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Indian Army shot Pakistani officers, after calling flag meeting

93000 soldiers or not but they were very hard working labours coz as a prisoner they were used in the making of Delhi - Mumbai highway for few days and heck we even force our personal bitch Gen. Niyazi to defecate in open.

It does not behove an Indian to talk about making others defecating in the open. Seriously, you guys have a chronic shortage of such amenities. I don't usually take part in these nationalist snarky trade offs but Indian trolls just do not give up.
93000 soldiers or not but they were very hard working labours coz as a prisoner they were used in the making of Delhi - Mumbai highway for few days and heck we even force our personal bitch Gen. Niyazi to defecate in open.

The only thing the Indians can come up with is East Pakistan, but they tend to forget a 1000 years of Muslim domination of Hindus, where their very existence depended on Muslim goodwill and they only reason Hindus are still around is because of Muslim goodwill.
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The only thing the Indians can come up with is East Pakistan, but they tend to forget a 1000 years of Muslim domination of Hindus, where their very existence depended on Muslim goodwill and they only reason Hindus are still around is because of Muslim goodwill towards.

Well it was Muslim domination of Hindus and not Pakistani domination of Indians...you have nothing to be proud in that.

Where as 71 was a Pakistani surrender to Indians.
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Ah a proud pakistani boasting his country's only achievement Toilets which is available to some pakistanis nevertheless its a great achievement for you guys after all one can't expect a descent Motorcycle manufactured in pakistan let alone cryo engine.
. Anyway did you ever heard about a charity called "HASB-I-MAMOOLI" which pakistan got in past in form of COMMODE TOILETS from their Amrikan masters,who is subsidizing toilets in pakistan now i think your pork eating brothers china.

Scientific research has proven that Hindus are inherently dirtier than Muslims. Even in India, Muslims, regardless of income, were 20 percent more likely to use toilets than Hindus. The percentage is much higher in Pakistan partly because of an ingrained sense of modesty among Muslims.

Open defecation solves the child mortality puzzle among Indian Muslims | Ars Technica

What the &uck is Cryo engine? Motorcycle manufacturing in Pakistan is a cottage industry with tens of brands and nearly 1.5 million bikes made every year with 100% percent domestic content.

Well it was Muslim domination of Hindus and not Pakistani domination of Indians...you have nothing to be proud in that.

Where as 71 was a Pakistani surrender to Indians.

That where you are wrong, the 1000 year of history is our heritage not yours. Pakistan and Islam is the same. And we will dominate again. It is just a matter of time.
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That where you are wrong, the 1000 year of history is our heritage not yours. Pakistan and Islam is the same. And we will dominate again. It is just a matter of time.

Your heritage pertains to what came out of your land of Pakistan...which is actually is not much.

Pakistan is neither synonymous with Islam, nor Muslims of the subcontinent.

As far as Pakistan dominating India if ever( forget about again)..with what are you going dominate India?

Your neither have the population or resources or size or even armed strength to dominate India..you are merely surviving from one calamity to another.

As of now your best hope can be, to not to disintegrate further and seize to exist as a nation itself.
[QUOTE="ares, post: 6617472, member: 31664"

As far as Pakistan dominating India if ever( forget about again)..with what are you going dominate India?

Your neither have the population or resources or size or even armed strength to dominate India..you are merely surviving from one calamity to another.

Did the Muslim Invaders ever had the population, resources armed strength to dominate the richer and bigger populations of Hindus, but they always did. You guys have already forgotten the lessons of history. Bigger does not always translate into more power.
the pak rangers are ill equipped they just have basic weaponry they are at least a generation behind the IA and BSF. If the rangers are the ones getting killed in the line of fire the pak military establishment won't give a shit because they only think of them as a paramilitary branch of the army and not officially part of the army just like the NLI in 1999. I thought some weaponary the PA had would trickle down to the rangers.
Did the Muslim Invaders ever had the population, resources armed strength to dominate the richer and bigger populations of Hindus, but they always did. You guys have already forgotten the lessons of history. Bigger does not always translate into more power.

Well yes offcourse they did, as they were not fighting a single consolidated Hindu empire, but small quarrelling Hindu kingdoms...who individually were smaller in resources and strength than the invading army.

But Pakistan does not fight a small kingdom of Punjab or Rajputana or Kashmir..it fights the entire Indian nation of 1.2 billion people...that is why you are always gonna lose against India.
Well yes offcourse they did, as they were not fighting a single consolidated Hindu empire, but small quarrelling Hindu kingdoms.

But Pakistan does not fight a small kingdom of Punjab or Rajputana or Kashmir..it fights the entire Indian nation of 1.2 billion people...that is why you are always gonna lose against India.

This great nation which is the biggest importer of weapons in the world. It cannot build a decent ab-initio trainer aircraft and needs United Nation's help on how to $hit and stay clean. Ultimately we will win because of the same reasons Hindus have always lost because they are blinded by their arrogance and self styled sense of superiority.

UNICEF's 'Poo2Loo' campaign targets open defecation in India with weird games, videos, shitty puns, and a turd mascot | GlobalPost
Not written by me but a very apt description of Indians and the Hindu mindset:

You Indians are really something special. There's an old saying in Texas, "it ain't bragging if you've done it". For years now, I've witnessed an incessant stream of self-idolizing, grandiloquent drivel out of India, such as "India is Shining", "India will be a super power by 2020", "India will overtake China", "Mumbai will be better than Shanghai in five years", "India will host Olympics in 2020", India this, India that, blah blah blah blah blah blah... India sure talks the good talk, but it can't walk the walk. Heck, never mind walking, can India even crawl? Infrastructure can't get built with idle boasts, so all the triumphalist nonsense is sadly beside the point. Thanks to the UN Development Agency's new MPI Poverty Report and various other surveys, we now know that 55% of Indians live BELOW poverty line; 47% of Indian children are malnourished and therefore physically as well as mentally stunted (a percentage higher than Sudan and North Korea!); 20% of Indians go hungry everyday, of whom women suffer disproportionately; 160 million Untouchables are being oppressed by the Caste System and denied the very basic of rights; functional literacy stands at around a pathetic 50%, etc. All the figures add up to India being poorer than most Sub-Saharan African states. Now, here's an idea for you Indians: how about putting a lid on your loud mouths and start doing real work for a change? Put action over words, substance over style, and actual results over marketing gimmicks. If you Indians can do that, you might just catch China by, say, 2150.

Did the Muslim Invaders ever had the population, resources armed strength to dominate the richer and bigger populations of Hindus, but they always did. You guys have already forgotten the lessons of history. Bigger does not always translate into more power.
yes,the only reasons invaders succeeded bcz the kuffars were devided politically and religiously once they become united and conscious ex 8million Israeli's humiliation becomes a norm.Any way plz reply how you are going free your Kashmiri brethren from Hindu subjugation.[/QUOTE]

You have the watches but we have the time and long memories. We have our legacy, you have nothing. Civilizational change does happen overnight it takes decades even centuries. Indians are already on the wrong side of History.

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