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Under PM Narendra Modi, Deep Business Ties Are Forged With Israel


Jan 4, 2014
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United States
TEL AVIV: At the UN General Assembly in New York last September, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu set aside time for a critical meeting. But it wasn't President Barack Obama he was keen to see. It was Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

Since Mr Modi came to power in May, ties between Israel and India have been in overdrive, with the two signing a series of defence and technology deals that have underscored their burgeoning commercial and political relationship.

The same month as the UN meeting, Mr Modi's cabinet cleared a long-delayed purchase of Israeli missiles for its navy. In October, India closed a $520 million deal to buy Israeli anti-tank missiles. And last week, a jointly developed aerial defence system passed a major trial, which India called a "milestone".

"There is great momentum in cooperation, on both the defence and economic sides," Naftali Bennett, Israel's economy minister and a member of Netanyahu's inner cabinet, told Reuters.

India is now the largest buyer of Israeli military equipment, while Israel is India's largest customer after Russia. In the first nine months of 2014, bilateral trade reached $3.4 billion, on target for a record this year.

The roots of the Israel relationship go back to 2006, when Mr Modi was Chief Minister of Gujarat and visited the region to explore new ideas in irrigation, an area of Israeli expertise.

Under Mr Modi's predecessor, Manmohan Singh, India kept its relationship with Israel under wraps, in part so as not to upset its Muslim minority, said C. Raja Mohan, head of strategic studies at the Observer Research Foundation in New Delhi.

"Cynics in Israel would point out that Delhi was treating Tel Aviv like a mistress - engage in private but refuse to be seen with in public," said Mr Mohan. "The Modi government is having none of that."

The question is where the relationship goes from here. Strategically, Israel is glad to have a rising Asian power as an ally. But for both the focus is really on business.

Israel Ports Co. is partnering India's Cargo Motors to build a deepwater port in Gujarat, and Israel's TowerJazz is teaming up with India's Jaiprakash Associates and IBM with plans to build a $5.6 billion chip plant near Delhi.

Under PM Narendra Modi, Deep Business Ties Are Forged With Israel
Excellent move. This is why it was important to get a legitimate government after 10 years of occupation.

We need strategic as well as business tries. Heck! I won't be surprised if Netanyahu is our Republic Day guest next year.
"Cynics in Israel would point out that Delhi was treating Tel Aviv like a mistress - engage in private but refuse to be seen with in public," said Mr Mohan.
The cynics in Israel were correct.

The hypocrisy of previous GoI must end. Our relationship with Israel must go beyond the closed door meetings.
But that would disturb our secular fabric :(
Israel is a secular nation.

And anyway this not that Muslims in India has an inherent hatred towards Israel is utterly false, I've seen little to actually prove that any Indians (in large numbers) would react in a particularly serious manner, in fact when the former president of Israel arrived in India a few weeks back where was the outcry? No one gave two hoots!
Hindu fanatics joining with jew fanatics, two enemies of muslims its a natural partnership

Indias muslims should do their utmost to oppose to their best of their abilities

israels threat to AlAqsa is intolerable and its is the duty of Indian muslims as much as any other muslim to oppose israel
Hindu fanatics joining with jew fanatics, two enemies of muslims its a natural partnership

Indias muslims should do their utmost to oppose to their best of their abilities

israels threat to AlAqsa is intolerable and its is the duty of Indian muslims as much as any other muslim to oppose israel
exactly ........Hindu fanatics along with jew fanatics will kick muslim fanatics:lol:
exactly ........Hindu fanatics along with jew fanatics will kick muslim fanatics:lol:

Its a matter of time before muslims outnumber them in their own lands, you csn host all the jews in india then

no one gives a **** about hind-jew relations but its a duty upon all muslims including indian muslims to oppose israeli occupation and oppression

the hindus are free to piss off 200 million muslims in india and antagonise 1.7 billion muslims across the world including 50 plus muslim nations for the sake of 7 million israel of whom almost 2 million are muslim

Of course this won't happen yet,,, but wait for the israeis to make a dumb move and see the geo politics change
Its a matter of time before muslims outnumber them in their own lands, you csn host all the jews in india then

no one gives a **** about hind-jew relations but its a duty upon all muslims including indian muslims to oppose israeli occupation and oppression

the hindus are free to piss off 200 million muslims in india and antagonise 1.7 billion muslims across the world including 50 plus muslim nations for the sake of 7 million israel of whom almost 2 million are muslim

Of course this won't happen yet,,, but wait for the israeis to make a dumb move and see the geo politics change
we are already doing it ......kisne kiya ukhad liya..:lol::lol:
Excellent move. This is why it was important to get a legitimate government after 10 years of occupation.

We need strategic as well as business tries. Heck! I won't be surprised if Netanyahu is our Republic Day guest next year.

it would be Barack Obama.Not sure about that.Perhaps

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