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SAARC Countries Bypass Pakistan to Sign Sub-Regional Motor Vehicle Agreement

As I predicted a few months before, India will ease Pakistan out of SAARC. Then Commonwealth. Then FIFA, then UN. Pakistan can join the revisionist powers Russia and China in SCO.
Its about access to market and products. Its about making a choice. Its about not being dependent on any one or group. Its about getting the best price for your products and buying products at the best prices.

Allowing an enemy to have access to a large growing market is not in Pakistan's interests. It will make Modi a hero while we want him to become an economic failure as well as take India down the path of Hindutvatization. Allowing him access while he yaps about 'bullet diplomacy' would make us look weak as well as give him the ability to bring in extra business to create more jobs. That is what we won't do. We will capitalize on the environment of hostility he is creating when TAPI reaches Pakistan. It will remain TAP only just like IP. Pakistan will have access to two pipelines while Modi will be shipping gas in 2017. This is whats needed to knock BJP in the next elections. :cheers:
We will capitalize on the environment of hostility he is creating when TAPI reaches Pakistan. It will remain TAP only just like IP. Pakistan will have access to two pipelines while Modi will be shipping gas in 2017. This is whats needed to knock BJP in the next elections. :cheers:

:lol: There is a reason why there is no pipeline to Pakistan; minus India, no one is interested & Pakistan has no money. There will never be a TAP without the "I".
Pakistan should pull out of SAARC.

India will never allow Pakistan to have greater ties with the rest of the South asia/

Its time for New block and that is SCO and it will give Pakistan a excellent boost in terms of economy. SAARC is hurting Pakistan's interest and we don't have to let this happen.

:lol: There is a reason why there is no pipeline to Pakistan; minus India, no one is interested & Pakistan has no money. There will never be a TAP without the "I".

Leave in good dreams and Pakistan can offer T our port to pay them and plus get our profits + Pakistan economy will be boosted as well. We already offer them refined oil.
Leave in good dreams and Pakistan can offer T our port to pay them and plus get our profits + Pakistan economy will be boosted as well. We already offer them refined oil.

Ok, wake me up when that happens.
How about first providing energy to your own people.

No Electricity.
No Petrol.
No Coal.

But abundant supplyof hot air.

come back when half of your country actually has a god damn electrical connection or food to eat.

This is a game we both can play.
Indians are upset Pakistan didn't fall for there Trap. WTF do we gain from trade with Bangladesh Bhutan or Nepal, Nothing Nada zilch. This Agreement SAARC is designed by India for her and her benefit only. Want a trade agreement come and discuss it on equal grounds for mutual benefits otherwise take a hike no deal.
lolz india played SAARC card to cross pakistani transit . we are not stupid . no we will never sign
Indians are upset Pakistan didn't fall for there Trap. WTF do we gain from trade with Bangladesh Bhutan or Nepal, Nothing Nada zilch. This Agreement SAARC is designed by India for her and her benefit only. Want a trade agreement come and discuss it on equal grounds for mutual benefits otherwise take a hike no deal.
Prove that those 2 things in bold part were not there in SAARC agreement.
This route was very important for access to Pakistan as geographically there are a lot of countries in between India and Pakistan and no road has direct connection and there are no borders shared between two.
So a route from India then to BD and then to Nepal and then from Nepal to Pakistan was India's dream. Its got shattered.

Is it?
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