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Sri Lanka snubs India, opens port to Chinese submarine again

In Geo-Politics, what additional leverage does China have that India does not have ?

India single handedly prevented the UN war crimes tribunal from investigating SL. If they had investigated, name of SL would have been mud. Like Cambodia.

View attachment 146641

War crimes: New UN probe puts pressure on Sri Lanka - The Times of India

Do you know where this photo was snapped? It was in the army forward checkpoint after LTTE suicide bomber killed himself during inspection process.
Do you know where this photo was snapped? It was in the army forward checkpoint after LTTE suicide bomber killed himself during inspection process.

Sinhala Nazis, are experts in deception, killing babies, raping / looting Tamils and necrophilia, the evidence is glaring and Lanka in under UN probe
Sinhala Nazis, are experts in deception, killing babies, raping / looting Tamils and necrophilia, the evidence is glaring and Lanka in under UN probe
were you refering to LTTE?
if the evidence are glaring why try to bring fake evidences and get caught..

In Jaffna a former LTTE fellow was arrested with UN forms for war crime witness claim with blank descriptions and just signatures, ID numbers.....
so why try to commit fraud?
Just because I'm Dutch don't mean I don't read. A different viewpoint from yours does not mean ignorance .... you're full of it. I've not said India and SL have been in conflict. In effect, whether or not they have been is irrelevant. Strategic interests are.
well you mentioned india and SL were countries in conflict. That is what your whole argument was based on. I pointed out...

I did not say you are not well read and ignorant, but being a non indian and a non SLn, you making an errorneous statement regarding SL-Ind was understandable, that is what i said.
I will partly agree with you. China does have a certain leverage that we don't and that takes them to places where we won't be able to even with our full effort right now. It will take time.

You as a free country have a right to choose whose help you can take.

All we Indians ask is that if you are true to the non-aligned policy then simply stay neutral in any spats that we and they have or any other two countries have.
My post was not related to the capabilities of each countries. I was saying unlike china, india has an anti SL political group in TN. So India's capability to support us as an asian giant is limited. So china with no such political groups and no any historical conflicts find it easy to stand for us than india.

Actually regarding SL allowing chinese subs, i agree with you. It should not have happened. I hope it will not continue and SL-Ind defene corporation grows
Nonsense. LTTE was declared a Terrorist organization based on that accord. Indo-SL free trade agreement exist under that accord :lol:

That accord is the cornerstone of Indo-SL relationship. That accord is valid until SL makes a public withdrawal from it. Till then SL is bound to act as it has promised to under than agreement and India is bound to act as it has promised to under it.
That is again wrong. India declared LTTE as a terrorist organisation after LTTE killed Rajiv and not after the accord was signed. Get your facts corrected not gud for a self styled foreign policy analyist.

Between i agree with you on one thing, SL should act according to the Indo-Lanka accord and india should reciprocate.
It has nothing to do with China.

SL has breached the Indo-Sri Lanka Accord signed between the two nations in 1987. This is a SERIOUS breech of faith.

It shows SL as a dishonourable nation who does not honour its own words and agreements.

The agreement clearly says that "Trincomalee or any other ports in Sri Lanka will not be made available for military use by any country in a manner prejudicial to India's interests". The agreement also calls upon the two countries to not allow their respective territories to be used for "activities prejudicial to each other's unity, integrity and security".
that is not a breach of SL-Ind agreement. you are poor at interpretations as usual
See a sample

Morality is a forgotten factor in this world . Especially among the 'insecurity' nations (aka) the 'guardians' of the planet
Let me ask a question to the chinese folks here
Has china ever opened the SL's war crimes to SL let alone opposing it ? Or is such acts acceptable in chinese culture ? please enlighten

Morality has never ever been a factor in this world. Morality and so called human rights become a factor only when bullying and intimidating small nations. SL will never support an investigation and nor will her friends support it simply because there is NO sufficient grounds for war crime investigations.

Normal UN practices were ignored and UN investiagtion was initiated in a questionable method.

I will tell you this.

The day UN successfully investigate the following we will think about SL investigation.
nuclear bombs on japan,
US war crimes in vietnam for which there is abundant evidences,
French war crimes in vietnam,
US war crimes in Cambodia and supporting the genocidal Pol Pot and trying to bring him to power in 90s,
US bombing of Laos where 2 million bombs were dropped on that tiny land locked country where school children still die from concealed bombs,
US war crimes in iraq,
US using chemical weapons in iraq due to which infants are deformed from birth
US' theft of a nation in Dieargo garcia where the citizens of this country were abducted and thrown in seychells while US robbed them their land of course with UK support
US's war crimes in Afganistan
US's killing of patrick Lumumba with UK
UK's war crimes in ireland and the investigation on war crimes are still waiting......still waiting for chilcot report for more than a decade
China in tibet,
India's war crimes in Kashmir, Punjab
UK's war crimes in Kenya,etc etc etc...

