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MOHAN BHAGWAT IS RIGHT: India is a 'Hindu' Nation.

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Yeah Mother Teresa was a missionary too and equally fradulent. Read what Christopher Hitchens wrote about her. Last year even a Canadian author exposed her which sent all seculars scurrying to their hideouts.
you are not leaving mother therassa ... pretty much shame..
I think we all agree that the congress party has done a lot of appeasement while claiming secularism, which is why they are charged with being "pseudo secular". The seculars on this thread are batting for real secularism, not the congressi or Mani Shankar Iyer version of it.
People are allergic to the "Indian" Secularism, it has become a synonym with appeasement for them. I guess they want to change the word with something which excite their palate.
Yeah and which Baba built Super Speciality hospitals in India which do surgery free of cost to everyone?Do you even know the Standard of those Hospitals?
SSSIHMS, Bangalore
no man,,i am totally oblivious to medical field:D

yup am moron.. i know about the charity... funnily those amount come from those abrahamic countries, white people... he is not spending anything on his own not even single penny.. i know about luxurious life of him... and the crores which and hid behind the secret wallets.. this is double standard.. the money is from some aliens which is sent to some baba..you guys have no problem when baba spend dollars... but you guys have problem if the same money spent by missionaries. ..

Agreed,all babas whether christian,hindu,sikh or muslim are super chor:devil:
I don't respect all religions
But i do hate all:lol::D:P
I didn't say anything about respecting religions. You don't need to do that. But the country gives equal rights to every person, no matter what religion they follow. That's what secularism is about, not about respecting anything.

You can hate religions, you have a right to do that, just like other people have a right to profess their religions.
yup am moron.. i know about the charity... funnily those amount come from those abrahamic countries, white people... he is not spending anything on his own not even single penny.. i know about luxurious life of him... and the crores which and hid behind the secret wallets.. this is double standard.. the money is from some aliens which is sent to some baba..you guys have no problem when baba spend dollars... but you guys have problem if the same money spent by missionaries. ..
Those white people come seeking to learn about Hinduism.he never asked give me money.Nor did he ask them to convert to Hinduism did he?
Your vatican fears him, so they try maligning his image as much as they can and his devotees include Queens and kings from India to western nations.
Top-ranking politicians including prime ministers,Presidents, Union ministers, governors, chief ministers, filmstars, sportspersons, industrialists and virtually the 'who's who' of the country rank among the high-profile devotees of the Baba.

Luxurious life? He died a bachelor and single handedly changed the face of Rayalaseema ,
he gave free water to drought stricken Rayalaseema and Chennai which none of the state governments were able to do.
and many such charity works even then he never asked anyone to convert.
While your RIce bag missionaries show rice bags to convert gullible tribals,.
That is exactly why we hate your missionaries for.
I didn't say anything about respecting religions. You don't need to do that. But the country gives equal rights to every person, no matter what religion they follow. That's what secularism is about, not about respecting anything.

You can hate religions, you have a right to do that, just like other people have a right to profess their religions.

They have but they cannot dictate whom i marry,why i marry that person or why i want to follow other religion.
Well, as far as I know the history, there were "murti pujaks" in the current Arab country, but NONE now..........there were Parsis in Iran but almost on the verge of EXTINCTION now......there were JEWS dominating the Middle East, but fighting for survival now........AT AROUND THE SAME TIME when Hinduism was there......... STILL it is the Third LARGEST religion in the world.....There must be some INHERENT Strength of this religion (I seriously don't know what it may be) that even 1000 years of Foreign rule couldn't wipe out the Hindus from the surface of Earth......
Ya may have lost Pak, BD or even Afghanistan but How many Christian, Islamic, Buddhist or Jewish nations can CLAIM to be the upcoming Superpowers of this World???

Hello. Wake up. Hinduism only survived because we were too numerous and fought back. But we were on sedatives since Independence with the seculars in the saddle. The Christian missionaries were never as successful during the British era in getting converts as they were under Secularism.

