Central Asia for SAARC. Stop quoting fantasy. Its a lot like the next big scientific discovery coming from Pakistan..sure it can happen, but in reality it will never happen.

And as far access to Central Asia is concerned, SAARC has increasing access to Central Asia using Iran. With the Iranian ports developing including Chabahar coming online, we have already started trading with Central Asia using Iran.

And what Pakistan actually does give to SAARC is the biggest route for drug shipments, Islamic jihad and instability. And thats not all, it blocks regional integration and development proposals. Pakistan also stopped paying for the SAARC university after agreeing to it.

Its better for Pakistan to leave SAARC and look to join GCC. Its already acts just an outpost of Arabs in South Asia contributing nothing positive to our region.

Chabahar is a dead project as explained above,The Govt in Afghanistan today is more Pakistan friendly compared to India.Beside the central asian market apart from energy needs is not significant considering the very small population and economies.

We won't join GCC,it is exclusively only for Gulf countries.Yes,i would want a Pakistan,iran,afghanistan,central asia and turkey group.

Though i still agree that we should pull out of saarc

India is not the subject or example here.

The ' best ' you are working on security issues is not good enough because those who are ' working ' on it are a part of the problem as they have been infiltrated by the Mullahs.

If after 3 years terrorism stats ' decreasing' only then its 3 years too late.

The nation is neither safe nor stable with multiple power centers.

Any - your nation - Good luck

We know better how to deal with out problems,if we have reduced the civilian fatalities last year by more than 40%.It means significant work on security issues is already done.

This year expect atleast a 70% decrease in civilian fatalities.

infact Pakistan may not be part of fragile state index top 20 members by 2016
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