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Muslims, Christians sons of Ram, those who don't believe it should leave India: BJP minister

Alas, Muslim priest may have a guts to says that Hindus and Christian are son of allah.
In fact we the 'seculars' are that control, we crticize, protest and force them to remain in control. :D
You are NOT a 'secular' in the Indian sense. You are close to what a secular in the true sense should be. A very rare breed in our country.

But we honestly don't face opposition from anyone actually, except from the Islamist parties. Seculars (and pseudo seculars) write about us(against us :D ) but that's where they stop. They acknowledge our good, bad and the ugly. That's Fair to me. :P
Tipu sultan is loved and respected even by Malayali Muslims,though he mass murdered their own Malayali Hindus and Christian brethrens like rats...Thats the power of ''RELIGION""..It crosses linguistic and ethnical bondings...
But that is not the point here, you said Congress is naming a University to appease 8-10% populace(muslims) of Karnataka and I responded by saying that Congress could have done the same thing in other states where muslims constitute around 8-10% of state populace. And can you also refuse the fact that many Kannada Hindus also revere Tipu Sultan...?
I am not talking about where RSS will spread its wings in future, that time will tell, right now RSS is powerful only in a particular part of the country that you and I both agreed.

And about BJP winning in RSS's strength; how many times BJP managed to be in power in last 67 years? Where was RSS then? Vajpayeeji's government came into power because of the leadership crisis in Delhi and his personal carishma, he was the tallest leader of his time, similarly Modi's government came into power because of the spectacular failure of the previous government and Modi's personal carishma, do you think BJP would have come to power if MMS did well? Then why BJP failed in 2009, what RSS was doing then? Indian democracy is maturing with time and people have learned to punish political parties in elections, you are just over-estimating RSS's political influence in India.

In fact I would say that RSS needs BJP much more than the opposite, and Modi is not going to be a yesman of any organisation, he has strong autoctatic tendencies and once he consolidates his position by delivering good results in the government, RSS will have to dance to his tunes or have to meet the fate of VHP in Gujrat.

Btw, why don't RSS fight the elections on their own, just to have a reality check?

Look carefully at his ID and Emotions used by him. :sarcastic:
You are NOT a 'secular' in the Indian sense. You are close to what a secular in the true sense should be. A very rare breed in our country.

But we honestly don't face opposition from anyone actually, except from the Islamist parties. Seculars (and pseudo seculars) write about us(against us :D ) but that's where they stop. They acknowledge our good, bad and the ugly. That's Fair to me. :P

You know you should immediately join politics. :hitwall:

Btw, is it really your photo in your dp, that photo is not of a civilian I guess! :)
In fact we the 'seculars' are that control, we crticize, protest and force them to remain in control. :D

You seculars are in control of nothing. You were in control of things because the Hindus were busy minding their own business. When the time came and people decided enough is enough, RSS moved in and lot of other entities aligned to the right.

The Brains Behind Modi Sarkar | Tehelka.com

Even if 50% of what is stated here is true, seculars will have their goose cooked forever in this country.

It's me in this dp. :P

What happened to your beard? I thought you said you sported a beard when you were beaten up in Bangalore.
You seculars are in control of nothing. You were in control of things because the Hindus were busy minding their own business. When the time came and people decided enough is enough, RSS moved in and lot of other entities aligned to the right.

The Brains Behind Modi Sarkar | Tehelka.com

Even if 50% of what is stated here is true, seculars will have their goose cooked forever in this country.

What happened to your beard? I thought you said you sported a beard when you were beaten up in Bangalore.
I have one now. :P
Adityanath's diatribe in parliament was orchestrated ,and was requirement of that time. Congress has the gall to sought debate on communal issue ,when it's MLA was busy massacring Sikhs in Saharanpur. That hypocrisy of congress needed to be blown out of water.

Sadhvi's statement was one of unwanted loose statement which should have been avoided.

Justifying.... Right in that way even supporters of Owaisi would give similar explanation why his hate speeches were forced because of certain conditions....
Justifying.... Right in that way even supporters of Owaisi would give similar explanation why his hate speeches were forced because of certain conditions....

Neither Adityanath nor Sadhvi Jyoti threatened anyone. Owaisi on the other hand was issuing genocide threats. Hope, you can make out the difference between these two. It is not in your favor to put up a defense for Owaisi.
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