All major superpowers are Christian countries. China is regaining its Buddhist soul and is a superpower.

It's the STRENGTH of taking all along with us that has made this possible............
Mohan Bhagwat says - India is a Hindu Nation, I say, Nation is formed due to it's people, they may or may not be HINDUS. India is for all those people who want to see it a Developed, Powerful & Prospering nation regardless of he being a Hindu, Sikh, Muslim, Christian etc.

That is such a bullshit story. North India was under Sharia in case you forgot history before the Brits came in. The one chance the Muslims got after that and we have 2 Islamic countries carved out of India.

Who claimed India is not for all people? What kind of strawman is this? Did Bhagwat threaten to dispel non-Hindus from India? Does UK being a Christian country means there is no space for other religions there?

60% market share? Poor in maths too? Hindus make up 1 billion of the 7 billion of earth's population.
Those white people come seeking to learn about Hinduism.he never asked give me money.Nor did he ask them to convert to Hinduism did he?
Your vatican fears him, so they try maligning his image as much as they can and his devotees include Queens and kings from India to western nations.
Top-ranking politicians including prime ministers,Presidents, Union ministers, governors, chief ministers, filmstars, sportspersons, industrialists and virtually the 'who's who' of the country rank among the high-profile devotees of the Baba.

Luxurious life? He died a bachelor and single handedly changed the face of Rayalaseema ,
he gave free water to drought stricken Rayalaseema and Chennai which none of the state governments were able to do.
and many such charity works even then he never asked anyone to convert.
While your RIce bag missionaries show rice bags to convert gullible tribals,.
That is exactly why we hate your missionaries for.

Bhai,,,they are doing no charity,,the money is pooled by people only:rolleyes:
Crying?It is you who is crying here, You are trying your best not to let Hindus claim Hindu rasthra why because it suits you when Hindus are not united you can carry on your Missionary activity unhindered.United Hindus will put your Missionary Zealots in your place.That is why shout Secularism.
Secularism is a christian Concept, not applicable to Sanatana Dharama nor india.

Numerous Murders? did you pull that figure out of your ***?There is no case against Puttaparthi Sai Baba,
Say that against him in Rayalaseema and Ananthapur they will burn you there on the spot.
really ... now im in Anantapur vidyuth nagar.. none giving shit about it..

A minute back you said hinduism is secularism. Now it became a christian concept? Make up your mind.

Anyway secularism is necessary only when there are different religions living together. If everybody were christians (or muslims or hindus) with the exact same beliefs, then there would be no need to guarantee equal rights to all irrespective of religion. (And that's what secularism is.)
I talked about the origin of Secularism,
which Religion says all paths lead to god? Except Sanatana Dharma, show me any Abrahamic religion which says all religions are equal?
For them Secularism is needed not for us.
Hello. Wake up. Hinduism only survived because we were too numerous and fought back. But we were on sedatives since Independence with the seculars in the saddle. The Christian missionaries were never as successful during the British era in getting converts as they were under Secularism.

All major superpowers are Christian countries. China is regaining its Buddhist soul and is a superpower.

That is such a bullshit story. North India was under Sharia in case you forgot history before the Brits came in. The one chance the Muslims got after that and we have 2 Islamic countries carved out of India.

Who claimed India is not for all people? What kind of strawman is this? Did Bhagwat threaten to dispel non-Hindus from India? Does UK being a Christian country means there is no space for other religions there?

60% market share? Poor in maths too? Hindus make up 1 billion of the 7 billion of earth's population.

What a tool:crazy:

Real macho sardar calling for help :lol:

And help he got:rofl:
Aap chaddi badal aaye uncle ji??:D
Bhai,,,they are doing no charity,,the money is pooled by people only:rolleyes:
LoL we undertake many villages provide osmosis plants and develop the village,all that money comes out of our pocket.What he did was to show an example of how it can be done.
Why is it not charity?
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