The day UN grow balls to do these we will think about investigations on killing a terrorist who is responsible for killing thousands of people
I don't see anything wrong on what SL did.Chinese are helping them on a lot of fronts whereas we Indians voted against them in UN by yielding to the pressures of tamilnadu.Srilankan army should have behaved in a humane manner.They shouldn't have killed prabhakarans son .Also hundreds civilian tamilians were killed.
I am not saying SL army acted perfectly. Probably crimes may have been done but it is not at the level depicted by propaganda. Dont get decieved
My comments are simple and direct. Your response is hysterical name calling.

SL is already harming Indian's security interest by allowing berth to chinese submarine who can now snoop in Indian waters and Indian ocean.

You have already harmed Indian interest by setting precedent of allowing berth to chinese vessels.

SL has already harmed Indian interest by indirectly threatening India by this act.

These kind of support to china is pushing Indo-China one step closer to war in the Indian ocean and SL is facilitating this and will be held accountable for this.

Your mindless nonsense about others being influenced by "propaganda" and you along being safe from "propaganda" is laughable.
It is abundantly clear who is being hysterical here.

And no SL has not acted against india and its security. had SL allow this to continue as a trend then you might have a point. The fact is it is not.
The fact that indian authorities are continuing cordial relations with SL and even send its SF for training exercise in SL is itself an example youre alone in your interpretations
Morality has never ever been a factor in this world. Morality and so called human rights become a factor only when bullying and intimidating small nations. SL will never support an investigation and nor will her friends support it simply because there is NO sufficient grounds for war crime investigations.

Normal UN practices were ignored and UN investiagtion was initiated in a questionable method.

I will tell you this.

The day UN successfully investigate the following we will think about SL investigation.
nuclear bombs on japan,
US war crimes in vietnam for which there is abundant evidences,
French war crimes in vietnam,
US war crimes in Cambodia and supporting the genocidal Pol Pot and trying to bring him to power in 90s,
US bombing of Laos where 2 million bombs were dropped on that tiny land locked country where school children still die from concealed bombs,
US war crimes in iraq,
US using chemical weapons in iraq due to which infants are deformed from birth
US' theft of a nation in Dieargo garcia where the citizens of this country were abducted and thrown in seychells while US robbed them their land of course with UK support
US's war crimes in Afganistan
US's killing of patrick Lumumba with UK
UK's war crimes in ireland and the investigation on war crimes are still waiting......still waiting for chilcot report for more than a decade
China in tibet,
India's war crimes in Kashmir, Punjab
UK's war crimes in Kenya,etc etc etc...

The day UN grow balls to do these we will think about investigations on killing a terrorist who is responsible for killing thousands of people
Don't you want to include road accidents , Ebola , cardiac arrests etc to your war crime list . I am very much able to understand that lives get lost in the war ( bombing etc) but what I am questioning is the genocide side of the SL tamil war .just like what fascist hitler did to the Jews . Kill them all !! What does SL get wiping out Tamils from the planet ? Sadistic satisfaction and nothing
well you mentioned india and SL were countries in conflict. That is what your whole argument was based on. I pointed out...

I did not say you are not well read and ignorant, but being a non indian and a non SLn, you making an errorneous statement regarding SL-Ind was understandable, that is what i said.
Uhm,... where?
Don't you want to include road accidents , Ebola , cardiac arrests etc to your war crime list . I am very much able to understand that lives get lost in the war ( bombing etc) but what I am questioning is the genocide side of the SL tamil war .just like what fascist hitler did to the Jews . Kill them all !! What does SL get wiping out Tamils from the planet ? Sadistic satisfaction and nothing

Extermination of Tamils is mandated in the Sinhala Buddhist Chronicle - Mahavamsa. written some 1000 yrs ago by Mahanana , demanding the establishing a pure land of Sinhala Buddhism with no pagan Hindus quite similar to Daesh / IS ideology ..convert, or get raped, killed, or be treated as slaves ..

Sinhalas wiping out Tamils is an on going history of over 10000 yrs

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